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Everything posted by GWC

  1. Maybe because they would need a sump and a pump and space is limited on the bike.
  2. Lambert is ahead of the other Aussies and some Poles already. Who would have given him a chance at winning the SEC so early in his career. I don’t know why he doesn’t have a proper team place as he’s better than the majority in the Rybnic team from what I’ve seen. Frick is going backwards for some reason and Kurtz is so inconsistent and a bit overrated. Mind it’s a strange season so maybe it affects some riders more than others.
  3. And to think that Louis had 3 years Speedway experience and Collins less than 2 !
  4. It was a very wet meeting I went to see the Polish wonder boy Zenon Plech. Didn't disappoint as he was also unbeaten except for a fall when he meet Louis.
  5. Let’s go back 50 years and 99% of riders had jobs it was a semi professional sport for the majority. Rider costs were far cheaper so today you cannot rock up and pull a bike from the boot and a box of spanner’s and ride....unfortunately.!
  6. 3_20_0650_FUL-DESIGN_AND_ACCESS_STATEMENT-1507575.pdf Some details of the gym planning ......
  7. Good post Old Bob stadiums like Somerset or Scunthorpe have a chance to survive (Speedway specific) post Covid but I’m concerned the pandemic may hasten the demise of others for development.
  8. Well the refs box will be needed and not sure where it will be sited now. Perhaps it will move to the other side with seating all along the straight. Bit of a squeeze though.
  9. ‘’for me, the UK does miss a huge trick by not ring fencing U21's at Championship level. Each 2nd tier team should have been made to have two U21 reserves for the past two decades...’’ This doesn’t mean you will produce stars just maybe league standard riders, which would still be a requirement. The old saying stars are born is I’m afraid true Woffenden Ward Lambert Bewley are examples of this. As were Collins and Lee. Mauger is the obvious standout exception who got where he did through total dedication which is pretty rare in speedway. Today I can think of Madsen and Doyle.
  10. Even Briggo sold bikes as well. A lot of riders were in the motor trade or construction. The problem for riders is what sort of job will be around once we come out of the lockdown as businesses will be smaller and unemployment huge.
  11. If speedway does start up this season I think getting track medical assistance will be very difficult in the current climate.
  12. Lots of areas are setting up residential care systems to look out for aged residence. If you are in an area of aged people then it’s likely you will be contacted.
  13. I would go as far to say that the types of track now in the PL only Wolves and Ipswich are ‘technical’ so all out racers will be an advantage.
  14. I would have thought the ‘showroom’ BMR constructed next to the old stand would be more suited to a gym.
  15. I remember Peter Moore at Rayleigh in 1973 - unusual for the times handlebars with a very upright style. He would have been around the same age as Jason is now.
  16. That may explain the large block paved area for parking now.
  17. Was it your choice to do such a long journey for track time or is there a shortage of training venues?
  18. So do Poole try to dust off a contract that probably no longer exists since the rider retired years ago. I wonder if there is a clause in it for comebacks?
  19. If the Premiership go about this properly then it will be good for young riders to get more track time. If it’s for the purpose of hoovering up the best talent then that’s bound to fail. Will there be a tug-of-war between CL and NL clubs about ownership or can we say that the rider will dictate his own destiny.
  20. I do have concerns that redevelopment is being undertaken by non speedway people. We know how the last owners did or didn’t do so I really hope if Speedway is to return then there is consultation to someone in the know. Viewing at the track became difficult once the air fence went in.
  21. Even more reason for promoters and the bspa to take responsibility for their employees, especially the younger riders. Not saying this tragedy is speedway related we don’t know but in today’s world of social media it has a habit of bringing out the very worst in people, as you can sometimes read on this very website.
  22. It’s not your age these days it’s about fitness and wether you can do the miles needed to get experience. Having great equipment helps a bit too.
  23. So once did Joel Parsons and Karlis Ezigarlis!
  24. You can equally say the same about GB and Sweden although you would need to go back a while and Denmark not so far. Poland seems to be moving into the top nation at long last.
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