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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. Ah I see, there should be a rule allowing the team to replace a rider if he's walked on them, thanks for the information though
  2. Thanks for the information, I was just curious to see what life was doing for him, hope he still gets involved with the speedway somewhere even if it's off track Such a shame, I didn't see him ride many times, but he looked like a class act on a bike and he looked like he would be going far
  3. A facility? Does that mean they'd just be allowed to replace him as normal?
  4. But with the deadline already passed, what are Peterborough allowed to do with replacing him IF he does withhold his services?
  5. I know this might not be the right thread for this question, but does anyone have any information on how Kenni Larsen is doing these days? And whether his racing career is over because he wants it to be, or his injuries forced him to retire, thanks
  6. Yes, it is brilliant... Just think if people can't commit, there should be some kind of rota? Is there? Or are people just expected to turn up every week, that's a big commitment to make... But if some people do it, fair enough
  7. He rarely does it... Not to the extent he did it in Heat 15 anyway... Sometimes he looks slow, but I don't think it's down to effort... No one in their right mind, it was one person saying one passing comment, I think it was a mistake/rider error... Whether it was ruts in the track or he picked up a lot of grip... He was tight coming out of the bend so maybe there was a lot of grip down low...
  8. I'm sorry, I didn't realize they were ALL volunteers, I thought just some were... But as Ruff Diamond said, if everyone did that, there'd be some weeks where there were no one turned up... I think if someone were to offer they services for the season, even as a volunteer, they should at least turn up and help every meeting for the season they promised... Unless there was something extremely wrong, it should just be like any other job once you offer to help
  9. Ahh, my friend said that Roy said over the speakers it was a damper, the speakers aren't very good on the fourth bend (despite standing right at the front about 10 feet away from one) as none of them point towards the crowd there (thankfully) or else we'd have to listen to the garbage called 'chart music' all meeting long... I would put money on the fact it wasn't deliberate, Ricky Wells probably crapped himself...
  10. Thank you, hope you enjoy your holidays too Me too That's why I asked I'm a poor student living in 2 different countries, I've got a VERY tiny budget, but I always find the money to come support my team, even if the sport is struggling, that's why it bugs me when i see people saying they're not going to support their team because of how the sport is ran... If everyone did that, every team would go bust... Hope not... lol... Even if we got them on 0.00 averages Unfortunately... Should the track staff's main priority be the track over Newcastle games? Although, I suppose most of the crowd would choose football over speedway anyway
  11. The KL sacking thing was a joke, Robert and Steve are probably helped more by their PL clubs than anywhere else... Even Tai took a rest a few years ago, so it's not like they'd show weakness or whatever... Robert especially with all his knocks needs a break... It'd do him the world of good probably... I don't think what Wells did was deliberate... No rider would purposely put them and another into a situation where they could potentially get hurt... He was having problems with his damper on the start line... Maybe that still wasn't working properly and he hit a rut and his bike got fired towards the fence because what little suspension a speedway bike has didn't absorb the impact... they were both lucky to stay on from my angle and fair play to both of them for completing the 4 laps... The people who complain clearly have never rode a speedway bike, full tilt into a bend with 3 other riders... Especially at the tight bends of Brough, that sh*t is scary...
  12. No, Chris comments because he enjoys the drama and attention, people on here (mostly) comment because they give a damn
  13. Maybe Robert should take a week off... Although that might get him the sack at KL...
  14. And I'm not surprised, I don't follow either rider, but I still can't shake them off, all they do is moan moan moan... Chris always has something to say, even on things that don't concern him... Just like I'm doing now
  15. When he came past me on bend 4, his bike sounded awful, but I'm no expert, didn't sound right, but it might have just coughed at that one moment... I was stood near the front too, so I was kinda at his bike level... Also just want to say what a pleasure it was to get to watch Robbo take on Brough Park again... Alfie must feel amazing, he's been waiting for kevlars for weeks and Robson gets his straight away I thought the meeting had plenty of exciting racing... Especially watching Ben Hopwood keeping Erik Riss and others behind him, I'm really starting to think he's one of my favourite Diamonds this year... 100% trier from start to finish, I love that attitude
  16. She's on holiday for a few weeks!!! Even the kangaroo needs a holiday Who's willing to pay me the most to get her back...
  17. Why has Thomas H Jonasson came in on a 5.69? Shouldn't it have been converted, like all the other old EL averages were at the beginning of the season? Thanks for any information Anyway, I'm so glad to see THJ back in British speedway, big fan of him
  18. If yous don't like Richie's form, we'll have him
  19. Richie as a guest would strengthen us... If he's available
  20. I personally wasn't a MASSIVE fan of the team, I prefer more strength in depth, however I was excited to see out top 5 perform, although they weren't quite as strong as I hoped they would be Anyway, back to tonight (if it's even on), I predict 47-43 Edinburgh win... With Steve and Robert knackered after yesterday, I'm just looking forward to watching Robson
  21. What about possible further KOC meetings? Past Glasgow... Although I doubt it
  22. What is the weather doing in Newcastle? It's p*ssing it down where I am, the streets are flooding!! Also, if anyone thinks "getting rid of George" is a good idea, they need their heads banging together, he's been one of the biggest, if not the biggest reason Newcastle speedway still exists... Sure, our team this year may have struggled, or we might have had an unlucky season... But how many times has George pulled a good move out of the hat down the years? I mean, he did sign Robert Lambert and Steve Worrall this year... That's no small move, and even Lewis Rose is a good move, he and the promotion have tried their best to revive the season, well done to them... Although I do think 2017 is beyond us now (besides the KOC, Against Glasgow.....) And we should look forward to seeing what happens over the next 6 months or so...
  23. Shock... Still a good signing for Scunthorpe though
  24. Very excited by this signing and to see him riding in the UK, I've seen him a few times back at home riding in Sweden, looks to have a real amount of talent Well done Scunthorpe
  25. Well, it's not like he has NO team right now, Belle Vue seem to be doing well with him Plus, doesn't he ride in Poland on a Sunday too? Or am I thinking of Justin Sedgmen?
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