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poole keith

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Everything posted by poole keith

  1. around 90% of greyhounds that race in england come from ireland steve,where they are bred,reared and schooled before being sold to england,and ironically the irish breeding is in decline,they have their own problems.there is now only one track open in the capital city dublin,and strong rumours about several provincial tracks closing. as post57 says speedway and greyhounds share a path.the common enemy of both sports has been the developer. the point is rob if stadia uk move their greyhound operation from swindon to oxford do you think they would build a new stadium at swindon solely for swindon robins?? quite honestly theres no chance.however its not certain stadia uk would "get" oxford stadium as i understand there are at least 4 prospective greyhound promoters with their hat in the ring to take it on,and the owners of course are still determined to filll it with houses
  2. if speedway ever returns to oxford it will be an oxford team not a swindon team
  3. the simple reasoning is that both swindon and oxford are or were both principally dog tracks and there are now not enough dogs around to support racing at both tracks(remember around 100 dog tracks have closed in the last 30 yrs) so unfortunately it would be swindon or oxford tragically not both
  4. seen shanes on the grass several times and he is one helluva of motorcyclist,but this season is massive jump for him,once hes sorted a quick engine for wimborne rd he will get a few pts,will get great support at home from the fans.(good to see matt developing young british talent)
  5. might not need to demolish the existing stadium its pretty close to falling down
  6. ive heard hes become president trumps personal advisor,trump being very impressed with many of his posts
  7. the words "free"and "matt ford" dont have a natural affinity wulf,however it will give supporters the opportunity to meet and catch up with starmans views following his absence from the forums
  8. on a speedway forum thats a wind up post of "shovler" proportions
  9. surely viewing figures for togger will be down by more than 20%
  10. to over simplify there were just so many people involved on all sides that didnt have the slightest clue what they were doing
  11. only if you promise to buy several speedway stars,and have a long chat with the seller
  12. what about the other old saying-publish and be sued?
  13. honestly starman for someone who is so easily identifiable walking round selling speedway stars you continually appear to enjoy walking on very thin ice,one day you really are going to upset the wrong person.i am always concerned about the bad name you give poole speedway and its supporters,but im beginning to feel somewhat concerned for you. You do need some help
  14. dont think im clever enough to understand the belle vue thread at the moment doh!!
  15. poole and rye house top two in the league,play-0ffs much more difficult to predict,(its not injuries that necessarily affect the final results, but when the replacement for the injured rider woefully under performs thats what affects it)
  16. could happen at the end of the season?one up one down
  17. most fans would pretty much agree with that post gavan,pretty certain all would at least understand it,why starman believes it requires a sarcastic and meaningless reply is once again bewildering
  18. from a league point of view and the final finishing position of their respective teams its probably irrelevant kk V fred, theyll almost certainly cancel each other out so will all depend on the other team members,not much in that either,poole just pipping it by always having one strong reserve all season
  19. have no problem at all with gavans interpretation of this yrs aussie champs,mostly reasonable assessments, it is a forum some will agree some will disagree.bradys unexpected win last yr probably inflated his true position in world speedway, however i do think he will have a very solid season for poole.young holder is a real talent and who knows what levels he will reach.like several other posters i dont think current aussie form is any more than a rough indicator of how the riders will perform in the prem,like someone else posted we dont even know what equipment theyre using.very happy with poole team, matt ford to be congratulated on once again assembling what will be a team challenging for top spot im sure
  20. good thought 72,however the reality is that 99% of the people that go to speedway dont give a hoot about starman,gavan,shovler or indeed any of us that post on bsf so unlikely to be much of an attraction to them ,sadly
  21. i thought he said he pulled out because he had a busy few weeks looming
  22. steve dont you think suggesting belle vue running in the national league was unwarranted ??
  23. think mr shovlars post is totally unwarranted and a complete over reaction,i read it that there is a preferred option to the pearman bid(or possibly hes had a strop and just says hes to busy to bother with it, knowing he was out the frame)
  24. think you can do better than that steve!!
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