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steve roberts

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Everything posted by steve roberts

  1. That was part of a conversation I had with Ian Cartwright (one time "Duke") on one of my visits to "Mouseman" at Kilburn of which he is a director...a very nice, humble man by the way.
  2. Chris did put in a decent performance at Cowley when he rode for Weymouth but beyond that he tended to struggle.
  3. Yes I can equate with much of that but I did find it sad seeing riders like Martin Ashby, Chris Pusey, Arnold Haley etc etc struggling to find anything like their former form having seen them in their prime but that's a personal view. I did however enjoy watching past riders competing in Barry Briggs' "Golden Greats Meetings" but that was a whole different scenario.
  4. I saw Ivan once that season at the County Ground and he ran a last in his first race if I recall. Personally I was sad to see that he was only a shadow of his former self having seen him at his best.
  5. I think that's a pretty fair assessment overal. I was never a fan of Simon Cross (who infamously walked out on Oxford when he was set upon by team mate Ashley Pullen in the pits!) but Cradley fans idolised him with that awful nickname of "Pyscho". His riding often went beyond reproach and I remember when, in the same meeting, he took both Simon Wigg and Andy Grahame out on the first bend in different races leaving them with no where to go. I would say quite openly that it was premeditated having been at the meeting and having the DVD also...Simon Wigg was less than complimentary about his actions.
  6. Always difficult ones to call when there's an incident on the opposite side of the track to the referee. Lyons left plenty of room riding a wide line going into the bend which Tomicek took advantage of and, yes, there was evidence of a flick of the back wheel but was he, by then, in front? Who'd be a referee? As a matter of interest do referees now have access to instant replays? As a footnote I've recently acquired the DVD "Before Air Fences" which I haven't seen yet and when I do I will pause after each race and make a decision and see if it was any different to the one called? Give me something to view from an academic angle!
  7. Sad news indeed. A name synonymous with speedway during the seventies.
  8. I wouldn't put it past them knowing what some Yorkshire folk are like!
  9. Good call by Ivan but I felt it was a mistake him riding for Exeter in 1984 when he was far from his best however he did it to help out a mate (Peter Oakes) who was desperate putting a team together on their elevation to Division One. Hans got it right but I felt that Sam Ermolenko went on too long personally.
  10. Yes I have to agree. That would have been my call too.
  11. I guess we can all recall instances whereby the referee called a decision that didn't go down well with the fans (depended on whom one supported more often than not) but I recall a race involving Malcolm Ballard (now there's a controverisial character) and Howard Cole at Cowley in 1973. On entering the third bend "Mad Malc" was on the outside and Howard the inside when Ballard lent over him (no contact was made) and Cole dropped it. Malcolm was excluded for "boring" which apparently was covered in the rule book. You can imagine the uproar!
  12. First time I've seen the incident therefore not aware of the outcome but I would have excluded Morris personally.
  13. Not sure...I didn't follow Phil Morris' career that closely being a "Cheetahs" fan. I only remember the incident at Reading (as a neutral) and was aware of Compton's reputation.
  14. Although I'm unable to assist I think it's great that yourself and others are constantly updating the history of our sport.
  15. I thought that she was married to Steve Naylor?
  16. ....except, of course, many clubs were strugglng financially even before the present pandemic kicked in.
  17. Wish that I hadn't sold my extensive collection of programmes. Something tangible that I could always refer to in times past.
  18. He was born in June 1951 so I make that 69?
  19. That's sad...saw him ride a few times. I'm sure he was also a postman whilst riding speedway? RIP
  20. One track that I never visited...some great names there!
  21. It's by being a "snobby southerner" that by re-locating to York I've managed to introduce to them a bit of class and sophistication!
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