If he's put it on the net,thats his problem if he gets "jumped on".Anyway he can't be riding tomorrow, is'nt he off "sick". If he IS riding tomorrow and hes on the pis*, then he's a prat.
I'd swap Drozdz with Worrall.Drozdz did score 5 ,but in 2 races Tungate had e/f's. He did beat Wajtknecht twice and finished in front of Bewley once.
I know he's new ,but I think it would take a bit of pressure off of him.
The weather has seen really bad.I don't know if Wolves have access to the track every day?
Blimey am I right in thinking that some Poole fans actually think Matt has done something wrong by agreeing? If Matt agreed, then surely its the right thing to do in the interests of British speedway..