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steve roberts

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Everything posted by steve roberts

  1. Thanks for posting that John...so sad to see the demise of another track.
  2. Thanks! I did have a quick look thru' the Rye House section and will attempt to find the relevant story.
  3. Am I correct in understanding that the Rye House track has been demolished? Apologies if it's been mentioned elsewhere (I may have missed it) but I was only informed yesterday.
  4. After the meeting visiting "Alf's Fish and Chips".
  5. I remember Adi Funk when he rode for King's Lynn and Leicester. I'm sure Toni Pilotto rode in the UK one year?
  6. Ridiculous amounts of money banded around in football...trouble is it never filters down to those clubs finding it hard to survive in the lower leagues. Imagine if SKY ever pulled the plug?
  7. ...yes I got that wrong with my original post!
  8. ...and hopefully a few more Christmas Lunches beyond this year at Her Majesty's pleasure.
  9. Just watched the interview. Erik comes across as a real Gentleman and very humble...I just wish that Lee would expand his questioning technique as there are opportunities to get deep into a particular subject...like Olsen's influence on the relationship between Erik and Hans.
  10. Think I misunderstood the question?
  11. "Let Battle Commence"...Dave Lanning after introducing the riders at Cowley in 1972.
  12. It's a shame that they hadn't been more diligent when I initially signed up...if I recall you only need to enter an email and password (plus date of birth - which can be anything you wish?) to create an account? Don't recall having to forward further proof of evidence of identity (certainly not a passport or driving licence) but it was a long time ago now but I'm not going to pusue it as I can't be bothered!
  13. Absolutely...I closed my account five plus years ago and then re-activated it again to see if I was missing anything (?) and it was fine for a couple of weeks before I got a message to say that it had been locked. Personally it doesn't bother me not being on Facebook or any other social media (Twitter) account. I only do BSF.
  14. Apparently someone has tried to access my account or it has been used inappropriately! Following their guidelines I need to scan my passport and/or driving licence and/or marriage certificate(?) or any manner of documents to prove my identity so as to re-activate my account...bollocks to that!
  15. My brother forwarded the story. Good news hopefully.
  16. I did feel that Lee Asnby could have pushed him a bit further on some issues as John was quite happy to speak it as it was.
  17. I actually re-activated my Facebook account a couple of weeks ago and it was fine for about a week. I then found that it had been locked due to someone attempting to access it/improper use and to re-activate it they wished me scan in some form of identification like a pastport or driving licence. Bollocks to that...shame they hadn't been more deligent when I set the account up?
  18. They're on YouTube. Just enter Lee Ashby interviews.
  19. ...and should be seen to be supporting those in the lower tiers which I believe has been agreed to some extent?
  20. Are Birmingham still running? Does Redcar count?
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