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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. Yes, I thought Robert was riding in the Swedish league, not in a FIM meeting, I'm all clear with what's going on now... I think...
  2. I see, I was told he's riding in Sweden tomorrow, didn't even know about the FIM meeting, thanks again Although it's interesting to see that Adam Ellis is riding for Swindon tonight still...
  3. Robert (The Brit) is riding in Sweden and misses Edinburgh Vs Newcastle (His British club) I'm confused Not that it takes much.....
  4. I thought British riders got priority for their British clubs..... That's what I've just been told...
  5. Thing is... We have two out and out number ones (Steve and Robert) and it's sacrificing the bottom end Where that year, we didn't have any at all... I realize now that George and the promotion won't make a move like that, since they didn't do it, doesn't mean I still can't talk about it What I'd want them to do... You mean they'd do the opposite of what they did when Danny King came into the team? Don't think Ben did badly, and Danny was starting to perform just before his injury, the home meeting against Berwick (I think) when JPB guested, didn't he win the reserves race and then hold on for a 5-1in heat 8? That was a great performance What do people mean with all these park puns?
  6. I think it wouldn't be clear cut that Ayres would beat Hopwood every time Also, I don't think we'll see Danny for the rest of 2017, and if we do, he won't be 100% I think Connor is a great prospect, but it's too soon for him, as soon as he's put under any pressure he falls, something that can't be said for Hopwood (Just based on heat 14 on Sunday lol) I think Connor tries TOO hard on a track he struggles on and then just has to lay the bike down
  7. Oh yeah..... That was a dumb moment for me..... Which country was he coming from anyway?
  8. How would his bikes get there if he got the train? Would he just roll them on with him? xD Shame to see Ayres sign for Redcar, good for them, and him, but a shame that it has to be Redcar
  9. Don't think the ENTIRE rest of the team is the problem..... Ludvig and Rose are doing great in the main body and Robert and Steve are doing even better, not to mention how good Ashley has started the season... It's just the reserves are out of their depth and something has to give elsewhere in the team or else we'll just be struggling with 2.00 reserves for the rest of the season... I don't think anyone here hates Robert... ok ok, I didn't know that nationality dictates the priority of a rider, I was just asking for confirmation of that, is that a new rule or has it always been in place? Does Robert still race under a German license? Also, if Newcastle isn't a priority in his head... Will he give 110% every week? I dunno, I'm a big fan of the guy, but I fear for my team this year... And it's not even Robert's fault As to a link of Robert saying Germany was a priority, it was in a Speedway Star one week
  10. Is that true? And if it is... Is it also true in Robert's mind? And nobody WANTS him out...
  11. I see logic in all three of these, and I don't think people want to drop Robert because of a poor showing, I think it's so we can strengthen the bottom end... In some ways I think it would be sensible, but in other ways I want to see one of the best talents in the world at Brough. I still have it in my head that he will get too busy this year with all the teams he rides for... Not saying he'll drop the Diamonds, but he might get too knackered, and he's already said Germany takes priority, King's Lynn will no doubt, take priority and the same can be said for Poland and probably Sweden... So are we bottom of the list for him? Just an observation... I'm sure, as I've said before, Matej would gladly come in if we needed him, and that would free up a couple of points elsewhere..... I'm just worried we'll get dumped right before the play-offs (If we make them, maybe not) for other teams...
  12. Probably, and I'm sure a lot of local and nearby teams' riders would have jumped at the opportunity
  13. Shanes won't sign full time because of grasstrack and longtrack at weekends, and Embleton will never be able to travel as much as he needs to, doesn't even have a van as far as I know, I suspect he's for mostly home meeting and the odd away one Plus, I'm pretty happy now with Connor and Ben, just nice to be able to pull James out of the hat during the week every once in a while
  14. Said that a few times, but people just called me mad lol... And I think I know who I'd get rid of if I was being... Ruthless... (How's Matej's leg nowadays?) On another note, I think Ben Hopwood looked good, he led heat 14 for a couple of laps, even though he did hold Ludvig up a bit, very impressive and didn't look like falling off... Glad to see local lad Josh Embleton get signed for number 8, wonder if George is thinking about using Josh at home and Connor away instead of dragging Connor up from Eastbourne every weekend... Was hoping the news would be the other way around, Connor on weekends and number 8 James Shanes during the week But unfortunately... No Glad to hear that Danny Phillips seems to be getting better, put my fiver in the collection, and I hope many others did too Welp..... Tero signed for Scunthorpe so what was going through my head is out the window now
  15. So, can someone explain why Robert got the name Rocky tonight from Roy (Other than the fact that Roy's a c*ck)
  16. Get a couple of riders interested and signed up, announce the meeting and then fill in the blanks after...
  17. That is a great shame, I remember hearing not long before he got injured of rumors that he was going to return to Newcastle Good luck with the rest of your life Kenni, maybe you will be back later on down the line
  18. I'd personally have Connor at 7 and Ben at 6, Connor needs them races against the other team's number 7 to boost his confidence and he's more likely to beat him than the other riders our number 6 would be against Let's not forget that Ben Hopwood rode for Poole a few seasons ago!! And he seems to have started very well in the NL this season, he's been around the sport for a few years now so hopefully he can kick on in the CL and give Connor a few tips too!!
  19. I wish they'd do the old EL format, with two reserves races, and when the reserves are against the main body, it's just second strings, if they keep going with the weak reserves, they should do this anyway
  20. Good to hear that he's a gutsy rider, I like riders who give 110% all the way through the race, like Schramm did, or Wilkinson and Morris do now, I hope he gets of to a good start The bald bandit would be a good nickname Does anyone have any idea which number he'll get? Will he go to 6 and Connor to 7, or will he just take Danny's place at 7? Hope to see Connor at 7 tbh... Gives him more chance of points Ah, scratch that, I've got his nickname..... BigBen Knowing Roy's originality... That's probably what it'll be
  21. Ben Hopwood is an ok signing, don't get me wrong, reminds me of when we signed Schramm or MIlls for some reason, but I was just wondering when the last time he rode Brough was @Tsunami Hope Connor can step up a bit... Not that I think people should expect him to yet, but he needs to...
  22. Hmmmmm, at least he's kinda experienced? Might help Connor out, when was the last time he rode Brough out of curiosity?
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