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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. I mentioned it because someone else did... Just a bit of chat during a bit of a lull in the season if that's ok... Nothing serious... I'm enjoying this year very much... Lasse and Thomas are both nice new faces and what else we have, I'm happy with...
  2. Is a tad early but I'd add Steve, Tero and Ashley to that list too... Fill in the blanks with an exciting number 5 (Richie maybe?) and a Luke Ruddick, Nathan Stoneman type at reserve... Would do me (First we need to know we are running next year!!) 1. Steve 2. Tero 3. Ashley 4. Matty 5. 6. Max 7. Love to have Danny Ayres in the team too... But don't see that happening lol
  3. I still see their weaknesses being outshone by the strength in depth of a team like Leicester come play off time... Just my opinion, and you have yours
  4. We cannot... Not even close... Instead of Ulrich is the only really logical one, but no thanks, especially only after 2 meetings!! Plus Ash is still injured for a while by the sounds of it Would DEFINITELY have him back for 2020 though I wanna know who this exciting rider who's going to be at Sheffield Roy mentioned will be...
  5. What about the 2012 Premier League result then? Fun fact, 2012 was the first year I started watching Newcastle, and the fact we could finish top but still not win the league baffled me... I also said whichever team finished bottom of the league that year, I would also follow... Hence the Plymouth connection Plus I have family not too far away from Plymouth also... How exciting and interesting... It's too hot
  6. I don't think in a team that BOTH reserves should be in the 'not under any pressure' boat... Carrying one rider is ok, but not 2 (No, I am not saying Glasgow is carrying Kyle, just that it's unfair, at his age and stage of his career, to expect him to be otherwise) I don't think James Sarjeant is up to much most meetings either and yes, they have a VERY strong top 3 in Cook, Vissing and Rasmus, and Stakre is pretty good most days too... but I feel that they are still a pretty top heavy team and sometimes it's a bit unfair on the likes of Kyle to say he is too poor away and it's costing points etc... He's only a kid really!! I don't have anything against Glasgow, in fact I quite like what has gone on up there, it's a real bright spot for British speedway and I applaud the owners... Just clearing that up before people think I'm just hating on Glasgow out of jealousy... I just see their top heaviness and long tail might in the end be the undoing of them, that is all
  7. Just stirring in general... Not necessarily with him, I see that his team is Edinburgh under his name
  8. Don't see Glasgow winning much anyway, with or without Craig... Think teams like Leicester and Somerset are stronger over two legs even if yous made the playoffs... Stir
  9. I am not slagging Kyle off at all, the lad has done very well this season, I have been following the likes of him, Drew and Leon... The future looks bright, All I am saying, at this point in his career, he shouldn't have to feel pressured into scoring big in the Championship because of rules such as the points limit forcing him to be the senior reserve and possibly a second string!! It's pretty ridiculous an it's how young Brits such as Zach Wajtknecht, Matt Williamson, Lewis Rose, Jack Thomas, Josh Bailey and many more over the years have 'taken a break from the sport' there's just too much pressure on them... They should be allowed to ride at number 7 whilst they build their confidence up... That is all I'm saying, maybe a rule such as the number 7 can be a u-21 Brit should come into the equation... Even if it is a Dan Bewley or Robert Lambert type... Yes it makes some teams ridiculously strong, but the Poles do it with the likes of Maksym Drabik and Bartosz Smektala at reserve... And they're doing well are they not Kyle HAS done well this year, even when expected to be the senior reserve, and I applaud him for that
  10. It seems Danny can do no right, he doubles what is expected from him average wise in a league he really shouldn't be in, and he still gets slagged off... Yes, I may do some of that from time to time, but when he deserves some praise I'm gonna give it to him... Can only beat what's in front of him and to be fair he did a very good job holding Kyle Bickley off for the 2/3 laps before he fell... Well done Danny A good second pace in heat 2 too Reserves throughout this season have gotten weaker imo... Matt Marson, Jason Edwards, Connor Coles, Joe Lawlor, Connor Bailey, Kyle Bickley, Tom Woolley, Henry Atkins, Danny Phillips with all due respect are riders who should NOT be expected to be in this league, but all are capable of beating eachother, yes it makes the races far too processional when they are in them, BUT it gives them opportunity to score points at Championship level...
  11. Don't we need to be raising vital funds to keep us going too!! Although obviously I will be supporting with charitable donations
  12. Wasn;t really last minute though, didn't we name him on like Tuesday or Wednesday or something?
  13. Why did we give Garcia so many rides though? I don't know why Chewbacca won't disappear... Please ignore
  14. I wish I could go but a mixture of work commitment and lack of time means I cannot go tonight, good luck to the Diamonds though, hope everyone is safe and we're not out of it before the 2nd leg... Hope the trip is worth it for the fans going up
  15. I don't think anyone is complaining about our team being weaker, I think everyone just feels bad for Bukhave and still p!ssed off about the carrying situation... Mind you, I think our top 6 looks very powerful now, so hopefully we should be able to beat everyone at home and start to pick up points away (Importantly around Edinburgh on Friday) I think our team looks a lot better now, but sorry to Bukhave Hope you're fixed up again real soon and don't hold any negative feelings towards us... Good luck
  16. Only out for a little bit though isn't he? Or is he taking a 'break from the sport'?
  17. Does Ben Hopwood still ride? Or how about Nathan Stoneman now he doesn't ride for Birmingham anymore... Mind you, I don't see Phillips going any time soon...
  18. Honestly, I've never seen the security there do anything but stand and talk... They wear flip flops and don't look like they could take down a small child, nevermind you know, someone of mild strength, if the club are seeing this too, I don't blame them for cutting back on them... All they do is stand, smoke and chat to eachother near where the dogs are kept on race nights... Waste of money... I will add though, I can't speak for all of them as I don't know them all, these are just the few women ones I see while going to and from where I stand to the burger bar and back!!
  19. ...FFS, Victim of the numbers game and daddy's son, I mean fair play to the management for actually making a change that was needed... But Jacob rode so well, especially on Sunday night... Very disappointed to see him go... Already Personally I'd put Ostergaard at 3 or 4, with Lasse and have Matty at 2 with Steve, Max at 7... Making our 1/2 partnership easily the strongest in the league and Heat 8 VERY strong
  20. Heat 06: Worrall, Clegg, Allen, Kinsley 5-1 23-13 64.0Line Up: Worrall, Clegg, Allen, KinsleyComments: Stopped.. Allen gave Worrall a nudge into bend 1, who moves into Clegg and Clegg falls into air fence. Clegg up and ok, All 4 back ReStart: Clegg passed Allen exit of b2l1.. Kinsley way back, Allen not threatening Clegg Read more: http://speedwayupdates.proboards.com/thread/19080/diamonds-scorpions-7-19-championship?page=1#ixzz5t6prigus Not only did Allen knock Steve into Max, after all three gate well, which then caused all riders to run out of space and Max was the unfortunate one... Allen then gated again in the re-run and got easily passed by a very muddy Max Clegg who was face first into the air fence just minutes previously... I must say that some of the passing moves by Matty and even Ben Barker (The one on Bukhave springs to mind) kinda makes your comment about Brough Park a meaningless one, the racing there is technical and entertaining, not like the wind it on bowl of Scunthorpe which eats rear wheels... I feel you are just commenting like this because you have seen your team, yet again, get hammered by Newcastle Got to say Jacob Bukhave, take a bow, really good considering it's only his second meeting around a tricky track... Really like the look of him... Do people still want to replace him with Ostergaard? Hopefully not...
  21. I hope so... I still love watching my team... But it's kinda sad seeing them at the bottom end of the table... You know much Dave? wink once for yes and twice for no...
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