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Everything posted by beckettlion

  1. Cant see much other than an away win (but then no one expected anything from us on Thursday). Ludvig has guested for us a few times, so it may be a marriage of convenience but I dont think he's a replacement similar to Wozniaks capabilities at home. Auty hasn't been scoring too well recently, would love to see a return to form for him. To win this we'll need Klindt flying, Houggard to have a good one and Watt to start scoring again.
  2. An interesting consideration... Would certainly raise a few eyebrows! If (and let's face it, it's a big if!) it were to happen; They'd go elite league. Cov have the know how and Leicester want to be there Friday nights (unless it's fixed). Avoids the Saturday issue without being a school night- no brainier! Havelock (don't think many want to ride for norrie) lesser of two evils. In theory, it'd work, take kk, garrity, houggard, Wozniak, Harris, auty, starke (emalgamating this years teams) and you'd challenge for the league.. Not sure I like the thought of supporting a bees team though
  3. Couldnt agree more. Continued to race on a Saturday this year (and limited the options for team building) so as not to reduce the crowds. Seen an alarming drop in the crowd as the team isnt competitive enough. If there is fixed race nights next year (and we're still in the elite league), I assume more riders will be made available. If we can keep the core of this team and add two heat leaders from the potential influx of riders (and I stress potential!!) we'd have a competitive team. For the first time in my life, Ive struggled to get Leicester City tickets this season- success will draw the crowd. Entertainment will draw the crowds. A team that lines up something like: 1. Smolinski (has said he'd return to England with fixed race nights) 2. Klindt (knows the track, knows the fans, will probably have a low average, goes reasonably well at home) 3. Houggard (has impressed me this year. Not a number 1 but has shown he could be a strong third heat leader) 4. Wozniak (provided his polish clubs allow it, exciting, quick, learning, full of potential, loved by the fans) 5. A gp rider possibly? Someone who might return? Janowski? Zmarzlik? Pawlicki? 6. Auty (our fast track rider of the past 2 years, scores well, exciting, trier- will he still be in the draft next year?) 7. Starke (be impressed if we could keep him, been quality for us this year.. be surprised if he wanted to come back though) That team would probably fit within the averages. Keeps a core of Lions riders that know the track and do their job well. Adds strength and experience. A lot depends on the riders that make themselves available to ride in the UK next year and who everyone else gets, because the Lions do seem to get what no one else wants
  4. Anticipate this being extremely one sided, at least we should have 7 riders trying to at least finish the race
  5. Appreciate that, the bigger gates would be expected for the bigger meetings, but then theyd cost more to run with riders pay and extra staffing. Think its a viable option but would need guarantees from top riders and proper promoting. Wish people would take a look at the approach the Glasgow promotion have taken. Absolute credit to the sport
  6. Some people have suggested a Swedish style league of 7/8 teams racing each other once a week, each team home and away. Whilst it would reduce the fixture list, it might reduce the cost of running the extra meetings (and any further losses incurred by staging those meetings?). It would surely increase the rider availability, with a lot of riders stating that fixed race nights and less meetings would entice them back to british speedway. Leaving only the problem of number of meetings for us fans that want to see more... maybe teams can have a youth/development squad similar to MDL or National League standard as well as the (actually) elite team. This would account for more meetings staged, with less expense (as local lads will be on smaller pay) and developing the future of British speedway (with the bigger teams having more incentive to bring on their own talent). Might not be the easiest thing to do, probably wouldnt be a smooth transition, but with patience and the right people in charge, I feel this could be an effective approach
  7. Ive not heard anyone but yourself make reference to his 'drunken outbursts'. He's always seemed friendly enough to me and whoever has been in attendance with me before. Seen him a tad stressed before, but that's to be expected with the job he was doing. Always came across professional and well mannered, even if I have disagreed with some of the steps he's taken with the club of recent times.
  8. He said he felt rusty after not having been on the bike for a few weeks, give him the benefit of the doubt. Not like he was the only useless Lions rider on display last night. I'll give him a few meetings before I pass judgement
  9. Cant see anything past a massive home win. Be a huge effort for the Lions to get 1 away league point from meetings like this. Expect a huge score from Masters as we failed to get him back at Leicester at the start of the season and that will definitely come back and bite us in the arse
  10. Having watched him trundle round at the back and fail to complete races, I'd say he rode in far too many meetings for Leicester!
  11. I dont want Coventry to shut. I'd rather have Coventry based in Coventry still though, as I really enjoy the meetings between the two sides and enjoy visiting Brandon to support the Lions. I'd never wish for another club to be shut as it would just be another nail in the coffin of our already dying sport...
  12. anyone is an improvement on Ulamek... happy with Watty, should do a decent job hopefully
  13. Well done Shovvy, just confirmed on the Lions twitter that Davey Watt has replaced Ulamek
  14. Following his actions recently, I don't think Ulamek will be a Lion much longer... Anyone got any ideas who might be available to replace him? I wouldn't be surprirsed to see Oostergaard and would rather him than Sebastian at the moment. Could we possibly see the return of Walasek?
  15. David Hemsley has stepped down from his role as promoter of Leicester Speedway. I for one would like to thank him for everything he's done to get the sport back in the city and developing the club to where it is now. He maintains his role as Managing Director and has proposed that his wife Yulia takes over his promoters role until the end of the season.
  16. Think theres a case to be made for your opponents home form actually being the reason youve lost most of your recent meetings. A problem you won't encounter with Leicester
  17. Massive away win is all I can see. Only thing stopping it could be Bjarne returning to Leicester and thinking he's a Lion again so giving about 4% effort. Hopefully Wozniak has a meeting like he did against Swindon and Ulamek becomes a new man
  18. When so many teams are so far under the limit, a rider that would probably be worth a 7+ average in this below standard league would have a team place if he was available and willing.
  19. Wonder if this list would grow significantly with a fixed race night. Woffys said that would interest him, Smolinski said at Cov that was the reason he doesnt race in England (implying he'd come back with a fixed race night).. Its got to be the way forward
  20. Think mr bump is a lions fan mate, wasn't being condescending
  21. We're missing two riders and in that eventuality you are allowed a guest I believe
  22. Another great piece of fixture scheduling leaves us without Wozniak and Ulamek at Kings Lynn due to a Polish championship meeting on Thursday. Freddie Lindgren for Seb and R/R for Wozniak.
  23. Same at most tracks, Leicester just has the reputation for it and then everyone jumps on the bandwagon... It's not rocket science that if you gate, you're more likely to win. It's easier to finish in 1st place if you're there early!
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