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New era Panthers

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Everything posted by New era Panthers

  1. Never mind next year's team building , those promoters should also take into consideration that should any of there top riders get seriously injured in the season ahead they may well be looking for a replacement top rider themselves in 2018 .So as much as they feel aggrieved it could also be of benefit to them.
  2. Simple choice really , either be prepared to accept it or finish up with no speedway. As I like the sport I am prepared to put up with this, everybody has the same choice
  3. I feel the same as what you are saying , it's not going to get any better than what we've got for 2018 and we will have to make do with it , fans can moan as much as they like but it will not alter anything . Hopefully this will serve as a big learning curve for Ged and his management team for 2019. We need to start planning for 2019 before the end of 2018 . The Holder situation which created uncertainty about the clubs future being a major factor in this.
  4. You must admit he has a point , if we get Nicholls he will be a lone star with very little to back him up in heats 13 and 15. As this is a forum for discussion then he's within his rites to state his views unpopular or not but if he doesn't like what he sees on track he has a choice as nobody is forcing him to go to meetings.
  5. Shush don't mention those names . You forgot about the roadworks that could last the whole season on turns two and three.
  6. Who knows, only information on website recently refers to benfund meetings but regardless of Nicholls in or out we should be in with a fighting chance for the wooden spoon
  7. That's you're choice . I love my speedway so I will still be there week in week out but I suspect a lot of fans will not take that view and I wouldn't blame them for that , if they feel they are not getting value for money.
  8. I suppose if you pay peanuts then you can expect monkeys.
  9. I honestly don't know how they could get team building so wrong year on year . Total shambles perhaps they should get the city council to do it . They wouldn't do any worse.
  10. If Grondal's average is now 5,04 then Simon will be at reserve.
  11. Yes but how has that been achieved as he did not complete enough matches in the premier league for Swindon to achieve one (5 matches I believe), and he wasn't exactly startling otherwise they wouldn't have replaced him so quickly.
  12. The same Lambert who won heat 14 in the ko cup final 2nd leg at Ipswich when Ostergaard missed the gate and made the difference to Panthers cup victory.
  13. We did give him a chance in one meeting last season and he was well off the pace.
  14. I suggested on here weeks ago that Grondal's average had been upped to over 5 and Neil Watson assured me that was not the case , perhaps Neil can advise on this what is happening and the reason behind it .
  15. That is a bold statement to make , shall the rest of league teams pull out as it looks like you've got the title already . Injuries and luck good and bad will play there part at the end of the day. The only thing that is certain is the outcome is uncertain.
  16. Both of those are a massive no , I would much rather have Tom Bacon any day
  17. You thinking it's o/k to flush used engine oil down the drain.
  18. Maybe it was , but it still does not stop the situation from being nothing short of a complete farce.
  19. It also shows how little you know the showground has never held greyhound racing and I doubt very much if it ever will . Peterborough has a very nicely set site for this on the other side of town.
  20. Scott Nicholls would not be allowed to guest under the present rules, and even if he was it certainly would be a less than ideal situation for any team that cannot put a team together given they have the best part of six months to get sorted during the winter break. Its things like this situation and many others before that make the sport more like a Brian Rix farce and will only serve to turn people away .
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