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About Sloop

  • Birthday 02/02/1958

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    Under the table.
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    Speedway, football most other sports.

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  1. Not sure what you mean by a kick in the teeth. Do you mean that the Danes had the temerity to win the World Cup while the final was being staged in GB ? Really must put a stop to that next time then. I assume you would include S.N. in your list of "not the best sportsmen" following his refusal to shake hands with an opponent in the play-off. Then again, you probably wouldn't. For the record, I would also condemn the actions of these morons, regardless of where they actually come from. Surely they can be identified from the video footage which should be available.
  2. Yes, it does. But would you not prefer to gain points by legitimate means rather than from a blatantly wrong refereeing decision ? If Harris was a footballer, he'd have got a yellow card for that dive
  3. Problem is, unlike league racing, you can't just go out and sign whoever you want, regardless of nationality.
  4. Fact is, for a major event (or even a minor one), the track was pathetic and little attempt seemed to be made during the meeting to make it any better
  5. OK, for what it's worth, I thought both riders crossed the line between what is acceptable and what is not. Andersen rode Nicholls too hard towards the fence but Nicholls did likewise. Kelvin Tatum biased ? He accuses Hans Andersen of refusing to shake Nicholls' hand but does not apologise when replays clearly show that it was Nicholls who refused to shake. In fact, Nicholls then admitted in an interview that he "did not want to shake hands with him" ! Later, Tatum is heard shouting "YES" when Team GB benefit from a rider falling and lying (possibly injured) on the track. Inexcusable. Finally, for the moment, you really all need to decide whether it is Team GB or England. I don't give a stuff but at least wave the appropriate flags and refer to the team by the correct name
  6. We have also sat in the top tier in the past and wouldn't want to sit anywhere else now. It's a great view from up there and you'll have no problem getting all your seats together.
  7. He said that he hadn't been involved with speedway since the 60s, when he used to provide some commentaries. Also said he was enjoying the GP and the noise was as loud and atmosphere as good as anything he has experienced (or something to that effect). Also had the "savvy" to notice that the 3 British riders were in the same heat for their final ride (unless someone had pointed that out to him )
  8. At the risk of stating the obvious, I think we have to remember that the GP itself is the main part of the entertainment ; all the rest are just "add ons". Having said that ... I would have liked to have seen another heat or two from the u-15s. I thought Bjorn Again were OK but agree the sound was poor. Don't think they would have had any control over that though. The music in the 15 minutes or so before the parade, and during the meeting, did get the crowd going. The parade and rider introductions could have been better. The presentations to the top three were ...... well, not much different to anywhere else. The fireworks were OK. All in all, it was a pretty good show .... and the atmosphere was as good as ever throughout
  9. In the past, we have exited the M5 at J8, taken the M50 / A40 / A449 to Newport, then M4 to Cardiff. More scenic than crossing the bridge. IF (part of) the M50 is closed, you can continue on the M5 to J11, then take A40 / A449 / M4. I hope Return journey ? Who cares ? Got all day
  10. We have used the Park & Ride at Ninian Park before. It is signposted and cost £5 I think. Plenty buses after the meeting. But even if you're intending staying in the City Centre for a while afterwards, I don't think a taxi to the car park would break the bank. Enjoy the weekend everyone
  11. Star Lady, we have sat in both middle and upper tiers (U27, row 1, seats 19, 20 & 21 this year). Can't really remember ther being too many more steps from middle to upper than there are from lower to middle (but wasn't really counting). There is access by lifts to all levels though. This might be useful. http://www.millenniumstadium.com/3473_3605.php
  12. At the risk of repeating what has already been said, congratulations to Jason Crump. A well deserved winner ; the most consistent performer in the GP this season.
  13. I'm not a Crump fan but I wouldn't wish him any harm. I feel he certainly deserves to win the series this year ........ But wouldn't it make for a tense, exciting GP if he gets knocked out early doors ?
  14. I'm agreeing with The Ladies here. My opinion hasn't changed since last season, when this "concept" was introduced into the PL KO Cup. Why gift teams extra points for doing nothing more than they would have done anyway ? The arguement that it keeps matches close doesn't stand up ; this is why we have the bonus point for an aggregate win ; to keep matches interesting, even though the scores may be one-sided. At least the old Taccy Sub rule required some sort of tactical awareness on behalf of the team manager in selecting which rider to use, which rider to replace and which heat(s) to use the TS ; similar to a football manager using a substitute to replace a player who may be off form.
  15. Apart from the Kenneth Bjerre (who webmaster stole my SWC spreadsheet!!) who fell off on his own vs Rico, now hads that been allowed to carry on, Rico would have got 3 not 1 and GB would win. Go back and work out all the bad luck things and suddenly, Team GB win by 1 point. A team ALWAYS needs luck to win. That said, I still think that Sweden did have the best team and deserved there win as they did it when it mattered. SCB, I never mentioned luck, good or bad. I mentioned refereeing decisions which, IMHO, mainly favoured GB.
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