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Bald Bloke

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Everything posted by Bald Bloke

  1. Can have on op with BUPA faster than that.My son in law had one within 2 days on his leg
  2. I thought Hans has had the op.NM said he's waiting for it..Long time coming ??
  3. I don't know if he has no confidence,still troubled from the arm and DW.Or on a guarantee combined the either or both of the others.A few Robins fans slated him for his attidude and tbh I wouldn't have him in my team.
  4. According to Buster today,Stars will be. I wouldn't touch Batch,even on 5 point ave.
  5. Well done MPT.Lambo did ok.Batch,well he scored 1 point more than i would have.Hope he isn't on a guarantee.But suspect he might be.
  6. Ha.Poor Niels lol.I ride on the road and a bloody pigeon hurts when it hits you.Can't imagine what a brick is like hitting you at that speed.
  7. How did half an house brick go unnoticed.The track ain't that deep.
  8. Thought he rode before the GP challenge scoring 13.Before his comment that he wasn't badly hurt
  9. No going through it all.Did'nt Hans ride after he's crash abroard
  10. Was a figure of speech.I know Batch got a point. I know the deadline has past to sign a new rider but can't Lynn replace him with Jakobsen ?
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