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Everything posted by Solidmango

  1. Yeah Belle Vue own him. I reckon he'll be in their team plans for next year which rules out Friday night teams. I suppose he could go back to Edinburgh as they don't seem to race Friday's anymore. Interesting to note that Belle Vue management were in attendance today. Perhaps agreeing the fee for next year?
  2. I'm pretty happy where we are placed going forward. Let's hope big Brad and Zac are on top form so it's not completely one sided.
  3. He's getting practice in for when he joins us next year, it was ideal really as he doesn't get to race at Armapool anymore.
  4. Is today's result a bad thing? We were always likely to finish second in the table to Somerset - all but confirmed today! Does it give us a wake up call - most certainly! Will Somerset, barring injuries, have two guests in the play off final/KOC etc if we meet them in it - not a chance. 19 plus 1 from 2 guests today and they replaced 2 riders that have ever ridden at Ashfield. One of which has an average of 2.76!! In addition Charles Wright and BWD scored 2 between them. I have every confidence in us over 2 legs!!
  5. The BSPA statement said 'the referee agreed he (Davey) could ride and therefore there is no right of appeal. Complete farce!!
  6. Surely Glasgow have to take this further?! Having re-read the BSPA notice, if Glasgow turn up on Sunday with Greg Hancock as reserve, as long as the referee agrees he can ride, then there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it and that is why Edinburgh were able to use Mitchell Davey and we can't.
  7. I suspect Stewart went with Worrall and Bach as they had 2 race wins each as opposed to the 1 each that Lawson and Summers had. Sounded like it was a bit gate and go.
  8. You're repeating yourself. If you're not enjoying it change the channel. Terrific atmosphere and meeting here!
  9. I agree this meeting has been terrible but you can't use this as judgment of all PL meetings! All other sky PL meetings have been excellent.
  10. That's probably because it's so warm. We've had torrential downpours here as well but with the temperature up at 20 degrees it doesn't take long to dry out. For a local derby when almost all, if not all, riders are already in attendance and the forecast for warm dry weather from then until 10pm I find it difficult to believe it should have been rained off.
  11. So it was fine with no rain at half 4 but rained off at 5 and forecast for sunshine from 6pm onwards. I hope there's a BSPA representative verifying these rain offs.
  12. 2 of them chose not to ride in the Premier League at the start of the year and you expect them to be included in this event having only ridden a handful of PL matches?! Now that's a joke!
  13. Edinburgh never used guests? You were crying about Palovarra guesting against you last week and that was going to cost you the points and this week it's Doolan. Maybe if you had a decent team you wouldn't need to worry about other teams choice of guests especially as the choice of guest has a lower average than the rider he's replacing.
  14. Agreed, the points I was taking issue with were the ones stating we are constantly changing the track to catch out the opposition and the constant negativity around the track. I was at the meeting on Sunday and was as critical as everyone else but I am also looking at other factors and taking a more measured view I.e other meetings have been terrific (Newcastle for example) and the weather was exceptionally different to what we expect in Scotland, albeit predicted, and thus it would appear difficult to get a balance of a good race track and a slick processional one. Anyway, my main point is that whilst everyone is entitled to their opinion there seems to be constant negativity. It was Ben Barker till recently and now it's the track. What's next I wonder.
  15. I've already said, I heard Stewart discussing it with someone, I was no further than 3-4ft from him and said he it's a nightmare to prepare a grippy track when the temp is so high, he would much rather have a slick track which is a lot easier to deal with. Slick tracks are no good for passing or entertaining but it's a fine balance, Sunday wasn't great but others weeks have been really good. My point is that most are being heavily critical of a track from one week when it has been particularly poor but given the circumstances perhaps we should cut the guy some slack it's not like that every week, far from it.
  16. Who said that? It wasn't fit for purpose is correct, the weather is not irrelevant. It's an important ingredient as to why it wasn't fit for purpose in the same way as if it was cold and wet. Or do you think they thought f&@k it, we'll just set up a terrible track this week?
  17. Did you read the paragraph above the section you chose to highlight? I'll post it again for clarification: I overheard Stewart Dickson on Sunday, when being questioned about the track, saying he would rather have a slick track on days like Sunday as it is a nightmare to manage a grippy track when it is so warm. In addition, how many days when it is 25deg and that level of humidity do you think we'll see again this year in Glasgow?
  18. The track has been prepared as a 'grippy' track for almost every meeting this year. A grippy rather than slick track is more conducive to better racing. I've heard a number of times that the riders (Glasgow) want a grippy track and that's what they've been getting. The two meetings that we didn't have a grippy track was the Coventry and Peterborough meetings, both days there was torrential rain and the track staff should be commended for ensuring the meetings went ahead. IMO the issue of late has been the unusually warm weather and that is what has been causing the problem NOT the track being prepared to disadvantage the opposition, why would we do that when we are putting in some massive scores and averaging 55 ish points per meeting? I overheard Stewart Dickson on Sunday, when being questioned about the track, saying he would rather have a slick track on days like Sunday as it is a nightmare to manage a grippy track when it is so warm. It's very easy to come on here and be critical, especially when we don't do the job but maybe some people should look at the other factors that influence the track/racing.
  19. Campbell added: Jye is probably one of the worst newcomers in the Premier League" At least he leaves with a glowing reference.... Got to laugh at Campbell saying he'll do his best to find him a team place at a track that suits him after last weeks comments.
  20. Why is an amendment/supplementary rule required for a misinterpretation? This is by more than one referee as I have pointed out.
  21. The rule has been amended meaning it is different from what it was. The same thing happened in the sky meeting in the Elite league on Monday evening. If Glasgow broke the rule then there would have been no need for the amendment would there?! Nobody misinterpreted the rule, the rule wouldn't need to be amended if it was misinterpreted. On a separate note, It's the referees job to ensure the rules are abided and I believe he did in both meetings.
  22. I'm confused! The rule has been changed after the Glasgow meeting and after Monday's Sky meeting. The same thing happened in both and in both situations the referred applied the rule in the rule book. This has subsequently changed as of the 1st June, i.e after both of these meetings and thus nobody has done anything wrong. Or have they?
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