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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. Most people seem to think that 2 2.00 riders isn't good enough, so I'd be surprised if that goes down well, although I'd like to see Mountain and Phillips as Newcastle's reserves, I think it's the best way to go, 2 young Brits and then a good top 5
  2. I see him at Ipswich over most other PL teams too tbh, although maybe Hume or Coles will be there instead?
  3. Fine then, Erik can come to us if Edinburgh don't want him
  4. What happened to him? And why isn't Ashley allowed to ride NL next year? I'm sorry I'm not so up to date on the NL rules (Or the EL or PL either tbh XD)
  5. 1. Connor Mountain 8.73 (Was born in KL and hopefully he'll join Newcastle A sunday track, much like Mildenhall so he'll need a new home) 2. Taylor Hampshire 3.00 (The 3 3.00 riders might rotate and all each get a go in this position to give them a little more experience) 3. Josh Bailey 8.48 4. Ryan Kinsley 5.39/Shane Hazelden 5.42 (Dunno who's more popular) 5. Nathan Greaves 8.36 6. Lewis Austin 3.00 7. Lewis Whitmore 3.00 Total: 39.96/39.99 Any other 3.00 riders? How about that Henry Atkins dude?
  6. Will the riders who have a 2 point average in the Championship have a 2 point average in the Premiership too?
  7. Quote me if I'm wrong, but I am fairly sure that Lambert won't ride at Newcastle next year and Garrity is the next best option now Richie has been taken for a big rider at the top of the team. In some ways I agree with you, in some ways I don't, I want to see every team using young British reserves, not 1 British reserve and a 4 point foreigner/5 point Brit, it'd be a bit hypocritical if I argued that and then put a large averaged rider at reserve myself.
  8. But they're riders that are as consistent as my bowel movements
  9. I think he's good mates with Steve too I'd hope he could XD If Garrity went around only riding for teams he was friends with everyone there, he'd ride for no one Maybe that's the baggage people talk about? Jason "Grumpy" Garrity could be his nickname
  10. Dunno if anyone else has pointed this out, I'm probably just being pedantic but this quote from Kennett is wrong, "2016 was one of my best seasons, and definitely one of my most consistent. The fact that I finished on top of the Premier League averages proves how consistent it was." What about Craig Cook and Danny King? I like Kennett but he's not THAT good, I think Rye's team so far is very good though, bit surprised they went for Robson and not Busk though, but maybe he's wanted at King's Lynn 1. Kennett 2. Watt 3. Nicholls 4. Robbo 5. Harris Strong top 5 in my eyes, and very British
  11. Never heard of any 'baggage' just know that he's one of the most entertaining riders I have ever watched, and he'd bring in people through the turnstiles, regardless of how successful the year is really going, I know he has argued with promoters and stuff, but I dunno much else
  12. Great signing for them, although I wish he came back to Brough, never saw it happening though, gonna leave Newcastle with a very long tail
  13. 1. Jason Garrity 8.55 (This will go down well with the people who like Garrity and not well with the people who hate him, but there's no denying, he has talent and entertainment, he wouldn't be at number 1 for too long imo, so he'd make a perfect 2nd or 3rd heatleader, doesn't look like he'll be joining Sheffield of Berwick and can't see where else he'd be, I've always liked Garrity and he's another Brit ) 2. Ashley Morris 4.98 (Great tryer and never let us down once last season) 3. Lewis Rose 6.12 (This is one of Lewis' big step up years this year I think, he could be a 7 point rider come the end of the season) 4. Ludvig Lindgren 7.69 (Great captain, good at the number 4 spot) 5. Steve Worrall 8.47 (Would think he'd go to number 1 eventually but a solid team leader and he'd go in the 9s eventually imo) 6. 2.19 (So a pick from a few riders from the NL who come in on a 2, whoever it may be) 7. Danny Phillips 2.00 (All the previously made points in this thread, pros and cons) 6 Brits 1 Swede If Lewis Rose doesn't want to ride for us next year, replace him with Newman or Aarnio in the team above and I'd be happy Is Garrity a good enough new face?
  14. I don't think that team would do much, just my opinion though
  15. I think 3.00ers are riders who have had more than a 3.00 average in the past, but now have only a 3.00 average, Mitchell Davey for example (I think) Where 2.00ers are riders who have never ridden in our league or riders who have ridden in our league and have not achieved over a 3.00 average before? (I think) I'm not sure what riders between 2 and 3 would be, whether they'd go down to 2.00 or whether they'll be 2.56 for example This is my understanding although I'm probably wrong Speedway is confusing
  16. Who says he'll be riding for Mildenhall next year? He comes from King's Lynn doesn't he? Connor that is, I'm glad he enjoyed his visit though and I hope whichever team he joins, I get to watch him at Brough next year at least once Don't Mildenhall mainly run on Sunday's too? Or am I again getting things wrong in my head?
  17. I think it was in the 2015 P&P if my memory serves me right? I know that's a while ago now though Wouldn't mind a few different riders, Dan Greenwood, Coles, Phillips, and so on, but I think of all the realistic 2.00 NL riders, Mountain is the best So that's what my 'fixation' is, although I've mentioned Danny more than Connor I think Was it Nathan Greaves that George was interested in towards the end of 2015? I think he rode for us at Scunthorpe and there was some talk about him then? Phillips did get a little better over the course of 2016, whether it was a lot, not really, but it was a little better Also he averages over 2 points last year didn't he? So if he comes in on a 2, he'd be doing his part, and he's localish, and all the previous points made Everyone has their opinions I guess
  18. He also has track knowledge of Brough (Which no other 2.00ers do that I can think of? Mountain if you count Press & Practice), already knows his old teammates, hopefully most of which will be back AND doesn't every team have to have a 2.00er at 7? Or is that just something I've got into my head? I think I'd prefer Mountain over Phillips if we went with 1 2.00er, but I think the whole point of the new system is to give young riders a chance, and regardless of what other teams do I think we should have 2 2.00ers at reserve to give them experience and an opportunity, because what we'll lose in reserve, we'll make up in the main body, this is just my opinion of course
  19. Honestly, I'm just going by this page http://www.speedwaygb.co/files/downloads/pl16_issue_final_3.pdf Sorry if it's wrong All of the foreign riders under a 5.00 average seem to have been put up to a 5.00 average Although since Kevin Wolbert is called "Kevin Wilbert" on there, I'm not so sure how serious I should take that page lol
  20. If Lewis Rose doesn't return (Which I really hope he does) I would like to see something along the lines of: 1. Richie Worrall 8.49 2. Ashley Morris 4.98 3. Steve Worrall 8.47 4. Ludvig Lindgren © 7.69 5. Kyle Newman 6.31 6. Connor Mountain 2.00 7. Danny Phillips 2.00 Total 39.94
  21. Mark Riss will be a 5.00 rider, does Bewley get a reduction? O.o Is that where the 3.90 average comes from?
  22. And Peterborough in 2013 (Although I'm sure that was before he rode for the Bees that year) I'd forget Sundstrom because if I were a Rye fan, I'd want something like this: 1. Edward Kennett 9.27 2. Nikolaj Busk Jakobsen 6.50 3. Scott Nicholls 9.23 4. Stuart Robson 7.09 5. Chris Harris 9.21 6. Robert Branford 4.60 7. Ben Morley 3.85 Total 49.75 Very British, very good at Rye and very good
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