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New era Panthers

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Everything posted by New era Panthers

  1. Probably get turned down (in the best interests of British speedway)
  2. I would say it's a case of who's promoter is part of the management committee.
  3. Don't hold your breath as Godfrey has advised Ged's proposed changes wouldn't be accepted , do you think other B,S.P.A .members will break rank and go against him
  4. That's the logic, very clever or sharky move depending on what side of the fence you're on
  5. I understand that , its the way they have changed it from last season inserting the word new to the rule with Scunthorpe's Rob Godfrey having a vested interest with 2 of his riders who will get an unfair advantage over other assessed riders . Shrewd move by the shark
  6. and I wonder who was responsible for that rule change , oh I forgot Rob Godfrey is on the management committee. That's transparency for you clear as mud.
  7. Porsing I feel is unlucky to lose his team place and as things are not working out it all boils down to the numbers game two riders had to make way and they are the unfortunate ones. Maybe with a little bit more time things could have been different and both would have showed great improvement .
  8. Then the rules state he cannot go below 5
  9. I seem to remember a certain Buster Chapman riding second halves at the showground in the 1970's he was bloody useless. Things don't change much do they.
  10. Well good luck then your sure going to need it as it would only get blocked (in the best interests of British speedway)
  11. You may be positive but your thinking is not straight it's still ongoing
  12. Think he'll change his name to Mel Grin when he reads that statement.
  13. That's ok then we are so humbled by your generosity
  14. You are funny mate , that last part of your statement has made my day , next you'll be telling us Aston Villa are so unlucky to get relegated
  15. Then that would or could be seen as B.S.P.A. manipulation for certain members own benifit
  16. Well we are not going to get him Godfrey has made sure of that also he's managed to get his 7 point assessed rider on a 3 when other riders in the same situation are not allowed this , so what does that tell everybody about how useless and corrupt the B,S.PA are
  17. There spirits a low at the moment using r/r and M.P.T. was about to ride his final meeting and the way the management is feeling at the moment , the whole team may have there last meeting on sunday if Ged decides to pull the plug, which I believe is under consideration at the moment. thanks to Godfrey and the rest of the baboons at the B,S,P,A and I wouldn't blame him if he did .So thanks for nothing and your advice MR nobody godfrey us Panthers supporters may never see speedway in Peterborough again but that's ok because it's ALL IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF BRITISH SPEEDWAY
  18. When Godfrey gets his way and signs Cookie we can all go and sit on there startline and protest as its surely in the best interest's of British speedway.
  19. Friday june 17 th Scunthorpe are at the showground it will be good for Panthers supporters to make there feelings known to mr Godfrey (in the interests of British speedway)
  20. Ask idiot Godfrey and he'll tell you it 's (in the best interest's of British speedway)
  21. Better ask that idiot Godfrey first I'm sure he would find a way to block it (in the best interests of British speedway) of course
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