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Bald Bloke

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Everything posted by Bald Bloke

  1. They may of done but don't think HH is going to play ball
  2. Seems like HH is miffed a tad and letting everyone know he's not to bad and wont miss the end of season through injury.
  3. I doubt Neils will be back in the UK next year. Lambo is a must. Rose is ok. I'd go from there. Even Batch on a 5.5 av...No thanks
  4. Troy,Rory 5 pts between them.Huckenbeck got a point.
  5. Care to let us know where you got the "couple of hundred at best from" SS ?
  6. Didn't see that one coming.Great win for the Stars,even with Batch and Rory still not on it.
  7. Good for u.I've rode and still do big fast road bikes.170 bhp compaired to amature speedway bikes 65 bhp(top guys 75).I had a go on a friends bike on a field and I rubbish myself Pc playing up.Should of said S*it mysel lol
  8. Don't think your far off there Steve.Unless Poole pull something out of the bag.Surely it must happen soon.
  9. Not far out.Bomber is the toughest and bravest rider out there imho.Mr reliable.But a 7 odd point EL rider isn't going to set the world alight in GP's.If he qualifies then he's earned his place.As for 6 years to sort the silencer thing out,well
  10. Looking farward to this one.Hard to call.4 points either way won't be far out imho.
  11. Maybe they will put it down to experience..If in doubt blade it ASAP.
  12. It stopped raining at around 4.30pm.They didn't decide to blade it near to 8pm.Buck must stop at the promotion?
  13. If that's the case it should of been bladed hours earlier. If it was bladed at 5pm they could have.Instead of 8pm.Madness
  14. I saw a vid on Facebook at 7.40pm of one of the vintage races.The track was wet but no standing water and the old chaps on their Japs etc rode on it.Then when they had finnihsed,they decided to blade it at about 7.50 pm. What a cock up
  15. They let the vintage races go out on the track as it was.Then decided to blade it about 7.50pm ish..Why not blade it at 6.30?.Seems mad
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