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Bald Bloke

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Everything posted by Bald Bloke

  1. Why would he need a work permit. Buster might of got another youngster from overseas
  2. Vroom Vroom.. I put it back together today. Anyone can sell a car in an auction, especially their own.. I can't see the showground going anywhere for a year or two. And there's always Leicester up the road for sale. I'm not convinced he would buy Peterborough for the price of just the air fence myself.
  3. I'm sure Mr Tomalin has his eye on him for next season.
  4. Of course he does. He doesn't want to buy a speedway club to make his fortune, i'm sure. It will be for the love of the sport, or bragging rights.
  5. No, but MT might. He wants a club and no new venue needed. Will save him a fortune..
  6. Buster is trying his best, with what he has to work with .And keeping the club running.
  7. They have Doyle and Emil at great cost and whinge that King is only doing his average The rest ??
  8. I know. But wouldn't be where they are now without Guy. It's so hard for all teams that don't have that kind of backing.
  9. They would exist, but not no where to the extent they are, i agree. The crowds are ok , but wouldn't pay for their top 2..
  10. It's a tricky one when there's TV involved. Do you want them to spend thousands, for nothing and think ferk this, with next season in mind, or air on the side of caution. Which in this case was right. Buster was justified in his decision for whatever reason. It turned out that it was a wash out.. A lot of clubs are that much on the bread line, they can't afford to gamble..
  11. Well that's cleared that up.. Not forgetting the saturated grass parking.
  12. Looks worse from this angle. Laughing about it as well.. No need for big spuds, just let the security deal with it.
  13. Fair play, I doubt we will see the "others" doing so.
  14. Hopefully it’s in time for them to switch the TV meeting.
  15. Do you or anyone else know who is using the hard standing to park their vehicles ?
  16. I'd probably take Wright if i could get him out of them 3.
  17. Could end up being a good close meeting. I'm not expecting much from Emil, for obvious reasons, but Arten v Tarasenko could be interesting around the Showground.
  18. For me, that is a more reasoned comment from a Panthers fan, rather than blame Buster for everything from the weather to someone peeing on the seat in the bogs., like many seem to do on here.
  19. I'm not saying that all the info Danial is getting is incorrect. It's no secret, i can say that mine came from Alex himself.
  20. If Emil is on a 5, that still leaves us just almost 3 points under. But i see your point.. It seems that MT and Johnson are making it harder for Buster, instead of helping. Maybe it's a plan to try and get the club for nothing. Who knows?
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