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Bald Bloke

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Everything posted by Bald Bloke

  1. All i can say is i was told AL had signed for all the meetings under Alex, but as we know shortly afterwards Alex departed. I suspect Buster re negotiated the deal, as he said himself that money was a problem after he took over from Alex.
  2. Re Laguta. I think i can safely that say that after Alex's disagreement with Buster, that he agreed a deal with Alex that he would ride in all meetings. With a concern for Wolves. But he signed for it. and the pairs btw. That was before Alex left.. We know Buster was struggling at mid way through the season, after Alex and CJ bailed out.. Personally i think the Laguta deal was re negotiated by Buster and meetings after that... i believe that if the money was there, Laguta would be. A deal between Buster and AL..Just my personal opinion, i'll add.. Alex told me he wouldn't of signed him if he couldn't commit to all the meetings........ Believe it if you wish.............
  3. Should be better value than last season entertainment wise, given the team thats been put together Bloody likes not working..
  4. As i have said Buster was never going to run in the club in 24...Whilst it has been know for ages, i'm surprised that the consortium wasn't put together earlier, or started the campaign earlier. Going by the statement it looks like he might not be the **** that a lot have been calling him on here all season, after all.. Still time i hear some say... We will just have to see how it develops, i guess.. I'm not getting in to a slanging match about it on here btw .Had enough of it.. Would just be interested what others make of it.
  5. Early bird Prem package is £89.99. Only a tenner up on last season. I really enjoyed the 2023 season. 18 meetings, works out at a fiver a pop. British Speedway Network - 2024 SEASON PASS RELEASE
  6. I'm hoping it's Rob picking the team, within Busters budget of course. I cant see him agreeing to be TM otherwise.
  7. I'm getting tired of this sale/ done a deal with the devil talk .I'm leaving it for now. Over to you Daniel Smith
  8. Your words.. “ Is he in bed with AEPG? Maybe, maybe not” Exactly what I’m trying to say.. People are assuming he is already. They don’t know yet..I’m not referring to yourself, and if others posted like you have, then fair enough. As for struggling internally to carry on defending him.. I know he’s far from perfect, and have given him stick on here in the past over Lynns teams, many times.. He hasn’t done anything as far as I can see to help the current campaign to save the Panthers, which does look bad ,I admit that.. He may well be in bed with AEPG. I don’t know, the same as everyone else. All I’m saying is wait and see before jumping the gun, and finding him guilty.
  9. Please feel free to block me, or whatever it's called. If you want another club to fold, just say so, no point beating around the bush.
  10. I understand your frustration. But people saying he's in bed with them, talking of the dreaded brown envelope, and the name calling are a bit premature, are they not. If it comes out in the end that he has taken their money, and the club was never for sale, then all this he has been getting is fully justified, of course it is. I'm not saying your wrong. I'm saying wait and see if he does sell to the consortium first. That's all. I know he doesn't seem to be making any effort with the save the club campaign, and that's is not a good look in itself.
  11. I agree. And if he don't go well early doors or gets injured, we have a bit of wiggle room in the points Dept.
  12. And with around 1.3 under to start with. So maybe wiggle room a bit later on. As for the finances, i don't know. But Buster was paying for 6 of the team last season i guess . I just hope the fans turn up in numbers.
  13. I do think your getting carried away posting things like that at this stage! Your probably not helping the cause either..... Why not wait until you know, before coming out with that? Or do you know the truth already ?
  14. 2 British riders agreed, then did U turns. I'll say no more
  15. Tarasenko averaged over 8 at home for PB last season. Once dialled in I think he will be good backup at the AFA for Tobi. Away from home won’t be as easy, but you must build a team that is strong at home ,if you don’t want that wooden spoon again, and want to keep the fans turning up week after week. We will be around 1.3 under the limit, which might allow Robert to slot in later in the season.. I’ll admit the last bit is just wishful thinking on my part. If we can get top 4 though, you never know…
  16. Wasn’t he paying for 6 of them last season?? 4 at PB and 2 at Lynn??
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