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Everything posted by Solidmango

  1. Newcastle being more competitive is your opinion. I'd rather have the 4 points we've got from the 2 meetings regardless of whether we used the TR or not.
  2. Interesting point but I don't agree. George Stancl was in attendance yesterday, great rider IMO and the record book states he had significant bike/engine/chain issues that lasted a lot longer than Ben's issues.
  3. Did you watch tonight's Sky meeting? Heat 15 the exact same thing happened with the same outcome as yesterday, well not exactly, Kings Lynn sneaked a point!
  4. Nobody said he has one good engine. How many engine failures has he had?! He's increased his average this year so far, not bad considering all the mechanical issues he's had and riding one race yesterday with a heavily strapped wrist. I'm sure today's fall won't have helped it either.
  5. Agreed on the gating front. He will get a shot at reserve, Garcia is due to move up anytime and he'll move down. Then we'll see him score some big points I'm sure!
  6. You're right about the Scunthorpe match but Nielsen was probably the next choice anyway given he had 12+1 at that point. Anyway, the rule is the rule and nobody, other than Richie breaking the tapes, broke the rules. We should be talking about how terrific the meeting was, some incredible racing and Lunna was so unlucky not to score more than he did!
  7. Completely agree and not to mention the fact that the two runnings Ht 15 that were, quite rightly stopped though through no fault of Lawson, had Lawson out front which was all that was needed!
  8. I've lost track of how they're working the averages this year. Have you got 2 points as that's roughly what you were under 42.5 in the original green sheet as a team? And before Riss etc new averages take effect?
  9. Ben Barker got 4+2, that's one less than his average and on an away track. Richard Lawson got one less than his average as well, did he go missing? I don't understand people's constant criticism of Barker.
  10. Danny King & Josh Bates are the wild cards. I agree with both, King probably would have qualified and Bates was the highest scoring non-qualifier and U21 champion. I also agree with Charles Wright as reserve as he had the race off for the spot but I don't understand Lewis Rose being included?
  11. I'm struggling to see similar comments about Aaron Summers being under pressure etc after 'his performance' on Thursday night. He scored 2 points and Ben scored 8+1. On Friday night Ben scored 1+1 and Aaron scored 8, Ben therefore scoring more over the 2 meetings. People have serious issues with Ben and others are jumping on the bandwagon. Anyone that's criticising might want to go and look at the Glasgow Speedway Facebook post from 8am on Wednesday, who's the most improved rider based on average increase up until that point?! Yes that's right, Ben Barker!! He had a bad night at Somerset, we all have bad days at our jobs, give the lad a break. And in no way am I criticising Aaron for Thursday night for exactly the same reason. He's had a lot of personal issues to deal with and that must have been an extremely stressful time for him, he should be admired and praised for continuing to do a great job given the circumstances. Whilst I'm on here defending him I'll take the opportunity to let everyone on here know about what he did on Sunday at Ashfield. A young guy, maybe aged around 7 or 8 wasn't feeling well on the back straight, his mum was giving him some medicine, who slides down the grass bank to give the young lad a pair of signed goggles?! Yep, Ben Barker, class act. We've had two tough away meetings and got beat, we won't win them all.
  12. Cook will be at Edinburgh shortly and that'll be why it has been blocked! What a shambles.
  13. Terrific display from all the Tigers today. Like someone else said, a lot of it was down to our guys riding well rather than PB riding poorly. Ben predicted last week that someone would get a tanking and today it happened to be PB. I remember reading somewhere that the average calculation is slightly different this year, does anyone have any details on it and when are they due to change?
  14. Yes but not exclusively to blame like people are making out. Like I say, I wasn't in attendance and from what I had read his first move was to approach Wethers whilst he was still lying on the track, the video shows that is not the case.
  15. So you reckon Ben Barker helped clear the bikes (both bikes), safety fence etc and then after a good minute or so decided to start trying to attack Matthew Wethers? Or perhaps what is more likely to have happened is that something else was said that provoked him to act in the way he did.
  16. Do you reckon our time is all signed and done it's just a case of spreading out the press releases or are they still in the process of signing?
  17. Don't worry, when you cash in on Cook you'll be able to offer plenty, it's just a pity all the decent riders will be signed up. That's just the way the cookie crumbles!
  18. To be fair the video clearly shows no contact, it was a clean move.
  19. Just read on the Rye House page the conversion from EL to PL average is 1.4x, does anyone fancy Chris Harris (7.34*1.4 = 10.28) over Richard at 9.12?
  20. It was never going to work for James if he signed for Coventry. He would miss all our home meetings on our new race night!
  21. What about: C Cook 10.35 R Lawson 9.12 A Summers 8.37 J Sarjeant 5.00 M Clegg 3.48 AN Other 3.18 NL Rider 3.00 We would have more than 3.48 for the final rider if the ruling on lower averages still applies for using British riders.
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