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Bald Bloke

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Bald Bloke last won the day on May 2 2023

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    Motorcycles. . Man utd
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    Kings Lynn

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  1. Nah. I can't see Alex coming back next season.
  2. Jason Edwards under and ex 4 @ 2.20 and 4.50. I can't see how he can score more than 4 tonight. Even if he takes one of Gilkes rides in ht 4, or ht 8 (if allowed a reserve switch in 8). Added Picko over 7 and ex 7 @ 2.10 and 5.50. Don't think he would put his new motor in for a service before such an important meeting. Well hope not
  3. Your probably right. I think it's a more of a hope, than anything else. I put him in my team building every season, until i'm told otherwise. One year i might be right
  4. And would probably be at No.1 on that average. I'd take him on a 7, but an 8 is a bit of a stretch i think. I'd take him with this team, as he wouldn't be at No.1 for long. Dreaming probably Lambert, Huckenbeck, Kvech, NKI, Lawson, Rowe. Comes in at under 40 with the -2.5% on the Brits.
  5. Cheers SB I was wandering about 25 for the Stars. Glad that we will be up the tapes in 25
  6. I'd take Bomber over Basso, and he's on a lower average. Will be down to who offers the most at the end of the day. I'll have to start doing the Euro millions, i guess
  7. At home we might be able to get by with Kvech and Lawson in the later stages of meetings. If we don't find a genuine No.1,then we must try and use all the points available if possible, for a good engine room. If we can get Anders to stay on a 3.8 at No.6, it will leave us plenty of points for a solid top 5.
  8. Personally i think you need a No.1, but it's not going to be easy finding a genuine No1. I'll take that team right now btw
  9. I've seen some posting on the Lynn 2024 thread, and i know there is a 2025 prediction thread, started by Starboy, but it seems to be a general thread. I thought us Stars fans deserve our own thread. Sorry if it's stepping on Starboys toes. Kvech and Rowe, are no brainers for me. I know they have spoken to Klindt re next season. I'd take Lawson, but money talks, and we lost him this season to Leicester. Would anyone go for an out n out No.1 again, after the Toby fiasco?
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