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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. Just got in from a lovely day with my friends to look at the weather forecast tomorrow Poo... It looks like it might be a late called one too
  2. Pontus average is 7.17? Also I like the sound of Nieminen Experienced and quick
  3. Hardly clogging up the league, there'd be 12 at the very most and that's if all teams decide to use a foreigner, also there'd be 72 Brits, that's lots, compared to the amount of British riders actually available to come through, as I said before "I'd prefer to see good racing of Brits and (some) foreigners rather than bad racing of only Brits, and that's why the crowds don't come"
  4. Probably pressure, lack of confidence, Brough Park to be fair is a hard track to get your head around and I don't think he's ready yet
  5. And all the other riders who are struggling to make their name in the PL, but there'd still be 72 spaces left for British riders in the NL if there was 1 foreigner per team
  6. One extreme to another I think the rules should be at least 6 British riders, 2/3 of them newcomers or 3.00 riders and only 1 over 30 rider per team, to bring on the youth riders and 1 foreign rider allowed per team but must be part of the commonwealth or something? (Maybe Fox would have stayed in this country) so basically people like Mudgway, Branford and BWD (Not that he rides in the NL anymore) It'll make riders coming over to this country a little easier, like Mudgway who clearly deserves to ride in this country but wouldn't be allowed easily because of his nationality, also Etheridge could have dropped into the NL rather than travelling across the world just to do about 10 meetings, makes the world's talent want to come a ride in this country to bring in crowds which will bring in money which will keep speedway going!! I'd prefer to see good racing of Brits and foreigners rather than bad racing of only Brits, and that's why the crowds don't come
  7. I'd realized Jesus... No, he's too old so wouldn't be allowed and his average was like 3.74 or something, Would have loved to see that though!! Maybe he's given up by now though?
  8. So if he went to Birmingham, who is the other "older" rider stopping Hall being the second "older" rider in the team?
  9. Sorry I seem to have stumbled upon the foreign forum What the Hell is everyone talking about? XD Only very unlikely? So there's still a small chance of it happening?
  10. At least he's localish Isn't Liam Carr from Newcastle? I know he rider for Berwick, just wondering
  11. HMMMM... Interesting How good is he at Brough? Just out of curiosity (Comparing him to the rest of the league's number 7s of course) Will Edinburgh drop Bewley for him? Or will they stick it out with the kid? Would leaving the EU mean less foreign riders like Zagar in the country?
  12. I don't see what the problem on letting Richard Hall in the NL is, he wouldn't be the best rider in the league, Adam Ellis for example... Richard Hall was BORN in Britain but riders like Mudgway and Branford were born on the other side of the world, yes maybe they have British licences now, but Richard was BORN in Britain. Also the argument of older riders not making it in the PL and dropping down being a problem... Ummm, Luke Bowen anyone? Exactly the same story there as far as I can tell (Not saying Bowen shouldn't allowed, I think he should, but why not Richard?) I mean I hate Richard Hall, although I feel terrible for saying that the risks speedway riders take, but I think he should be allowed to continue racing in the NL if he fits in on his converted average, I have no doubt that he can be a very good rider but I feel that people dislike him because he seems to have this reputation about him, for example the Auty incident, although as I've heard Auty was encouraging it while he was laying on the track... But that's besides the point, he seems like a bit of a dick (Having never talked to him however) Richard Hall and his relation to Jack Parkinson-Blackburn at Birimingham could bring JPB on immensely, so it'd be good for the youth too, and who will Richard replace there? Zach? Well he's already got another team, Tom? well so has he Just getting my opinions out there
  13. Kid Kong is Danny Phillips, No idea who the Hammer is O.o BP = Brough Park
  14. Is that actually who Berwick are signing or is my laziness to read the whole thread going to make me look stupid again?
  15. Glad Ludvig is in the EL too And it makes it even better that we have priority, I just hope it's not too much for him the EL, PL And Sweden, as in previous years he seems to drop off when the Swedish league starts and pick back up when the Swedish league finishes, god luck Ludvig
  16. I am yet to see any official news on this, were is it? O.o I have looked on the Speedway GB website, Ludvig's Twitter and the Leicester website? Or am I just blind? ok maybe I should have looked at the Leicester 2016 thread first
  17. I did not say cheap team at all, I said Danny Phillips is a cheap option, probably because we splashed the cash so much with the rest of the riders, I did not for one moment mean that we had a cheap team, just that we had to compromise somewhere from bringing in Robert Lambert and the rest, I am very happy with the side put together this year and did not mean for one minute that as a negative comment. Also, I'm sorry, I wish Danny all the best, but as me and many other paying customers deserve, is competitive racing, and watching races where one rider is trailing so much, is not competitive or entertaining to me, I appreciate all the things he does as well as the effort and risks in speedway, my uncle is a speedway rider and I can't tell you the amount of times he's hurt himself doing it But as a paying customer, I would prefer to see four man 'races' SOMEONE has to agree with that because I am not the only one I've seen giving Danny a bad name, and yeah maybe that's wrong of me, but I just want the best out of my Sunday nights and any away days I travel to. Because that's when SOME (Not me) customers start losing interest.
  18. Very cheap and local is the only reason I see it Make more money bringing in someone slightly better and further away because we might actually win something, for example we'd have won at Redcar maybe and gone through!!
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