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Everything posted by KIRKYLANE

  1. If the deadline is met the handover date for the stadium is mid February leaving a whole month to practice........ max 10 hrs a week
  2. With the play off system in operation, the Champions are decided over 2 legs and not the actual quality of the teams over the season. Last year , I went to both legs and before the Final itself , I believed that both teams could win it .... It all depended on the day. sadly, Belle Vue got off to an awful start in the first leg. however , even in the second leg , it was still nip and tuck and depended on the performance on the night. Poole deserved the title over the two legs. Let us hope that Belle Vue get a chance for revenge next October !!!
  3. I was hoping they would do a deal for both meetings and delighted to see they have. I paid £70 for the main grandstand working out at £ 35 per meeting The BSPA charge £ 25 for the ELRCF so it works out great value. Far more chance of people doing both meetings when it is Friday/Saturday and I am sure that Manchester hotels / restaurants will do good business. Also the prices for standing are really good value if you want them. There is a good chance that thet actual entertainment/racing will be better on the Friday than the Saturday.
  4. Once we lost Stefan to Swindon then it was a difficult choice to find a replacement. Provided Steve Boxall is on suitable equipment for EL , he will do a good job at 7 Really pleased with our 1 - 7 for 2016.
  5. Scunthorpe have made the sensible decision to put their Sunday meetings on at 1830 hrs. This aids track preparation and leaves people plenty of time to get home. Mid afternoon is not the best time to have a Sunday meeting unless it is early season or October . If Peterborough run some Sunday meetings , I hope itis 1700 hrs at the earliest
  6. Lunna had his first year at Scunthorpe and showed himself to be talented with a large touch of harum scarum riding. If he can settle down and show some consistency he will be a good signing for Glasgow. Good luck to the young man !!!!!
  7. Just get rid of the double points. I call double points the Mickey mouse rule as it makes our sport look Mickey Mouse
  8. Fixed gates are an example of one of the very few regulations that have come in for the benefit of the Sport as a whole, I seem to remember that Peter Craven used to frequently ask his partner which gate he wanted as opposed to the rest of the heat leaders who bagged the best gate.
  9. Good luck with Skidmore..... He tends to be inconsistent in his scores.
  10. Hope Masters is back with you next year.A good solid heat leader.
  11. Protective covers will be used at the new stadium. No guarantee of not having rain offs but it will mean that they will be reduced in number
  12. There is nobody close enough to make a valid objection to the change of race day. Definitely the right way to go. Improved chances of away support coming as well as neutrals.
  13. This venture will secure a long term future for Belle Vue Speedway aided by the Council...... MCC are forward looking and help Sport in general over the Greater Manchester area. Speedway as we know it may change over the years. Belle Vue wil roll on whilst Speedway exists....... Even Hitler could not stop Belle Vue Speedway !!!!!
  14. There is a 2000 seater basketball stadium , a 3G pitch ( already in use ) , a 3G pitch inside the Speedway track for use by the local school and others , an upgrade of the Belle Vue Leisure Centre which has been there for some years.
  15. I wondered when the doom and gloom brigade would be back. Do you really think that Manchester City Council would spend a lot of time and money in the Belle Vue Sports village without being convinced that this is a viable project ? Roll on the 19th March and the start of a new era in Belle Vue's rich and full history from 1928 on onwards to our 100th consecutive year of Speedway.
  16. A first class no 1 now signed and things look rosy. A long journey to get to our new stadium and now we have a modern state of the art stadium with what looks like a play off place in 2016 ... Provided we have an injury free run next year.
  17. I am sure that Kacper will mature in to a good rider and is a good signing in today's climate. He may need time to settle in to the EL. Good luck to him.
  18. Max is our asset and I will be very surprised and more importantly extremely disappointed if he is not with us in 2016.
  19. Tv want the play offs. Consequently the BSPA would take no notice of what the supporters want. The play offs are here to stay for as long as we have tv coverage.
  20. Klindt is a good rider. The problem is your not certain which Klindt will turn up... the one that wants to ride or the one that isn't interested.
  21. Why would you think that ? I made the statement and I stand by my principles. I will support Belle Vue as I have done for the last 53 years.
  22. Pleased KK has signed for Bees. Definitely did not want him at Belle Vue no matter what.. He has let his British clubs down in the past.
  23. Sorry that NKI will be missing as he is an out and out racer and a pleasure to watch. The Tai effect has made things difficult for clubs in GB this winter. This may be a wobbly year for British Speedway.... But they will now have to make some radical decisions for 2017 if this is a permanent situation.
  24. Surprised his average is that low.. I assume it is his converted ave from Somerset Do not regard it as a risk at all... he has plenty of potential to raise that ave,
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