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Bald Bloke

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Bald Bloke last won the day on May 2 2023

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    Motorcycles. . Man utd
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    Kings Lynn

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  1. A year younger than NKI. As far as i can gather. Retired in 2019. Last rode at Lynn in 2016, averaging 6.51. Not sure he would score many/any points now. Not that important in a testimonial i know, but he wont want to be way off the pace either.
  2. To be honest, i don't know. But it looks like he wont be short of equipment if he is just doing the UK.
  3. From Aston's Facebook page, for some of us older more seasoned fans that don't do social media 2025 bikes almost complete with thanks from @speedwaybuilds Jake Rose. Big thanks to all my sponsors who have kindly offered to be part of this year. BCS - Fabrican - Silkolene- WSS - McNurse - speedway services - RFX Peter Framingham
  4. Might be of interest. #OURSTARS EVENING WITH NICOLAI - King's Lynn Speedway - The Home of the Stars
  5. THE countdown is on to the Niels-Kristian Iversen Testimonial at King’s Lynn – and all supporters have the opportunity to be involved. Iversen’s special event takes place on Sunday March 16 (3pm) at the Adrian Flux Arena, and it is scheduled to be the first meeting to take place anywhere in the UK this season. NKI and his committee are working on putting together a strong line-up, details of which will follow over the coming weeks, but there are also several packages which will be of interest to supporters. The following are all available: *RIDER SPONSORSHIP - £350 Includes: Admission and souvenir programme for 2 ; ¼ page advert or personal message in programme ; VIP seating in main grandstand; Buffet for 2 ; Opportunity to meet your sponsored rider before the meeting ; Sponsored rider’s race bib. *RACE SPONSORSHIP - £200 Includes: Admission and souvenir programme for 2 ; ¼ page advert or personal message in programme ; PA announcement during meeting ; Seating in main grandstand ; Buffet for 2 ; Escorted on to stadium centre to watch a race. *TYRE / FUEL SPONSOR - £60 Includes: Admission for 1 adult ; Name in souvenir programme. *RIDER MASCOT - £40 Includes: Admission for mascot plus 1 parent/guardian ; Walk out on parade with nominated rider ; Memento from the meeting ; Opportunity to watch the first race from the centre ; Opportunity to watch the final race from the centre. For all of the above, please e-mail puks.testimonial@yahoo.com for payment details. For tyre/fuel sponsor please add your name for the programme, and for rider mascot please include the mascot’s name and age. WORK ALONGSIDE THE MEETING REFEREE – AUCTION The winning bidder will gain admission and programme and will meet with the meeting referee before the meeting and do a pre-meeting track walk. He or she will also attend the rider briefing along with the referee. The winning bidder will then be in the referee’s box alongside the referee for the entire meeting, and will have the opportunity to start some races. The winning bidder will be contacted on March 8 with payment details and will be advised of the time and place to meet the referee on the day. Starting bids from £100 – e-mail your bids to puks.testimonial@yahoo.com along with your name and contact details including telephone number. Share This: http://www.kingslynn-speedway.com/extras/social/images/facebook.png http://www.kingslynn-speedway.com/extras/social/images/twitter.png
  6. You'll have to let ya mate MJJ Racing fan know. He might not of heard
  7. Don't they have to provide an alternative site? Or is that going to be another battle?
  8. I didn't agree with you coming to join the Prem party. But once you were invited, i thought that Ford would of wanted to give his many loyal fans a treat, with the chance of seeing some top riders. I guess calculator said no..
  9. It appears that he has his Championship average of 8.50, ( from the Champ 2015 team thread). If this is correct, divided by 1.5 = 6.666 for the Prem i'm guessing?. Who knows in speedway
  10. i didn't realise that.Should be good to go.
  11. I think it will take a few meetings to get the set up, and on the pace, after a big injury. But once he does, he should be flying.
  12. I'd agree with that. Comes across as very professional, and a good team man.
  13. I would yes. That's all your getting though. No doubt an announcement will come soon enough.
  14. Not sure why it has to be a Stars rider. People are making assumptions there. I just know its not MPT. It's someone better imho.
  15. Not trying to be clever here. But i know supporters have been worried...I've been told in confidence. So can't repeat it, but he's better than both of them mentioned imho. And wont leave enough points for either MPT or Covatti if my maths are correct.
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