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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. No, that's pre-school, it's even worse!! Please do... I will try reaaally hard to find yous, but you're not allowed to say anything until I find you
  2. Women drivers..... Honestly, they need to get off the road and stay indoors...
  3. What happened with Micky Dyer? Why would he be prosecuted?
  4. I feel like I'm back on the playground
  5. I wouldn't mind Ellis Perks and Matej Kus at Newcastle Can't imagine Ellis Perks costing a lot either, so if we are on a tight budget, he could be a good option... And British, but will he keep Ashley at reserve? Who knows...
  6. How's Kenni going nowadays? The updates on him seemed to just disappear, is he back to full health and living life 'normally'? Frightening accident he had I heard people saying he was returning to Newcastle!! Does that mean he's back on a bike??? Having said that, I heard them rumours a while ago and I can't get into my head whether it was before or after the incident Doesn't he have a younger brother? Who also rides
  7. Well, I went on holiday, and yes, there was a bit of down time in the evenings, so we watched some dvds while relaxing, it was quite fun actually, and it got my friends and family who were there talking, so yes, it was fun I would rather do that than sit and stare at the walls while we have small talk about nothing... Don't forget Jerran Hart Yep, I know there might not be anything to say, but silence is worse than updating us about 'nothing'
  8. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm glad he's got a team back in the uk, but I REALLY wanted to see him back at Brough, good luck Rene at Workington While I've been on holiday with my family in the Philippines, I've been trying to get them into speedway by watching a load of old Newcastle meetings from 2014, in some of these meetings Aaron Fox was guesting for us instead of Chris Schramm, and he looked very impressive!! And having looked at his Twitter page he still looks interested in riding over here and looks like he's keen to race!! He just needs to put some pants on and I think he'd do good at Newcastle, might be good to have an American in the side, who was the last American to actually ride for Newcastle? (Not guesting) On another note, has Mills retired? I know he's old, but last I heard, when we didn't pick him after 2014, he still was looking for a team, not suggesting him as a rider to use, just curious
  9. I don't care if Ludvig is a 7 point rider, a 10 point rider or a 2 point rider for the rest of his career, some of his races are entertaining to watch, and that's all I'm bothered about, entertainment, one of the most entertaining riders I've seen over the years (in my opinion) is Chris Schramm, and by the time I was watching him regularly, he was below 4 points, but he was still worth at least half of the entrance fee alone, but of course, everyone can have opinions In my opinion, Rene Bach, Ashley Morris, Stuart Robson and Ludvig Lindgren doesn't get much better for entertainment purposes, just need the interesting story of a young number 7 getting better every week (Alfie) A massive number 1 who can just blow riders away (Nichols??? Maybe they will change the rules as rumors have suggested) All of these riders would go into my dream team... But that's it, a dream lol
  10. From the Danish league, the most realistic names that I wouldn't mind seeing would be Jesper Sogaard (We were going to sign him a few years ago didn't we? And then decided he wasn't very good, I've seen him a few times last year in Denmark, and I dunno if he was just on good form, but he was flying) Patrick Hansen (Probably wouldn't want to ride in our league and I think he has a Polish team, but not sure if they ride Sundays) Peter Karger (He's had experience in this country before, but dunno if he'd be good enough) Andreas Lyager (I think we all know him from Scunthorpe, would be a good addition, but would he come in on the 7.00 he was assessed on before, or would it now be reassessed to a 5.20?) Just from the few meetings I have seen in Denmark last year, I think these names are the ones who stood out to me the most, again, I have only seen a couple of these once, so maybe they're crappy riders who just happened to have a good meeting, but who knows, wouldn't all of these riders be an expensive gamble, where if we were going to get a couple of foreigners in, the likes of Rene and Ludvig we know what they can do Just my opinion for next season
  11. Never realized that, did his family go with him? As far as I knew, they're British, just curious Now just to find 2 names who want to ride for us and that would be good enough..... Is this actually happening? Or are you on one of your tangents again?
  12. Didn't realize he was out for that long, hope he comes back fit sooner
  13. Birmingham should sign Luke Priest, local lad and would show the young riders a thing or two, and he's on a bargain average imo, at least a 6.5/7 point rider
  14. But isn't Ludvig based in Newcastle? I mean, I know he goes back and forth between England and Sweden, but surely it's his Swedish clubs that should pay for most of his flights as he's coming from England!! Even if he is Swedish by nationality, I dunno
  15. It's annoying waiting, and it would be nice to know what the team will be for next season, but you're right
  16. I have a question about the rules and I didn't feel that it was worth a new thread so I thought this thread would be the best place to ask. If, FOR EXAMPLE, Jason King or Adam McKinna or Andrew Tully was going to make a comeback in the NL, I know they won't and this is purely example, how would their averages be worked out? Or would they come in on 3.00 averages as new British riders?
  17. What if it's Ludvig...? Nah just kidding, I feel pretty much the same, although these two are the best way to start imo, bring back the loyal, long term supporters, legends like Robson will please the majority and triers like Morris will please the rest, I think it would be hard to find a fan of Newcastle speedway who were disappointed with both signings, surely they like at least one. Now we just need riders like Ludvig, Rose and Alfie to back them up and we'll have a nice team on the horizon.
  18. Last rider, I'd have Richie Worrall if he's available Chris Harris 7.63 Scott Nicholls 7.48 Richie Worrall 7.26 Edward Kennett 6.39 Ben Barker 6.00 Stuart Robson 5.72 Max Clegg 2.00 Team seems solid enough all the way down the order, and it's all British too And for people saying the team doesn't excite them, I'd love to be able to watch riders like Barker, Harris and Nicholls every week
  19. What if Ludvig is the next signing though?
  20. Might not be the strongest first two signings in the league, but I don't care, this is a dream start to the team for me!! All I need now is for Ludvig and Rene to be the next two and then Alfie Bowtell to complete the reserves
  21. Alfie to complete the reserve pairing would be a nice christmas gift But would Danny Phillips be the cheaper option Really, really glad Ashley came back, he did so well last year and may he do so well for us in years to come, safe 2018 Ash
  22. Good team, but would never happen Looking forward to seeing who our first rider will be My prediction is Ashley Morris
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