Disgraceful state of affairs how the Swindon public have been led down the garden path with false promises...may those involved hold their heads in shame!
I have a replica Oxford "Rebels" race jacket that was made specially for me. Super quality.
I was never really into badges but collecting programmes was my real interest.
The whole Swindon situation has been a sorry affair from the time it was announced that there would be a new stadium...feel sorry for the fans who have been taken for a ride.
Speedway does tend to get its "knickers in a twist". There were issues with tyres back in the eighties/nineties...you'd think it would have learnt lessons?
Interesting observations made by Eric Boocock in his autobiography regarding Bamforth...the spilling of coffee over Eric's programme notes without any regard or apology for example.
I have to say that moving away from Oxford some 17 plus years ago I haven't been to a speedway since as the nearest, I guess, would be Sheffield (?). I would expect more than just 15 heats (?) for my money and when i would have to take into account petrol costs (especially nowadays) it just doesn't add up for me.
Very sad with what's happening at Arlington. We at Oxford/White City had close promotional connections with Eastbourne and I use to enjoy my visits there. The Arlington Academy was second to none and it must have grieved the late Bob Dugard that more and more British Speedway began to turn to the continent for riders and Eastbourne were no different. Personally I feel that Eastbourne never really excelled with the new found status of affairs (although they did win a few championships) but their ability to unearth English riders was so succesful it lost its way like speedway in this country generally.