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Bald Bloke

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Everything posted by Bald Bloke

  1. Not looking good for TV. Not because Lynn are loosing, but the track don't look great and the stadium also.
  2. My internet is playing up, but BFM is seen
  3. see your still taking the piss.Not real.
  4. You coming to Pooles next trip to Lynn
  5. You built your team to have a low scoring No 7. Shanes was almost scoring that. Others where almost 2 points out..But Shanes got dropped. Tell your Dad he's got it wrong this year
  6. What a twit you are. Well done you .Sorry twit
  7. James dropped his average by around .4 of a point.Josh and Linus dropped theirs by almost 2 points.
  8. No doubt the Stars will give it 100%. Hoping they can pick up a point in this one.
  9. I'm a Lynn fan and still no takers..MFF
  10. I don't know much about Holder. But he has never had this problem in the 8 or so years he has graced our league. I've not looked into it at all, but somethings wrong. If he can't ride for Poole, he can't ride the GP imho...Still not convinced Ford don't have something to do with his " delay", but i'm happy to be proved wrong.
  11. I expect a 10 + Wolves win. Not an easy place to go for any team.
  12. Beat me to it. Winning at all costs springs to mind. All the years Holder gave Poole don't count.
  13. I'll tell you what. Paypal me £100 and if Poole don't finish in the top 4 I will return £200.. Offers is until midnight tonight.
  14. You will make the top four. A few wins and you will be raving again .
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