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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. Not the only one... Some have even ridden for us...
  2. I agree, wouldn't want Ben in my team for the exact same reasons, just thought he's a former Brummies and would complete a 6/7 British team NOOOO!! You've already got Ashley... Don't take Matty too Not to mention my favourite Finn went to my least favourite team... It's nearly as bad as Robbo signing for Redcar a few years back... Thought he's be at Poole... I like THJ... Wouldn't mind seeing him at Brough
  3. I see... Was he not available on Saturdays this year then? Doesn't matter, just seen above he rides in Poland on Saturdays
  4. They have tried in the past with Eddie Kennett and Nick Morris in the past... But it just never seems to work out for them for some reason... Maybe they need to tempt a certain Frenchman back... Think he'd tear this league apart now... Is there a reason he doesn't do Championship anymore?
  5. What about Ben Barker as the final rider? 7.06 after a reduction... My prediction for Birmingham, after the agm and Harris/Garrity was signed was 1. Chris Harris 2. James Shanes 3. Jason Garrity 4. Ashley Morris 5. Adam Ellis 6. Tom Bacon 7. Nathan Stoneman (Or another 2.00er) I'd pay double to watch that team every week around Perry Bar, even if I am travelling from up north Not quite worked out like this, but Paco and Ben instead of Tom and Adam and Jack Thomas instead of Stoneman at resevre... isn't bad either Looking good for the Brummies next season... Jealous of Ashley the most...
  6. 1. Aaron Summers 2. Fernando Garcia 3. Danny Gappmaier 4. Jye Etheridge 5. Nikolaj Busk Jakobsen 6. Kyle Bickley 7. Leon Flint Hmmm, nice to see some young, local Brits at reserve... But I don't think I'll bother going to Berwick as a neutral next season... Like I have done the last few years... At least the wooden spoon is already sorted Looks weaker than last years team, even with the increased average limit... Maybe I'm just being harsh, prove me wrong... At least Summers and NBJ are ok...
  7. Impressive... You could see them working with eachother the whole way around... Brotherly connection... That's Jordan Palin too... No slouch either... Used to seeing Danny at the back, but didn't expect it against these lot
  8. Didn't realise Jack was back racing? Not sure why he stopped tbh? Glad to hear he's back if it's true Too many young Brits 'taking breaks' never to be seen again Think Gilkes would increase his average to at least 3.00 if he was in the CL for a season of injury free racing... Mind you most of his points would be around CP...
  9. Told yous... It was clear as day xD Being a Scunthorpe fan must be boring... Having the same generic team every year... Mind you I am jealous of Ayres
  10. Maybe Gilkes, Jenkins, Rowe and Kemp (Obviously) are all signed elsewhere and Kent couldn't compete... And thought Ledwith was the next best Or maybe they've spent all their money on Scott I hope Ben Morley signs for Kent... Maybe Ledwith is considered the 'senior' reserve and there'll be Gilkes along side him...
  11. Don't see that either... Unless he's allowed in on his Workington 2018 average... He'll be waaay over inflated
  12. Am I the only one who thinks that some of the names being suggested on here are a bit daft? I mean: Jurica Pavlic, Nicki Pedersen, Bjarne Pedersen? Does anyone seriously think any of these riders would entertain Newcastle? Not to mention they'll all no doubt be in Poland next year... Knowing that Tero has gone to Scunthorpe and Ashley has gone to Birmingham and Steve has gone to Poole, this is what I'd like to see... A bit more realistic I think... Mind you... We don't even know if we're going to have a team at all next season!! Ben Barker 7.06 Paul Starke 6.33 Matej Kus 5.63 Matthew Wethers 6.92 Ulrich Ostergaard 5.98 Max Clegg 4.92 Jacob Bukhave 4.00 Yes, pretty terrible team... But I feel something like this is what we can expect... IF we run... I'm still holding out hopes that my dream will come true and the King of Diamonds returns since his team from last season moved up... But I'm not going to be too expectant Edit: Swap Barker and Starke for King and Bacon and it still fits... Either way, not going to do much next season... Just hope we run... Grondal and Jeppesen (Although I seriously doubt he would sign) would be a nice addition too... If Zdenek Simota and Ondrej Smetana (Yes, that's definitely who it was, Steve was right) were lined up for Plymouth and no one else picks them up, maybe we'll see them next season, when we announce our team a lot later than everyone else (Understandably) If Nike Lunna out of his 'break' yet?
  13. Where have you heard this? All I've heard is they're 'speaking with potential investors' which is about as generic of a comment as any team in Newcastle's position would make... Who knows what's actually going on? I hope you're right though
  14. Either way... It's a while away and not within the next few weeks
  15. Quick question: When are the fixtures normally announced? Can't really remember... Thanks Edit: I don't just mean for Newcastle... I mean for everyone
  16. Tero will ride for Scunthorpe once again... Unfortunately to me xD Along with Tommy, Josh, Jake, Simon Lambert, Danny Ayres and Palin
  17. So I'm guessing the Ged rumours were a load of cr*p?
  18. There's one thing posting how poor he was and it's another thing being completely disrespectful and disgusting to the lad... Personally I would watch NL meetings at Newcastle because at least the teams would be full of young Brits who want to go somewhere... My experiences of NL speedway was they're the best meetings I've ever seen (Racing wise)... And that includes all the GPs I've been to...
  19. Didn't he already have a testimonial? Might be imagining that lol
  20. 1. Josh Auty 2. Danny Ayres 3. Tero Aarnio 4. Thomas Jorgensen 5. Jake Allen 6. Simon Lambert 7. Jordan Palin It's so predictable it's funny... At least other clubs get the excitement of whether they'll run or not first... Makes it more interesting at least...
  21. Completely agree with you... But I can still see him riding for us next year... If I were him I wouldn't want to... Got to be embarrassing
  22. Where abouts? Poole? Think it's a given he'll be included
  23. Wonder whether a big name signing would spark some new interest... And with Sheffield moving up, how about a return for Danny King? 1. Danny King 8.45 2. Max Clegg 4.92 3. Ulrich Ostergaard 5.98 4. Matthew Wethers 6.92 5. Steve Worrall 7.38 6. James Sarjeant 3.90/Jacob Bukhave 4.00 7. Danny Phillips 2.17 Total: 39.72/82 (With all British riders getting 2.5% reduction, like last year and 40.00 limit like it should be at least)
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