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Everything posted by stewmac

  1. What I said a few posts back was that most of this nonsense starts at primary school where the ethos is on taking part rather than winning at sports days. If you don't believe me I suggest you take a tour round some school sports days and you will witness it for yourself. As for the Slavic brothers quote you regurgitated, that was taken directly from a Russian relative of mine. My wife!
  2. Despite what you say though, we do lack the mentality to win big in speedway. The SWC facts speak for themselves. While I don't wish to get into a debate about Tai, it seems almost unbelievable that our one world class rider, for whatever reasons, chooses not to participate. I'd imagine that in almost any other sport in almost any other country that situation simply would not be allowed to happen.
  3. No. All I'm saying is that we have to adopt a more serious attitude to sport, fitness and crucially, winning.And in order for that to happen, we need far, far more money in schools for specialists and an end to the relentless cutbacks and austerity.
  4. That's great that they proved to be winners. But you should check the stats. They tell the story quite plainly, unfortunately.In Scotland where I teach, primary school pupils are supposed to have 2 hours PE per week. Many don't, simply because PE is still by many seen as not one of the crucial subjects. Compare that to Finland, where I'm on holiday right now, where primary school pupils do an hour of PE every day! There's a huge difference in attitude right away!
  5. The difference is that the vast majority of these medals you talk about were won by athletes who went to private schools. There the ethos is different.I hate private schooling myself, where the only reason for these places to exist in my eyes is to buy privilege. But with far more money and resources they get the idea of breeding winning sportspeople. I'm a primary school teacher in a state school and I can assure you that it's there that the problem starts from. The majority of teachers follow this politically correct bull that states we can't humiliate those who might not win. It bugs me to the hilt. Nobody is talking about humiliating them, but we simply have to instill the idea that if we want to succeed we have to accept that for all the tiny number of winners there will be many more losers. Going back to your post about the medals in Olympics, unfortunately not many speedway riders come through the private school system. I can only think of one in my 41 years supporting that has been any good, Mr Tatum himself.
  6. Most of this nonsense starts at primary school where it's "the taking part that counts" at many sports days.
  7. Every single word you say is correct. To answer your initial question, likely there is no plan.
  8. Even if it was a sell out it would attract one of the smallest crowds of the GP season.
  9. I'll be honest and say I think they should have more. Best tracks and racing by far.
  10. If true, then even if every other fault in UK speedway is fixed, until this sort of mentality changes, Team GB will never reach the top.
  11. Equally significant was an observation I made when Berwick hosted a World U21 round a few years back.While the Polish riders present spent a very long time discussing lines to ride (together as a group) as they walked around the track, analysing various angles to enter and exit the bends, the British contingent kicked the shale a bit and were too busy talking to themselves as they walked around in 5 minutes, hardly even looking at the track itself. It's all in the preparation... Or lack of.
  12. Actually I was sitting with a cup of tea and a biscuit when I wrote it :-)
  13. What a quite outrageous post. My wife is Russian, I'm a teacher with a 1st class Honours Degree and I'll tell you quite plainly that her written English is better than mine. You (and others on here) who have this ridiculous assumption that a Pole couldn't possibly be able to write in English as well or better than you is bordering on racist. Get a bloody life!
  14. Wonderful meeting to watch once again. Others have pointed out team GB's weaknesses but for me it was simply awesome to see a totally packed out stadium with an incredible atmosphere, along with some quite stunning racing. Real, proper speedway out of the top drawer. Let's just face up to the reality. Speedway in the UK is a complete joke. A nonentity compared to that which the lucky Poles witness week in week out. God, it's just incredible to watch. Equally incredible to witness are the reactions of folk on here who just don't get it. We are not on the same planet as these top guys from Polska. Don't even pretend we are. Our whole psyche is wrong. They want to win far more than we do. Their mindset is different. They're fitter. They're faster. They're better. Their equipment is superior. In every single department they are light years ahead of us. Admitting that is the first step to changing our position.
  15. And what? Russians and Latvians are damn near the same country. All the Latvians speak Russian, many consider themselves Russian. Of course they'd collude. Slavic blood brothers. No big deal.
  16. Looking forward to getting home to watch this. Who'd have thought the Laguta-less Russians could pull out the stops? This Chugunov looks quite some prospect!
  17. It was about as interesting as an average Berwick meeting. Sadly, that seems to be becoming the norm at more and more tracks. Sitting here watching the Polish final on nSport+, I am being reminded of what real speedway, with real passing is all about.
  18. Good point New Science. In 2014 I was at the race off and final in Bydgoszcz and it was deserted for the 1st meeting. Such a pity as the racing was sublime. The final was also superb racing, in front of a full house.
  19. Great win from Team GB and really enjoyed seeing Cookie being so dominant. But anyone who thought that was a good meeting is deluded. The racing was on a par with what is served up by Berwick. Utter follow the leader tripe. Was there even one genuinely great race, with multiple passing? No.
  20. That sums up the meeting entirely. Unfortunately there seems to be little or no actual excitement these days in most if not all the racing at Armadale.
  21. Just wondering if anyone on this tour - which was originally meant to include Torun v Czestochova (Friday 4th), Bydgoszcz v Tarnow (Sat 5th) and Leszno v Gorzow (Sunday 6th), staying all weekend at the Holiday Inn in Bydgoszcz - can confirm whether the original flights to Bydgoszcz have been changed? As there were fixture changes, the TP Tour seems now to be headed to Wroclaw v Grudziadz on the Friday, Rawicz v Poznan on the Saturday and the Sunday match is now at Torun. As far as I can ascertain the base is now the Sheraton in Poznan for Fri/ Sat nights and the Holiday Inn Bydgoszcz on the Sunday night. I'm asking, as I booked the same flights to Bydgoszcz from Glasgow and the Holiday Inn before the changes to the fixtures became apparent, and can't change them easily. As I already had a car booked, think it will now be a relaxing Friday night on the beer in Bydgoszcz square before travelling down to Rawicz for the Saturday afternoon match which is likely to start at 1545. Then of course, Torun on the Sunday. Thanks in advance!
  22. Thanks. What a load of crap though. Protasiewicz rides Gorzow beautifully. Always has. Getting interesting now at 36 all :-)
  23. Why was heat 9 re-run after it finished? I watched Zielona Gora get a 5-1, went to make a quick tea, then came back to see the race on again!
  24. Ok thanks. I suspect there's going to be a whole group of unhappy fans from all over the UK when they learn of these changes now. I'm travelling independently as I said, but I'm staying in the same hotel as the folk on this tour: http://www.speedwaytours.co.uk/polishleague17
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