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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. Ummm, I don't understand this problem... lol, does it matter? And for people saying they could get caught in chains and stuff, well so could an arm, or a leg, should riders take their limbs off before going out too? I think there can be too much safety, the riders know the dangers before they get on the bike and they wouldn't do it if they thought about their hair hanging out of their helmets getting stuck and so on... Just my opinion of course I'd prefer no anger to be raised from this post, just a point
  2. Who's this Bridget rider? Haha, also, how could Newman help pulling out if he was injured???
  3. Ahhhh, ok Makes more sense now, I was like who the Hell is he? And I felt terrible lol
  4. I'm sorry for not knowing but can somebody tell me who Liam Smith is? http://speedwayupdates.proboards.com/thread/15541/british-semi-final-glasgow-3pm
  5. Couldn't there be like a squad system in place where the PL teams OR EL teams have 2 or 3 riders in a squad (Maybe up and coming British riders) and if they need to replace anyone in their team,. they use their squad, I kniow there's so many problems with this, money and stuff, but it could work really well if there was a way rather than seeing incomplete meetings of 11, 12 or 13 riders I'd rather see 14 riders in each meeting than be stuck in situations where teams cannot field a whole team Just as an example instead of us using R/R for Aarnio earlier on, we could have had a squad rider to come in to replace him, and we could have had them change about to give young Brits more of a chance, a little like guests, but assigned guests to each team, I suppose, if this even makes any sense at all Or another example if Lakeside needed a rider, they could go into their squad and use Lawson or this Dennis Jonsson dude, couldn't more teams do this?
  6. So did Charlie get dropped or did he retire/stand down? (Full time or just from British speedway) I was so happy when I saw he was back
  7. I'm so glad he seems to be okish, I hope he recovers well
  8. Brady Kurtz? Maybe his brother could persuade him 1. Brady Kurtz 2. Todd Kurtz 3. Jack Holder 4. Zdenek Simota 5. Kyle Newman 6. Stefan Nielsen 7. Ellis Perks Would be a nice team, also wonder if Ty Proctor would consider a return when he becomes available in not too long, middle of May wasn't it? Also, I didn't know Newman was injured??? Is he ok? How long is he out?
  9. It's the heavy rain forecast for 6 and 7 that worries me Hopefully everything is good to go
  10. Forecast doesn't look too great, can somebody in Newcastle update on this? I'm in Devon this weekend with a friend
  11. Happy with that signing, hopefully he can kick on and show some good form and grow into a real talented rider, for the Diamonds and whoever else he rides for
  12. Haha, people need to chilllll This IS a public forum, right? Also... Lunna Sperm, oh how I love my 20 year old brain
  13. Really? That's a shame, he seems like he could be quite a good rider if he put everything he could into it, I suppose the speedway life isn't for everyone all the time Wonder if the replacement for Aarnio will be ready for this weekend, when it might be announced
  14. Haha, I don't really have a clue, just looking for people from the past few seasons that fit but have disappeared, also, I am bound to be wanting another Finnish rider ^_^ Seeing what Steve Park had just posted and given Franc's track knowledge, he looks good!! Although there is many factors other than that Scored better than Kus, Krcmar and Holub, which would make him decent in the PL hopefully, especially at number 2 and maybe him and Kus would make a good partnership and then Ludvig could be at 2 What a team that would be!!
  15. Ahh, well I missed quite a lot of the meetings last year, during the summer time as I was back in Finland with my family, I would probably stay if it looked good I will stop behind on Sunday
  16. There's a Gems team? I thought they went ages ago, before I even started watching the Diamonds
  17. Good team but it'll never happen But Ummmm... Maybe if you could just umm, drop Holub so we can have him at Newcastle for Aarnio so I can have someone to look at, that would be appreciated
  18. The newest figures on the Speedway GB website show: Ricky Wells 8.80 Claus vissing 8.42
  19. Ben? Hopefully a Diamonds win but I don't think it will be as easy as the last one was looking, also looking at the weather forecast, it might get abandoned again
  20. Just bored at work haha, probably a flaw somewhere though in my ideas, there always is Aye but maybe nextTuesday with a rider up to 6.24 would give more options?? I dunno, just use R/R this weekend, Rose is amazing right now
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