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Everything posted by GWC

  1. This seems to have escalated quickly! Why is Mr Jolly trying to get promoting rights if they have been sold? There’s only one person who has a long history with the club and he is now in Kent!
  2. Len will use the NDL for what it is and not worry about the strength of the team.
  3. Any ruling that brings about the way teams will make changes is a good thing. Seems it only applies to the Premiership though.
  4. That argument doesn’t really stack up otherwise the top league would have no UK riders in it if all clubs adopted that course. Other clubs have invested in riders as have Poole its just that they see Australians as giving better value and most certainly potential and you cannot deny that has been successful for them. Poole are now in decline and their financial clout no longer will attract the best talent.
  5. Unlike other sports age shouldn’t be a barrier to competing especially as you need some financial clout behind you. Joe Alcock seems to be highly rated especially by Newcastle.
  6. If they had signed Ablett then one of him Hagon or Mulford would have to be in the team proper and that would be a challenge.
  7. It’s not the sport itself that is cruel but the weening out at pup and training stage that is contentious and has a poor history.
  8. Len’s used the Rye House Raiders to promote many riders into the rockets so he is likely to want his own assets and a young team with winning not being the be all and end all.
  9. The guys who don’t get a pick from the CL need to be riding in this league as there is bound to be opportunities once the team changes start!
  10. Too many double up/down riders making the standard too high for many from the NL.
  11. To my mind play-off speedway has done real damage to the sport for rider development and supporters expectations. Its all short term - results today now.
  12. Probably means it will be there (the waste) for a while yet as depends on what’s in it. Building waste including asbestos would be very expensive to remove. Do you know who the person is running the show now?
  13. I didn’t actually say it was the crash that declined speedway but it was Len’s perception of it and in my view his investment in Rye declined. It was his money after all but he was stubborn in that he didn’t or wouldn’t look outside his own world for assistance. BMR fronted by a multi -millionaire racing enthusiasts plans for stadium redevelopment who wouldn’t have been optimistic. Clearly it didn’t last long once the 2016 team was announced and their promoting naivety soon surfaced going into the Premier league.
  14. Len seemed to accept that the crash of 2008 would affect the sport significantly enough not to invest and didn’t or couldn’t promote it after that. The sponsors were nowhere to be seen once Elmside pulled out with Silverski predictably the only backer. When BMR appeared on the scene we thought it was a new start with a promotion who were ambitious. The stadium whilst Len had spent a small fortune on it to bring it back to some sort of a venue fit for speedway it was quite clear it wasn’t going to be any good once air fences came in. Rye is in such a good place geographically one of the reasons NBJ liked it so much was he could get a plane home Saturday evening! I agree the Lakeside move was a disaster but playing Peterborough every week wasn’t really the plan was it!!
  15. If they could provide spectator facilities on one side and good at that then the potential is there. A promotion with deep pockets attracting a top name back to the sport would be quids in as demand is there imo.
  16. Already paying for Matts renovations at his chateau!
  17. We need the Aussies as we have historically but there needs to be a plan for the NL riders promoted. The 2 point rule they brought in seemed to be for the benefit of CL teams not the actual riders. The current trend of having 4 strong riders means a 2 pointer becomes attractive.
  18. Is there a list of Poole assets that can be used for selection or has Matt sold them on to fund his renovation project?
  19. I went last year and really enjoyed the trip but the GP was probably the worst for racing imo.
  20. If we don’t get a decent number of teams in the NL then a lot of those kids being trained at youth level are going to be scratching around for rides.
  21. That has been the problem now for a few years and unless the bspa address the league set up it will continue.
  22. Cannot begin to ask how you found this !!
  23. I would like to see Alfie Bowtell given a chance and maybe Danny Ayers.
  24. I am guessing there is a cap on what promoters pay riders in the PL. At least that’s what has been suggested so any continued success has been bought by the promoter from sponsorship or his own business. Cradley Heath dominated speedway once with a glitterati team and then disappeared. It is clear that the same is happening to Poole unfortunately.
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