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steve roberts

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Everything posted by steve roberts

  1. I'm sure you are correct but Osbourne has history whist at Oxford until the SOS Committee stepped in!
  2. ...and keeping people in the dark as regards my intentions fobbing them off with all sorts or excuses.
  3. I've attempted to drag the image across but apparently the file size is too large?
  4. Yes and he nearly sold us down the river then! Seem to recall he once took to the track in a race car and had a race with Gordon Kennett around Cowley or am I imagining that?
  5. I'll try but not being a computer boffin I have experienced problems attempting to in the past!
  6. Of the "Rebels" starting line-up sadly gone are Garry Middleton (suicide), Svein Kassa (killed on track after leaving Oxford), Oyvind S.Berg, Ken McKinlay and Colin Gooddy who have all died. Only remaining two are Rick Timmo and Norman Strachan. Preben Rosenkilde was brought in as a replacement for Svein but didn't stay very long. Oxford then began to adopt a youth policy and gave rides to sister club's assets "Mad" Malcolm Ballard (an interview with him would prove interesting!) and Gordon Kennett. Simon's brother Julian Wigg had the occasional ride. Great days!
  7. Trouble is I anticipated this when I started a simiar thread some five plus years ago when news was first leaked regarding the proposed development of the stadium. The whole situation has been poorly handled with constant contradictory information/press releases and the Swindon faithful sold down the river.
  8. He was part of the Bristol Stadium Consortium who very nearly managed to close down Cowley Stadium during the seventies before the SOS Committee (of which my uncle was one) saved the stadium.
  9. ...with Clark Osborne involved nothing would surprise me!
  10. Is the stadium now to be totally developed (as the plan was always to be in my opinion) or is there another agenda?
  11. My first year attending speedway (1972) my team's starting line up sadly five are no longer with us.
  12. Having acquired the model some time back thru' a very obliging contact (may have been compost?) I've actually got round to assembling it at last and placed it in a display case! Very pleased with it and takes pride of place on my desk top.
  13. I'm intrigued because Gordon was a full time "Rebel" that year?
  14. My first visit to Rye House was in 1975 (?) World Championship Qualifier...I think Phil Herne won?
  15. I recall there were problems at Cowley as riders entered the third bend. On occasions meetings were held up to allow the sun to settle.
  16. That was part of the joy...trying to guess the Team Manager's next tactical move whether it be R/R, T/C or indeed gate postion. It was all part of the fun!
  17. Agree entirely...the same as in Premier League Football. Team that finishes top are declared champions. Imagine the furore generated if say, Liverpool, finished top but were beaten in a 'Play-Off" to decide who were Champions? Personally I never had problems with the T/S ruling...okay it would often prove galling but there was no better feeling when the oppostion put out their "Star Man" as a T/S and was beaten by a lesser light...got the terraces buzzing which is what it's all about in my opinion.
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