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New era Panthers

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Everything posted by New era Panthers

  1. But it's all true though , I been there, lived the dream I mean nightmare
  2. Thank you for your sympathy for Anders you're all heart, more interested in him being poor around the dump than have a kind word to say about him.
  3. Bad news for Anders hope it's not too serious and he can ride next Friday as there's bound to be the usual people on here making accusations
  4. I take it this will be your first visit ,I think you're in for a culture shock Add programme £2.80 and parking £2.00 and if you go to the local chippie just up the road they have the audacity to charge 4p for a manky plastic fork.
  5. Believe me N.B.J was not worth keeping, regularly getting beaten by second strings and reserves , he might have looked good at Ippo but he was woeful around the showground, Panthers should have got rid of him ages before
  6. Spot on , what team could guarantee there top 4 to score 40+ home or away , its a tall order for any team . Now I think it's time to go to Edinburgh on the 23rd , put the season to bed , learn from the mistakes made and yes there were mistakes Ged is a human being I accept that, nobody is perfect . Perhaps the problem was trying to force success . I think as a person Ged is a likeable chap , but I think in his eagerness to please fans he's overdone things regarding team changes . 4 team changes toward the business end of the season is a bit dramatic by anyones standards. I hope he can put this behind him as I think his efforts that he's put in deserve the rewards and would love to see him leading Panthers on to better times .
  7. If it was possible to ride on the said Friday night then true they should be able to, providing they can make the travel arrangements to suit
  8. Yes we should have accepted your very generous offer and used 4 national league riders , what a treat for speedway fans
  9. You are not Panthers supporter so why are you getting involved unless its to make mischief and stir 5hit Panthers supporters can speak for themselves and we don't need your help thank you very much.
  10. Might as well get the Edinburgh fixture out of the way regardless what I riders are available as this team wouldn't do any damage in the playoffs anyway, put the season to bed , learn from the mistakes made this season and concentrate on putting out a team capable and worthy of giving supporters something to be proud of for next year , but it would be nice to have a commitment from Ged.
  11. No loss to me not a problem with fans hospitality either , to me it's like watching a tv with half a picture, when Edinburgh find a new location would be glad to pay a visit and hopefully it wont be too long . I don't mind where I travel win or lose but I do like to be able to see what i'm paying for
  12. For a 300 mile trip and a waterlogged track no thankyou rather give the place a miss
  13. To be honest it was a lost cause after losing to Workington on Friday ,the non appearance of Holub after last minute change of travel plans and Ostergaard playing a real captains role was enough to tip the balance.
  14. I have been there once the place is exactly a dump , riders have to go there and race but supporters don't have to I certainly wouldn't waste my time and money to go there again to be able to see the far side of the track but on the near side to me only able to see riders helmets the place is a disgrace.
  15. You really should let the dust settle before even making those sort of comments , hopefully Ged can be encouraged to stay as I think he's one of the best things that's ever happened to Panthers, and should he decide to throw in the towel he'd be a hard act to replace, yes he's made mistakes havn't we all but that's part of the learning curve for next season in my opinion So if you want Ged here for next season its time to get behind him and show him your support.
  16. 3 coffee's a couple of rounds of toast jesus you can waffle., if I wanted a book I could have gone to the library.. I find it amazing you find the time to watch any speedway
  17. Tonight is you're last half chance but seriously think your end of season revival has come to late , more chance of Witches taking points at Redcar than in the 2 fixtures with Newcastle IMO Some of it is schoolboy antics and I really shouldn't be drawing myself down to that level. I'm big enough and old enough to know better , it's a shame a few others on here don't take a look at themselves
  18. Thanks for your support , tonight and Monday night should end the Ipswich Bitches torment.
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