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Everything posted by BenR195
Smith wont be at Glasgow, the Colts ride on a Friday night and cant see him switch NL teams
He said he wont ride in UK next season because he wants to focus on Germany, Denmark and Poland, Coty or Jacob would be good if we could get them at reserve
Tobi has already posted he isnt riding in UK next year
What Would You Change In Speedway Next Season?
BenR195 replied to 4thbender's topic in SGB Championship League Speedway
I agree that some of it is psychological but why not stick the clutch cooler on while readjusting a chain, same with refuelling, as tanks would do the full race, its not wasting any extra time because youd still be doing chain anyway, it may not do much but it is something and clutches do get very hot -
What Would You Change In Speedway Next Season?
BenR195 replied to 4thbender's topic in SGB Championship League Speedway
Concrete starting grids wont work because the bikes rev much harder than the old bikes so they would just spin when the tapes go up, as for the mechanics coming on track its because the rider feels something isnt right when he made the first start so he wants it checking, chains slacken off loads because the clutch starts put a lot of tension on the chains so tightening/slackening a chain is actually for safety aswell as the chain could snap during the next start or even worse, mid corner with other riders around him, it doesnt take long to do and most mechanics are only on track for about 30 seconds, thats nothing if it means the bikes are safer, and it will be more entertaining having 4 riders finish a race rather than however many having to pull up with no chains on bike, I do agree that something needs doing about the constant restarts though and if they sort that problem out then that will alleviate the mechanics being on track -
I didnt go to any since Im not an Ipswich fan, but there is a difference between not being committed and having a bad run of form, getting sacked then getting asked to come back the next day, but if he did screw yous over fair play to the lad, people cry for riders to be loyal these days, yet when they have a bad few meetings or whatever, yous jump on them and want them gone, loyalty is a two way thing, for him to be loyal to you, you have to be loyal to him, plus why is everyone complaining, didnt you get a facility for him every meeting? and if he was as bad as people are making him out to be, wouldnt that of made yous stronger coz you wouldnt of had to carry him???
I dont agree with what he has done but in sedgys defence he was committed to the witches till chris Louis tried to sack him when it was too late, then Chris had to put him back in the team days later, thats abit of a kick in the teeth to Justin dont you think, so I can see where he is coming from with not being bothered, would you be loyal to a team thats isnt even loyal to you, they didnt want him there and he wouldnt of wanted to be there so maybe he got told to be injured so they could get a facility for him, then it works out for both parties, Justin doesnt have to come back and Ipswich get to have a facility for him
Full list of number 4s Berwick - Kevin Doolan Edinburgh - Mark Riss Glasgow - Dan Bewley Ipswich - Kyle Newman Newcastle - Ludvig Lindgren Peterborough - Ulrich Østergaard Redcar - Jonas B Andersen Scunthorpe - Ryan Douglas Sheffield - Josh Bates Workington - Matt Williamson Workington definitely had the weaker number 4 but thats what you get for having someone as good as Cook in your team with TJ and Proctor supporting, your lower end had to be weak
Youve said you stopped going coz of doubling up so do you go to meetings or not? and nah, I dont stand and watch, Im in the pits working
Enjoy your armchair 😂
(So myself nor anyone else shouldn't be derided for our attendance being that bit less and told by some disrespectful uncouth jumped up upstart that we have no right to comment nor discuss) - seems to me that you are aiming that at me personally since I have mentioned your attendance in previous posts, but hey, I dont get offended over stupid words so say what you like to me, ill take it on the chin, I have my opinion, and i disagree with your actions, not gonna change my mind on what Ive said
What Would You Change In Speedway Next Season?
BenR195 replied to 4thbender's topic in SGB Championship League Speedway
Doesnt number 6 and numbers 12,13 contradict each other, surely if we have parades and lap of honours after every heat that will drag on a meeting more, number 15 is definitely the one needed the most though -
So let me get this straight, I call you a fake fan and you tell me to stop being personal and stop insulting you, then you label me as a disrespectful uncouth jumped up upstart and a juvenile, pot calling kettle black in my opinion
In other words, you havent got a clue, thought so, have a nice day
Once again youve avoided my point, still waiting for you to tell me where all these riders are gonna come from, and Ive said multiple times I appreciate peoples opinion, what I dont agree with though is you refusing to go over a riders identity when the sport needs fans but still come on here and moan, in my opinion, if you dont help the sport by attending meetings you shouldnt have a say on how the sport should be ran
If you were a real fan, you would still turn out to support your team regardless of whether you can identify a rider as your own or not, seems like your just clutching at straws and picking faults with anything you can to justify your actions, I appreciate peoples opinion, everyone is entitled to one, but atleast when certain people voice their frustration they still turn out week in week out for support, And how have I lost the argument when you are the one that Has completely ignored my point about naming 210 riders needed to fill the teams, is that because you cant do it? You just stick to your armchair and moaning online while everyone else supports the team/sport they love
Obviously not a real fan if something as stupid as doubling up is stopping you from supporting your team and the sport, but each to their own, if you hate doubling up so much and you seem to have this idea of one big league working, as Ive said previously, give us an example of how you will fill the 30 UK teams without using the same riders twice, can you name 210 riders that is needed to fill all these teams? The problem is, uk hasnt got the sponsorship/money to attract the big names anymore and there are too many teams and not enough riders, its as simple as that, unless you weaken the product and that will kill the sport even more that it already is, I appreciate your point but doubling up is gonna stay for the foreseeable future, but set racenights will stop the fixture clashes and hopefully in a few years time we can bring back some riders and bring new kids up through so we can maybe reduce the amount of doubling up, but I cant see that happening anytime soon
If we had no doubling up, who would fill the teams? There are currently 8 teams in top league 10 teams in middle league 12 teams in bottom league Thats 30 teams, each has 7 riders so thats 210 riders needed, plus need riders to cover for injuries, and some people are asking for a squad system so that would then increase the amount of riders more, can you think of 210 riders minimum to fill all those teams that UK speedway could afford and that would actually make the racing competitive, in my opinion there isnt enough riders to fill all the teams unless you start signing young inexperienced kids to fill teams which is gonna make it hard for them to score points as they will be up against the likes of the Worralls, Masters, Barker etc meaning they aint gonna earn any money, I get that doubling up isnt ideal for fans when there were fixture clashes but I dont see the problem with letting a rider double up if it means there wont be any clashes, why should fans be able to tell riders they cant ride on a Mon/Thurs when their club will only race Fri/Sat/Sun, its doesnt affect you or your club so leave them be, if they want to ride Mon/Thurs in top league then ride middle league Fri/Sat/Sun, let them, bringing in set race nights could be the best thing for the sport for the riders and for the fans
Back in the 70s were carburettors over £600 each? Was a clutch basket over £600 each?, then there is clutch plates that need changing every meeting, engine services which is like £1000 after 30/40 heats not meetings, oil, fuel, and they need 2/3 bikes because they need spares because of how temperamental the parts are now, and it could break at any time, after crashes etc then there is mechanic costs, van costs, insurance, flights for riders if they are based abroad, then they need money to actually live on and feed their families, how are riders supposed to manage that on lets say £60 a point with on average 2 meetings a week? Its not the riders fault that the sport is soo expensive, the sport has evolved a lot and whether yous like it or not, speedway is a full time job because of the constant travel to and from meetings, bike washes inbetween etc, not many employers will employ a speedway rider for this very reason,
I understand what you are saying but that was the past, the sport is completely different now, and like youve said, the sport is a lot more expensive but there is no money in UK speedway anymore so riders need more teams to help cover these costs, if a rider only has 1 team he will still have to pay the same expenses on bike parts, then the argument about getting a full time job and racing speedway part time, what happens when the rider has to work and miss speedway meetings, then you will need to use a guest for the rider and then youll get people moaning about the use of guests, just make set days for leagues, and let the rider double up on separate days, they can earn extra which helps them financially and then you wont have fixture clashes, its the simple solution, fans shouldnt be trying to stop riders from earning money
Doubling up will always be part of the sport, not enough riders that could fill all the teams competitively, add to the fact that a load of riders couldnt afford to ride just 1 league so would end up quitting the sport completely and getting a full time job instead, and that wont help the sport in the long run, doubling up isnt the problem, the problem was always fixture clashes but if Top league goes to Mon/Thur and championship goes Fri/Sat/Sun then riders can still double up and you wont have any fixture clashes, win win situation, riders get to carry on earning an extra income and fans dont have to watch guests all the time
Sheffield moving up isnt a fact, thats only rumour so far
He will be at Sheffield next season, as an away rider