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steve roberts

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Everything posted by steve roberts

  1. I was hooked form the very first meeting that I attended...everything about it! Standing on the terraces with fellow enthusiats and chewing the fact/arguing made it a great night out! Never bothered me personally the gaps between races...that's when we all became an 'expert' Team Manager! Don't go along with gimmicks which is what the general public with their short attention span now seem to expect. I attended two American Football matches at Wembley and I found all the razzmatazz all a bit tedious and it struck me that was what the fans were more interested in. The Mexican Wave was in vogue then and the spectators appeared to take more notice of that rather than what taking place on the pitch. Speedway when presented right takes some beating but, alas, those in control thru' years of mismanagement have allowed it become a pale shadow of its former glorious self!
  2. Hi Tony! Any news as regards the magazines please?
  3. ...something that Dave Lanning once commented. If a race was bad just admit it and say that something better will come along shortly (hopefully!)
  4. There was also the occasion when team used R/R although the rider was in the starting line up and took part in the meeting? Have a feeling that it was Bob Valentine when he rode for Birmingham?
  5. It was while the whole Ole Olsen saga was being sorted out who was initially allocated to Oxford but who turned the move down (thank goodness!) and we eventually got the sublime Dag Lovaas and a swap was initiated with Reading Lovaas for Davis (not sure if any money was involved?).
  6. Blimey is that the same Tim Curnock who used to ride for the "Cheetahs" junior team back in the early eighties together with a certain "Buster Chapman" ? I know that he was still riding on the grass up until recently.
  7. I'm envious now living so far away that I can't make Cowley. Both my brothers have attended and thoroughly enjoyed the experience!
  8. I particularly enjoyed the interview with John Davis but felt that some of the questions and ultimate answers could have been expanded upon...just my opinion!
  9. Great to see that these are still going strong...just wish that Lee would ask some leading questions however?
  10. ...of course both Hackney and Hull operated similar facilities that season but nobody ever raises that one? As regards White City it was the Control Board who masterminded the facility as Richard Greer was wantig a move to Birmingham who had been woefully weak the season before and the "Rebels" were initially reluctant to release him due to a shortage of proven heat leaders. Wolverhampton, of course, adopted a a "horses for courses' policy in 1976 again using R/R for a rider (Hasse Holmqvist) who never turned a wheel in anger for them and fully utilise the Guest Rider system for 'missing" riders. Ivan Mauger was a perculiar one but as riders were reluctant to ride at Exeter on their "promotion" to the First Division that was one option that enabled them to run that season. Of course Guest riders hadve been with us for many a year (have a feeling it was first introduced during fifties?) but it was never the nonsense that appears tp prevail nowadays.
  11. Remember my first year going to Speedway that Oxford ran with three Guests Riders on one occasion as Garry Middleton, Rick Timmo and Preben Rosenkilde were all on international duty. That was a rare occurance back then as I don't recall another occasion ( or I may be wrong?) that Oxford during its "Rebels" days ran with three guests although we did have John Davis riding as a guest replacing himself at Coventry on one occasion!
  12. I didn't get as far as to watch the actual race...got fed up watching all the digging at the start and gave up!
  13. We can all quote riders down the years who relied purely on their gating skills and had little apparent interest in attempting to pass but to make a comment publicly is not exactly showing much respect for the public...in my opinion. Unfortunately I was only told second hand about the said comment as it appeared on Facebook which is something I don't participate in. Perhaps someone could confirm?
  14. Glad that the pure racers don't have that attitude otherwise it would be a poor spectacle. Perhaps that explains why the likes of Lars Gunnerstad didn't bother on his visits to Cowley when he missed the gate or perhaps just didn't have the ability to make a passing move? On that assumption why not declare a race after the first two bends?
  15. I'm afraid it's the usual Steve Shovlar "assumption" without any substamce.
  16. Has been "allegedly" quoted as saying that when he doesn't gate he doesn't bother? Wouldn't have a place in my team with that attitude if true.
  17. I first saw Hans at White City in 1977 and one could see then that he was more that your average "unknown" foreigner.
  18. ...as mentioned in an earlier post the fact that a meeting taking place at Cowley may well have made folk think twice about travelling? Anyway was a head count taken of Oxford fans present at Poole (or indeed Poole fans at Cowley the previous night) or are you just surmising?
  19. Absolutely Sid...a record that any rider would be proud of. I'm convinced if the GP's had been around during the eighties he would have added to that total of wins no question.
  20. ...or the price of petrol may well have put people off from travelling?
  21. The 1983 World Final was the eventual turning point for Hans when he admits himself he had got his self belief in check and could have made the rostrum after leading eventual champion Egon Muller before loosing his chain. He felt that riding a small track held him back but the move to Cowley (Swindon was a track he would have considered apparently) moved him up a significant notch and as they say the rest is history.
  22. That was/is the beauty of the sport that someone can raise their game for whatever reason and put in a stonking performance out of the blue before the status quo is re-established! Neil Evitts won a British Semi-Final at Cowley and returned a week (?) later as a guest and failed miserably although the Oxford faithfull had suspicions as rumours abounded?
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