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Bald Bloke

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Everything posted by Bald Bloke

  1. Not sure water makes dirt? If theres enough dirt on the track, water makes it grippy. If not a lot of dirt a lot of water makes it slippery.... Like the other night
  2. Not for most. If taken at night it keeps most up all night and wanting to be on the go. Most can't rest. Keeps you wide awake. Doubt if it would help a speedway rider on track...But in this dangerous sport, or any sport, driving etc, theres no excuse. Weed makes your reactions slower.To chilled if you like.
  3. Not a NP fan, but showed what it meant to him . Well done. No fault in the Woofy clash.
  4. He called for Lambo to be banned after his tweet. He didn't read it properly.. Brushed off chucking oil on the track.. Saying if he saw it on his away trips he wouldn't care... Said that certain Poole fans who are honest supporters should of shut their gobs, because they will bet Poole into trouble.. Bit of a bully ? He won't admit it. Just calls me a troll I'm temped to show how much of a troll I can be if I try Kelvin's new dirtometer for Wimborne Road
  5. Phil Rising has said that Niels is far from fit. I get what you are saying about being fit. Hes doing it in heats 13- 15. Probably pushing it in those heats for the team. I know we need him banging in the scores. No better rider on a 7 point average for 2019..
  6. I wouldn't class myself as a troll..Just some Poole fans miffed me off lately.. Asking for action on Lambo, just because he posted a pic of the oil that bloke chucked on the track illegally..Would you agree?.Perfectly entitled to take a pic, would you agree ??.. Read it twice, post once might be a good idea.Would you agree?.Oh telling fellow Poole fans they should of kept their gob shut was a classic.. There are supporters and theres supporters!
  7. The Rebels are fairly decent at reserve at the moment, but not a match for Poole's 6 and 7 at Wimborne Road. This will be more of a test for the Pirates, but for me it's 50-40 score line won't be to far out. Close enough to get Ford out of the office that he was allegedly sat in throughout Thurs shambles
  8. Dan Bewley.. Starting ave 4.71 His 2018 season ave so far 7.32 Lambo Starting 7.38 So far in 2018 9.27
  9. They don't pay you that much to sell the star.. Your a member of "The Poole are the only club that matter's " club in the UK.club
  10. Some prat chucking oil over the track when fans watching. The FRN not in force???, allowing 3 Poole riders being there? I might be wrong. Still the meeting went ahead.Poole well on top.Heavy burst of rain..Result was comfirmed, Rain stopped after 10 mins... Many Boo's FROM POOLE FANS..Track looked good in pics. Nothing to do with Fraud or Middlo though Fraud.
  11. You know your talking rubbish...You know your ok..... You have plenty in hand as you might know.. No fault of Fraud or Middlo.You swerved that one.. Not
  12. The 20w 50 i'm all right Jack, in the interests of the sport Pirates.
  13. It's not just the tide for me.It seems like 90% of Poole fans are Poole at any cost.Same as Fraud.Reminds me of Stepford Wives if you old enough lol
  14. Fraud n Middlo don't have control of that... Tide must of come in as the rain hit the track.....
  15. What happened to the FRN... Having the meeting today helped Poole big time, was it 2 Danes and Harris away, i'm not sure?. Poole fans let us know. Good for Poole, full team, big crowd and a big win. All good for Fraud....Bit of rain, ok the Lions can't win. Poole have the points they want. Several grand to be saved by both clubs.Sod the fans!!!! And it's nothing to do with Fraud or/and Middlo at all?
  16. But we will be told "We wasn't there" by some of Pooles puppets Poole had won the meeting, no probs..But the wages v fans ?
  17. Thanks... What a crock of rubbish.Meeting would of carried on if Poole wasn't winning big.May not of been all Poole as both teams would of benefited from the call off. Saving both teams lots of money, and fug the fans...…. Any that say Fraud or Middlo didn't have a thing to do with it at all are so far gone, it's nearly funny.
  18. A team manager is in on the decision, is he not?.. I don't know. It's all well n good giving it the big un. But my guess is it's no blame on Fraud or Middlo from you. I might be wrong though??
  19. You left a bit out of my post...I said Ford or Middlo. I'm sure when Ford hears about this from his office he will be pissed off and arrange some sort of money off next meeting kind of thing.
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