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Everything posted by womble53

  1. If your offering to sponsor it ATB, I'm sure the Rebels Marketing team will do you a good price
  2. It's because they know you're coming Baz........You know you always bring out the best in the guys
  3. Why would they need to do that? They protested at the first opportunity they had, after learning the printed averages were wrong, and not, as some would have you believe because they were losing, they lodged their protest, paid the fee, and awaited the decision. Once that decision was made, they haven't kicked up a fuss as some on here have, they just accepted the decision and moved on. So I don't understand the desire of either yourself or anyone else on here needing to know what might be indelicately described as the 'In's and out's of the Cat's arse'. Think everyone should take a leaf out of the Somerset Management's book, and just move on. There's nothing more to say really..........Cheers !!
  4. Sorry HT, but that's complete nonsense. Their statement to say that they accept the SCB decision has been on the Rebels website since yesterday, if only you took the time to look, rather than castigate them for not doing what they have already done
  5. Is that possibly more to do with you both sharing the same pen & ink well ?
  6. Definitely been there all the time BR, but don't worry too much, no apology needed, as I know what it's like, being almost as old as you myself Jeng, me'old chap, think you'll find that OB could be a 'Former Devil' or is just a bit '(Penny) Cross' about anything to do with Plymouth, but he sure ain't a Rebels fan.
  7. Not so Barney, been up there since Tuesday.......Have a look at the bottom of the preview here Obviously not got a Specsavers branch in Bedrock yet
  8. About as accurate as your Oliver Berntzon prediction last year.......you really must be more careful whose conversations you earwig
  9. He kept up the trend last night too, whilst appearing to smuggle half the Rye House shale into the OTA with it !!
  10. It's very easy to sit there and say that, but I don't hear too many suggestions from anyone as to who that might be. Have you looked around the available (or not) riders recently. If you have a sensible suggestion, I'm sure that Garry May will gladly listen
  11. If you don't fancy braving the main road just head through McDonalds car park in the same direction you were travelling on the bus, when you come out on Coypool Road, turn left, down to the point to entrance to B&Q car park turn right walk down Coypool road and under the bridge, and your there, it's only about 6 minutes walk. On the way out, turn left out of the gate, bear right again the small bridge over the stream. Head back to the bridge you came under on the way in, just before that, you'll see a small path heading up the hill, bus stop is at the top. Here is the link to the maps, with both bus stops marked, will help you relate the instructions map of Plymouth speedway WAY IN and WAY OUT (can't put the directions on second map, as it doesn't like me trying to route it up the small path, but you can clearly see the small pathway, and bus stop to the right of the picture) Hope that helps
  12. For the most part you did, a Bandit led in 8 of the 15 races.............it was the bit afterwards that wasn't too hot
  13. Just got back home from Hoddesdon, and I have to say we were beaten by the better team on the night. The Rockets fully deserved the win, with Nikolaj Busk Jakobsen particularly impressive, and if Kasper Lykke Neilsen learns how to get out of the traps, he could make the Rockets almost invincible around Hoddesdon way. Even if he never learns to fastest way off the line, he's sure entertaining to watch. The bright spot for the Rebels was the performance of Leigh Lanham. He was superb all night, and was the only Rebel to consistently beat the Rockets to the drop. His 13 point haul was a joy to watch, and one in the eye for all those who knocked his signing. Based on tonight's performance I would say the answer to that one is an unequivocal 'Yes' Read above, could possibly turn out to be the signing of the year for any team, not just the Rockets. Extremely impressed with him tonight. Think you won't be the only one, can see a ton of humble pie being consumed if they can keep up their current form for the rest of the season Not sure I'd go as far as that, but the Harbingers of doom are certainly going to have to rethink there evaluations for this season. All I can say is that you can consider yourself extremely lucky not to meet them in tonight's form, otherwise you may not be feeling so positive about the result
  14. That's not the case, everyone understands they're not set in stone, but that doesn't mean it's right or that you have to like it. What my objection is, is that having added a brand new rule to the regulations, which is apparently crystal clear in clarifying the situation, it is immediately disregarded under the hoary old excuse of being "In the interest of the Sport, when in fact it makes the sport look totally stupid. This isn't a dig at Peterborough, as they have just benefitted from a ruling that had been made in favour of another team. I would feel exactly the same if this type of decision had been made in favour of any team, including the one I support
  15. As much as you would like him to, he can't do that, as apparently the use of Michael Palm Toft has been ratified by the MC & as far as I know, under those circumstances, there is no recourse to protest.
  16. If you take the time to read this years regulations, SCB is correct. The relevant sections is as follows: 18.6.4 If a Rider has only an EL Established MA from the previous season, which must not exceed 6.00, then a conversion is necessary; the EL MA is multiplied by 1.4. Not only is this a new regulation this year, as can be seen by the fact that it is in bold in the document, I can't find anything to say that the MC can over-ride it either. So we have a brand new regulation, and it is completely ignored before a wheel has been turned in anger, not once, but twice with the same rider. Unfortunately, no matter what anyone might think to the contrary, it is exactly this type of double handedness from the BSPA that ultimately brought about the current Visa situation. Not only that, together with the issuing of totally misleading (written) information, to both Berwick & Somerset on more than one occasion, it brought about the Brady Kurtz, Jack Holder & Jake Allen situations, which have given you so much glee over the last couple of seasons. Cue all the defenders of the faith to come out of the woodwork to beat me with a stick........
  17. As IDH said DL, the only racing that concerns me now is that taking place at the OTA & any other track the Rebels are visiting at the time, or I am attending (such as my annual trips to Heusden Zolder etc). One thing IDH is not correct about, is the feet up thing........honestly don't know how I found time to go to work before I retired, not stopped since I finish working for WH.
  18. Well, he's got no excuse this year DL, as the Festival will be over by then, not only that, another plus for me is that I won't have to speed back from Cheltenham to get there this year, even if they had have coincided
  19. Absolutely it would New Zealand Lamb is International class, and has an top of the range (EL) average of over 12..........£12.06 per Kg that is
  20. Nothing to do with that at all, I'm talking about the current situation, just ask you Borders neighbour
  21. Unfortunately the BSPA accept & confirm a lot of things, and then all of a sudden that dreaded sound is heard..............."Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, beware, this vehicle is reversing"
  22. If I'm wrong, then I apologise, as that is how I read the criteria. The BSPA site quotes the 2009 regulations, which does say "Finished in the first four in the state Championships" and isn't specific. It may well be that they have not changed since then, and won't change, but until someone clarifies it properly, then they are going to be open to interpretation.
  23. If you read a little further, you will find this...... 16.5.3 No facility is permitted to replace a Rider, who although included in a Re-declaration has not made an appearance for that Team since being re-declared. Whilst it includes the words "Re-declaration" & "Re-declare", this rule has been worded exactly as above for years, and was brought in specifically to stop teams declaring a rider before the season, and then using RR in his place before he has actually ridden for that team in that particular season. I believe this was brought in after a team declared a rider, who may have been injured, and then proceeded to use RR for him for the whole season. I'm sure there are those on here, who will remember the specifics, and enlighten us. In which case, as the rule stands, the Devils cannot use guests or RR for an absent Fisher........unless of course the BSPA have promised that clubs caught up in the visa situation are to be cut some slack in this area of the rules......Who knows?
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