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Bald Bloke

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Everything posted by Bald Bloke

  1. A cynic might think CJ jacking, will play right into his mate MT's hands, with regards negotiating a better price for the club. Who knows? The quicker MT buys the club the better for me, and King's Lynn..
  2. Your more than welcome to PM me, and put me right on that one?. I'm very interested !
  3. "Of course he will keep Kings Lynn going, he makes a fortune out of the sh@t beer & burgers." "Very high profit margin for a very poor product. Fortune probably isn't the best word to use to be fair to you." Sh!t beer and fortune. You almost answered it yourself, see above. There might be a high profit margin on food and drink, but with our low crowds, you have to sell them to make a profit. Selling burgers and "sh!t" beer won't pay for much more than 2 points out of 45 or so.
  4. Ok . Did he not deprive PB fans, and his team mates, not forgetting the fans ?? Did he fook up ??
  5. Speedway has much more troubles than prats digging out Tatum. Lynn, PB and Wolves
  6. Considerably more if we keep the same team. Miles out..
  7. Is that not the man that too10k to let his rider miss a home meeting, and got banned? Genuine question.
  8. That is what i was told.. I think it was probably up to date, in terms of wages, but my guess is that Alex was paying for AL's package on top of his sponsorship. Now it is no more..
  9. Unfortunately for Buster he has been let down at both promoters halfway through the season, and is trying to pick up the pieces.
  10. With the problems we have in British speedway at the moment, we have people moaning about Tatum.
  11. Well I'll watch it as long as it lasts. No bets for me tonight with a dodgy track a best.
  12. What kind of comment is that?? Absolute crap, and you know it . You'll be fine with MT next season, the skys the limit... So lets hope that Lynn run eh.
  13. MT couldn’t of found one. Otherwise you would be ok! ..I know I know, it was Busters fault..
  14. Well put Baggy. A lot better put than I could of done, or had the patience to try.
  15. At the moment, we have had 1 meeting postponed until later in the month !!. I think your a bit premature with that post myself. .. Am i missing something. Is it not PB that is without a promoter for todays cancelled meeting at King's Lynn?. Surely that was one of the problems? And i did say "one" before i get a load of, Buster is to blame for everything in the world.
  16. In the interest of the sport, it's probably fine, as long as there ain't racing each other.
  17. I believe after around 30 races, the bikes of today are "serviced", which means an engine strip, tolerances measured and re build with new parts where needed. There's a great vid out there, showing what it entails. I'll try and find it. Here it is. Very interesting imho. And well worth a watch..
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