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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. No one knows what we will win until the team is announced Our top 4 could be anyone
  2. Edinburgh have said that they want rid of Wolbert because of all the travelling he has to do It was nearly the Riss brothers too by the sounds of it I know, Rene is one of my favourite riders, I hope one day he'll be back I'm sure whatever the team is, George will get everything he can out of them
  3. Would Adam even ride in the UK? I'm sure Adam's last EL average was 6.66 (Correct me if I'm wrong, do Birmingham's averages count for that year? Since they closed down) So it would be (6.66 x 1.4 = 9.324) So 9.32 I would prefer Hougaard on a 8.70 over that
  4. Looking forward to seeing the team tomorrow Hoping to see Steve, Ludvig, Lewis and Ashley with the other three built in nicely around them, although I'm open for anything new too Unlikely, unfortunately... Rene' Bach #12 ‏@BachRene Nov 10 Looks like a season without a team in UK. #speedway
  5. I'm not saying you have to agree with me, I'm just saying you don't have to constantly dis one of your own riders, someone you're supposed to support and someone who has given so much to the club you watch I did give a negative view of Ricky Wells, I'm not saying negative views are wrong, but not constantly, it just seems dickish I wouldn't like Wells even if he joined our team tbh, same went for Lemon, Henry, Kus, but I would respect him for wearing the Diamonds colours, something people should give Ludvig, for wearing their team's colours
  6. Why are people only pointing out the negatives? Yeah he has bad days, but everyone does, how many times has Lindgren done something incredible for Newcastle? Whether it was just 1 simple pass which made the crowd happy, or whether it's visiting schools, promoting the Diamonds, all of that matters, Wells on the other hand has the personality of a spoon and would never do any kind of promotion I'm sure if I looked I could find many positive statistics, along with the negative statistics pointed out here http://speedwayupdates.proboards.com/thread/16028/newcastle-peterborough-pl-21-2016 Look, I just found a bad meeting from the lord and saviour Lambert himself, no one ever points this stuff out? Oh and look, Lindgren got 11 points that day http://speedwayupdates.proboards.com/thread/15509/newcastle-berwick-pl-08-2016 Oh look, Kus had an off day, and how many points has Lindgren got? Some people just seem to have this vendetta against Ludvig, he was a great rider last year for us, yet people still moan and moan, old men who couldn't ride a bike anywhere near as good as him Edit: This was in no way a dig at Lambert or Kus, it was just an example, everyone has bad days
  7. I know, more of a fantasy team than anything, but it's still a cool team Nooooo Lindgren should stay at Newcastle Although I fear you may be right, not so sure about Palovaara though?
  8. You'd be about 4 points over, it would just fit under a 45 point limit
  9. Jack Smith ‏@24_jsr Nov 21 Soon to be announcing my teams for next year!!!! #watchthisspace #2017 Glasgow and Birmingham
  10. 1. Craig Cook 9.83 2. Max Clegg 4.34 3. Erik Riss 6.85 4. Mark Riss 4.00 5. Sam Masters 8.97 6. Dan Bewley (If not at Glasgow)/Jye Etheridge 4.00/Arthur Sissis 4.00 7. Rob Shuttleworth 2.00 Total 39.99 Not sure how realistic this team is due to finance and in terms of riders, but that would be a really strong team
  11. I know he is, I just keep thinking it's Swindon for some stupid reason I think I may have just started an argument about Roynon
  12. I did think about Branford but for some reason I have it in my head that he's riding for Swindon, a Thursday track, I think Jacobs would be a good rider for Sheffield, but as you say you can get more from the points Never knew Roynon was treated badly by the promotion
  13. Roynon Or Lykke Nielse and Heeps would mean that Bates would start at reserve 1. Josh Grajczonek 2. Adam Roynon/Kasper Lykke Nielsen 3. Lasse Bjerre 4. Cameron Heeps 5. Kyle Howarth 6. Josh Bates 7. Jack Parkinson Blackburn
  14. After many months of guessing, are we starting to come with a team that more than one person likes? I've heard someone mention that he has an attitude and blames everything on other people, that's kinda off track stuff I can't quite remember who it was who said it though Ludvig HAS been our best captain that I've seen of him since I started going Ludvig HAS been our best captain that I've seen of him since I started going
  15. I'd stick up for Ludvig, but I'd get accused of just loving him by certain people, all I'm gonna say is that Id want Ludvig over Ricky, every single day of the week, HOWEVER, I would prefer Ricky over Matej, but as long as it means Rose will be in the team also 1. Steve Worrall 8.47 2. Ashley Morris 4.98 3. Lewis Rose 6.12 4. Ludvig Lindgren 7.69 5. Ricky Wells 7.92 6. Zach Wajtknecht 2.63/Ellis Perks 2.38 7. Danny Phillips 2.00 Total:39.81/39.56 I think this team would appeal to the masses, those who are willing to compromise anyway However, swap Ricky for Matej, and Danny for Ellis and that'd do me 1. Steve Worrall 8.47 2. Ashley Morris 4.98 3. Lewis Rose 6.12 4. Ludvig Lindgren 7.69 5. Matej Kus 7.64 (Wish it could be Rene ) 6. Ellis Perks 2.38 7. Zach Wajtknecht 2.63 Just seen this lol Which pairs got the most 5-1s. 1 Ludvig Lindgren & Matej Kus - 30 - Panthers89 (Number 1 spot)
  16. I hope Lindgren and Kus don't go I really don't see Wells signing but I wouldn't mind that, I think Lambert would get a 2.5% reduction to 8.70 not sure about Rose though, if Carr got a reduction, Rose should too
  17. Pedantic Sorry, it's easy to forget, especially when I've been calling it EL and PL for a few years, but I'm sure you knew what I meant
  18. Would be 2 2.00 riders at 6 and 7 and that would fit
  19. Oh that's cool that, I thought the promotion would have had to fought hard to get Robert in Ahh, I can't go anyway, I'm in Finland next week, but I was just curious when on that night the news might come out if any riders were to be announced
  20. I understand that but I also question, with Robert particularly, will they want to ride in the PL or abroad? Maybe they'll only do EL in this country next year (Again, this is more directed towards Robert) Robert asked to come to us last year did he? I would love to see Steve back, and I am fairly confident he will be back, but not so much Lambert, just my opinion Is that next Monday? The 28th? What time does it start/end? You don't know who George is talking to, maybe he has been talking to Bewley and the likes, obviously if Glasgow really wanted him and no other promoters were talking to him, they'd have probably announced him by now, maybe George is holding them up How about this team, with Kenneth Bjerre instead of Garrity? Can someone tell me why that won't be right? And if Rose don't want to ride for us, Paul Starke or Kyle Newman instead
  21. I think Lasse will be great next year And Kenneth for that matter, that's why Kenneth is in the back of my head to sign for the Diamonds MJJ has said he wants to, but that was before the changes
  22. Yous had 2 last year Why not make it another? Oh I never knew that
  23. I converted his 2016 EL average of 3.65 to PL so 3.65*1.4=5.11 And at the time I thought it was the same conversion from PL to NL, so 5.11*1.4=7.154 However now I know it's PL*2 for the NL average which would be 10.22 which is waaay too high I knew it would be wrong anyway, converting an EL average down through 2 leagues seems ridiculous But hey, speedway rules ARE ridiculous
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