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steve roberts

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Everything posted by steve roberts

  1. When my brother attended an Olle Nygren Training School at King's Lynn he always referred to a bolt that used to get red hot and cause discomfort on the inside leg!
  2. If I remember it was an actual cover that he placed over part of the engine?
  3. Recall that Ken McKinlay used to have a white engine cover!
  4. Gate Four was never the best gate even on the "old" Cowley circuit.
  5. ...they served a purpose and we got well entertained at Cowley during the Dunton/Dugard era.
  6. Wasn't there some sort of a track at Ringwood once? Recall that Martin Yeates used to practice there.
  7. Jeff Sexton was once rumoured to be joining "The Rebels"...but I think it was just that! Rumours!
  8. I used to paint programme boards and sell them...had a good contact in Germany I recall. One of my boards featured in "Backtrack" some years ago now.
  9. Three times Sid! (B)rough each time! Last time I visited we went up in a mini-bus and on the way back on the M1 were pulled up by the police who thought we were "Flying" Pickets during the days of the mining disputes. I ended up showing them my programme board of Hans Nielsen and they sent us on our way...memories!
  10. My brother intends visiting for this one. He's never been to (B)rough Park befiore.
  11. Nice to read that Unipart are offering parking as they did way back when the "Cheetahs" last ran. If I recall Chris Brown organised the initiative originally?
  12. The most important thing in my opinion is that Oxford is back after 17 years dormant years. The priority this year I would have thought was to win the majority of their home matches and hopefully their away form will follow once they've become re-established. I wish all those involved great luck and for their enthusisam and dedication...wish I was able to make return visits to Cowley but living in East Yorkshire makes that difficult but I hope to get back sometime in the near future!
  13. Sad news indeed. Although I was not that familiar with his TV work I do know that his energy and enthusiasm was immense. Will be sorely missed. RIP
  14. I recall that Oxford "Rebel" Dag Lovaas would put in an appearance if racing returned to Cowley?
  15. My brother was very impressed with what he saw...well done to all those who got speedway back at Cowley!
  16. ...especially like the reference to the "Moonrakers!"
  17. Although I won't be there I wish all concerned the very best of luck and it's great to see the return of the "Cheetahs!"
  18. I used to have chats with Ian when visiting "Mouseman of Kilburn." A very nice person and told some fascinating stories regarding his speedway career.
  19. Never got to see any racing at Halifax but called in many years later to view the stadium and with some imagination could visualise where the track once was?
  20. Just seen some photos from Oxford's Press and Practice Day...Great stuff! Welcome back the "Cheetahs!"
  21. Trouble is that technology has a habit of crashing...lost count the number of times I've arrived at the tills with my purchases to find that it's cash only because their signal has gone down!
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