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poole keith

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Everything posted by poole keith

  1. didnt gary havelock write in the speedway star a while back that hes still owed some money by every polish club he rode for
  2. new flats being built in the car park
  3. hes not signing somebody from the forum is he??
  4. of course i dont know the poole team, the point im making is that its totally meaningless when people say they know things but that theyve got to keep it secret,anybody can say that it cant be proved or disproved
  5. do you actually think people believe that nonsense, ps like many others i know the poole 2018 team but im afraid i also cant tell anybody!!
  6. think the ss said the meeting of officials making the decision was sunday am after the grand prix
  7. cant believe you two,you actually go to tescos!!
  8. scream as much as you like but its not what mf apparently wants,im pretty sure hes not going to listen to you
  9. free admission for the first meeting is very harsh punishment,after a long winter with no income promoters are desperate to get some significant early season income, could be a real blow,could ask fans to make a voluntary donation on their way in hopefully most would pay their normal price
  10. on the " poole2018" thread there are nearly 50 pages of speculation,guesswork and dreamers aspirations as well as a fair amount of rubbish all good fun and no mention from starman of a possible 24 pt limit yet on the very first page of another clubs 2018 thread he has to stumble in with a negative and pointless(excuse pun) post.wish leicester the best but a season or two in the championship would make sense and probably a profit !
  11. following "it aint going to happen" i would like you to add "but i sincerely hope it does" the same as 99% of poole fans do. re cov crowds i would be pretty sure the crowds in their last few seasons were considerably higher than pooles have been this season
  12. gavan why do you always respond to the 3or4 idiots who purport to be poole fans, just ignore.your speedway posts can be interesting other posts not so much!
  13. am a fan of shanes (watched him many times on the grass)but very much like this yr signing starke wasnt going to win us the league,signing kennett wasnt going to win the league,signing lahti was never going to win the title and by the same reasoning signing shanes for 2018 isnt going to win poole the league
  14. can anyone verify that jack holder received a hefty fine last night for foul and abusive language toward the medical staff both at the 3rd bend tumble into the air fence and later back in the pits?
  15. my view is that poole supporters should support the promoters judgement and his decisions he replaced kyle with what he considered the better option,i am totally looking forward to the races between kn and ps (they are both very committed racers and they must ride safely good luck to both of them)
  16. is that allowed now the school is back from hols?also not a lot of spare time available mon as there will be greyhound sales in progress, trials should be completed by midday, auction to commence at 1pm,should be completed by 2.30 hopefully all dogs collected by 3ish
  17. will be wed and if that is cancelled will be thurs,people have been put on standby to cover these nights
  18. sorry blue my mistake forgot last nites match,as all lynn fans are probably trying to do
  19. dont forget we were handed 4pts on a plater at lynn,its sport things happen
  20. i was responding to skidders post where he indicated matt ford had said he was hoping for a lower points limit
  21. probably lower points limit to reduce costs and most promoters would support the move,i would guess poole crowds down around 20% this yr so need to control the outgoings
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