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poole keith

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About poole keith

  • Birthday 06/28/1950

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  1. Overlapping posts there, need to type quicker!
  2. I know some will but its difficult to disagree with your thinking steve hols,would think though its difficult nay near impossible for a lad still in full time education who can't drive to compete in the championship, but like you say it would have been good to give a British youngster a go or maybe a couple sharing the gig
  3. Exactly clive ,as you say the ambition is to win the competition they're in,not the top competition ,that would be ambition.I fully understand all the reasons for staying where they are and if it was my decision I would do the same however going back I don't think matt would have been content with lower league speedway
  4. Doesn't say much about poole supporters lisa if there's only two Premiership teams they'd turn up to watch
  5. Gambling company's, stadium owners or developers don't have any responsibility or probably interest in providing a venue for speedway, it was up to speedway to protect its own future but sadly bar a few exceptions it didn't,most promotions just went for the cheap option, you reap what you sow!!
  6. Well that's exactly what they're having to do bitza but when you do that it's no longer a championship team is it,but back to your initial point I maintain ther is a massive and possibly widening gap between the two leagues
  7. theyre not so similar though bitza if the regular poole team raced sheffield , poole would be annihilated ,hence the need to bring in two top riders in order to be competitive.If it did go ahead with usual teams sheffield wouldnt be interested.Tho a decent enough crowd would turn up at poole to watch tai and the holders im sure most sheffield fans wouldnt bother to watch a poole champioship team especially if sheffield had easily won the away leg
  8. Disagree pinny,2026 a championship club has to move up to replace brum,Plymouth drop down as you suggest means remaining championship teams would have only six teams to ride against,that's pretty sh-t, It's up to british speedway and other championship clubs in particular to make sure its a competitive league, uneven teams make for boring speedway
  9. I certainly would guess that over a third of those don't go to any other meetings, just end of season play offs and cup finals lisa
  10. I said "at that age"blue,screenie straight into the top league, remember when think it was leigh Adams was tearing up the national league(now championship)and a 17yr old screen came down to poole for three match races against him and leigh couldn't get near him,Cairns is going to have to go some to be better than screen in the early yrs
  11. Assume Cairns could have gone to any div2 team but poole would be fairly logical choice.If he's as talented as people think then those advising and controlling his progress will probably want him at Poole for 25 and 26 seasons after that need to move on,wouldn't think his Polish club will want him racing in british lower league to long,great for poole could start 26 as second string and finish as heat leader!! Only time will tell though, will he be as good as Joe screen at that age???
  12. I thought gavan made an interesting point a while back that maybe matt ford didn't want vinys baggage,like a lot on here I follow moto gp and if he behaved like that to the crowd whatever the provocation he would have been punished ,the racing incident would have been dealt with separately maybe " no further action " or 'long lap penalty etc 'Regarding his father it happens in moto gp that if a parent behaves badly(usually the father!)they are banned from the team garage and the paddock,there have even been cases where team sponsors (admittedly usually major companies) have made demands on riders behaviour and even asked for their removal.Maybe matt ford just didn't want the hassle???
  13. But probably in the weakest league for years,all relative
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