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steve roberts

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Everything posted by steve roberts

  1. Problem with that it does discriminate against those who wish to pay cash or even use contactless? Why would I want to book in advance to visit my local arboretum and then expect to pay a booking fee on top?
  2. Personally I get fed up with all this booking online when one wishes to go to an attraction...and on top of that some even expect you to pay a booking fee! Became the norm during the pandemic and now appears to be the way forward. I prefer to look at my options (weather) and don't wish to pre-empt what I wish to do on any given day.
  3. Good to see that you are still around Chris and I agree with your thoughts 100%.
  4. All a bit odd regarding Martin and Eric...obviously more to it than meets the eye? I believe that Martin has also severed his links with Charlie Dugard Machine Tools.
  5. Having said that are there plans to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the sport with a meeting or event?
  6. The vastly underated Tommy Johansson. Who could forget his pass of Ivan Mauger during the 1974 World Final. Unfortunately suffered with a blood disorder if I am correct but did pick up the 1973 Swedish Championship and who knows what he might have achieved if he had signed for King's Lynn before being "nobbled" by the Hull promotion prior to the 1975 season and picking up an injury which curtailed his career in the UK.
  7. ...you've reminded me Jan was the brother of Eddie!
  8. Remember Eddie Davidsson at Cowley...simply awful and found it hard to negotiate the tight bends. I'm sure he was the father of Jonas and his brother who I can't recall the name?
  9. I'm sure that was the general aim but if I recall teams could declare one "old hand" so as to encourage a new breed of riders to develop and because some promoters had a foot in both camps it did generate a flood of riders who went on to ride in Division One.
  10. Recall in Tommy Jansson's biography that Jan could be somewhat of a hothead? I only saw him ride the once at Cowley.
  11. ...I have to say that Soren Karlsson is an intriging one? Turned out for the "Bees" I remember before signing for Swindon? Remember Bob Kilby saying that on a non-riding visit to Birmingham when he shared a car with Soren that Soren was off his head drinking sherry!
  12. ...as an all-round accomplished motorcyclist I recall in his book when he mentioned the "wall of death" ride made by Tony Rickardsson that was just pure luck and no way could be looked upon as intentional despite claims to the contrary by Rickardsson.
  13. That rings a bell? I remember my brother saying that when he went to the local fair where we lived there was a shooting gallery and Conny was a dead shot with the rifle! Apparently he had just completed his National Service.
  14. It's a bit like my first year watching Oxford in 1972. From the starting line up only two survive...Rick Timmo and Norman Strachan. Those no longer with us include Garry Middleton, Oyvind S.Berg, Ken McKinlay, Colin Gooddy and Svein Kaasa. Thankfully Gordon Kennett and Malcolm Ballard who appeared later are still with us.
  15. Yes it's often said that we are living longer but I have often questioned that generalisation.
  16. One would have thought so...I've been to meetings whereby the result has been changed after the event because the ref had got it wrong when the wrong rider had been declared.
  17. Sorry to hear that Chunky...no ages at all. Life can be cruel at times.
  18. Another of our heroes gone. RIP
  19. ..I may well have it tucked away somewhere unless it went the same way as my programme collection?
  20. The Paisely memories made a fascinating read with Ivan Mauger making an appearance at a social gathering! Keep up the good work!
  21. The last rule book I bought was during the late seventies/early eighties...and it was "gobbledegook" then!
  22. I have to say that Anders was the Swede I most admired (although he rode for the "Berks" down the road!)...1973 he was just awesome. Nobody really has come close within Sweden in my estimation for sheer magnetism during my time following the sport although Tommy Jansson had class but to be honest I saw very little of him (clash of race nights with Oxford) but my abiding memory of him was two classic races with Gordon Kennett at White City's opening meeting in 1976 when Gordon had to pass him on both occasions.
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