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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. Wasn't going to start saying anything, just saying that I think the extra youth meeting would have been worth the £15 alone, would be interesting to see loads of new faces (hopefully) too, that Dan Gilkes looks like he's going to be something in a few years time, looking forward to following him
  2. I don't know how to quote from other threads, or even if you can but "Heard from a very reliable source tonight that Coles has been released. Presume someone else too leaving it open for Knight to return. Was only a matter of time." Was said on the Eastbourne 2017 thread, don't know how much to believe anything on here, but if it's true, I'll be devastated for Connor That's not what he needs right now... He needs solid time at one NL club to get his confidence back... Imo
  3. Yes, it's no excuse, but you can see it from both sides of the situation Glad Connor stuck up for himself too, it was good to see Think no matter what the situation, if a rider lashes out at another rider, before, during or after a race, they should be immediately excluded from the race, re run or not... Should have been a 3-2 with Steve in 1st and JPB in 2nd... (Think they were the two riders, can't be arsed to go look)
  4. He did over react a bit, but you can understand it kinda, think of how much adrenaline he had in his body as he was flying towards the fence... Don't think he has anything personal against Connor and the amount Tero did for us last year, he's still a hero in my eyes (Maybe I'm being a little Finn bias though Haha)
  5. I know It's a shame, but regardless, more people should stay back to watch the future of British speedway, we hardly have one as it is...
  6. Haha, well that's good, I'm glad my stupidity can do that for someone All I try to do is be as annoying as possible, and people will notice what I say As they go "Oh god, not Dandelion again"
  7. Not really better, but no worse, also think Nathan and Liam have much more potential, give the kids a chance rather than recycling the oldies!! Damn yeah, I forgot Nathan rode for Wolves lol Couldn't yous have fit Max Clegg in? Just out of curiosity
  8. I agree with everything said here... Even if we just go for another daft Hopwood like signing, think it would do Connor the world of good with a run in just the NL..... Although it sounds like Eastbourne might be on their final straw with him? Yes... Maybe I am Then again... I can post as many times as I like ^_^ I would be annoyed by me, if I was someone else
  9. You 0-9 like? I wonder if it counts mental age, I'd get in for free then, as long as I'm accompanied by an adult You should've watched all 33 then Yup, very confident there, but I agree
  10. If Kennett, Nielsen and Carr fits, I'd go with that... And then sign Jacobs as a replacement for Aarnio so Newcastle can have him
  11. Don't think he'd fit into any one else's kevlars Haha, Or maybe he isn't getting any, because he's only temporary himself? (Hope not, he's impressed me)
  12. With this team... Loss loss loss Hope I'm wrong
  13. Lee Payne, Nathan Greaves or Liam Carr all worth a shout... The list just has every rider who rode last year, although I wish Olly would make a comeback...
  14. Just got home!! Delays all over the A1 heading south, don't know what's happened but it seemed to clear up in seconds... Didn't Lambert ride in Poland yesterday too?
  15. How do our riders consistently mess up gates as much as they do? It gets a little frustrating sometimes, the only gate Rose made, it got pulled back Anyway, we got a win, so I'm very happy with the result, well done to Connor for sticking up for himself, think Aarnio over reacted a bit, but that goes to show how dangerous having riders with a lack of ability and experience in the league... They fall off in front of other riders and they have the choice..... Run the fallen rider over and ride into the fence... It's not Connor's fault he's been thrown in at the deep end, it's the damn rules... What the hell was that one fan in the middle of the stadium getting his knickers in a twist about? Well done Ben Hopwood, I would just like to say, thought he had another solid performance and he's doing good at reserve, but it should be as a junior reserve... Any idea when he's getting his kevlars?
  16. So sad Is it not £10 a point plus expenses paid? Like petrol and methanol? Just a guess...
  17. Well, I don't think Olly Greenwood is on any average, unless he's made a comeback?
  18. Can't be Rohan, Scunthorpe fans hold grudges too much for that to happen It wasn't even on purpose, it was clearly an accident lol... Although I better not say that..... People will get mad..
  19. RUMORS that Connor is getting released by Eastbourne Hope they're not true...
  20. I hope Connor hasn't been released Or if he has, I hope he gets fixed up with someone Ah I see, I'm not the smartest when it comes to sarcasm xD It is the British way, so it's hard for me to pick up on it
  21. Well, Simon Lambert is better than constant guests is he not?
  22. That won't happen, it is the bspa we're talking about here, one rule for one and another rule for another (this is not a dig at Lakeside, they just took advantage of rubbish sh*te system) And lots of clubs have done that over the past few years I still hope Jake Knight comes into Newcastle's team in place of Connor Coles, would be good for everyone involved that, both riders and clubs...
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