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steve roberts

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Everything posted by steve roberts

  1. The team I supported (Oxford) appeared regularly in either league (in whatever guise) during the period I use to follow speedway so I had a good incite as regard the then different disciplines. 1972-75 (British League One) 1976-83 (National League) 1984-1992 (British League) 1993-94 (Premier League) 1995-1996 (One combined League) 1997 (Premier League) 1998 -2003 (Elite League) Also the Oxford Cubs occasionally ran in the 'Junior' League....think I got that little lot right? Personally I always preferred the 'upper' league until later when the GP came along and decimated it! However we did have some good seasons in the 'lower' league and the racing was exceptional on occasions. If I chose to go back to speedway (which is unlikely) my chosen league would be the second tier...but with less foreigners!
  2. I think that Ivan and Kym Mauger may have rode together during some of Ivan's Farewell Meetings?
  3. Strewth! I think I'll stick to riding a speedway bike!
  4. I had a go many years ago and have nothing but admiration for anybody who dares ride a bike with no gears and breaks!
  5. Enjoyed reading your post! I agree with much of what you say.
  6. Charlie & Richard May Derek & Nigel Close
  7. I recall that when dirt deflectors were first introduced it was thought that meetings would be less prone to postponements and/or cancellations due to adverse weather. The case for their introduction was that they would ease visibility and that meetings that would normally be cancelled would take place. That scenario never really did happen in my opinion (just another cost passed onto the riders) and it seems that postponements are even more prevalent nowadays judging by the comments. I'm sure there's a statistician out there who could either confirm or deny the ratio of meetings postponed prior to dirt deflectors being introduced and meetings postponed after their intervention? Personally I wouldn't be very surprised if the figure worked out about even.
  8. Just had a look at your photos...greats great stuff!!
  9. How about 'Kiwi' Cribb (who rode under the name 'Kiwi' during the 50s and 60s in New Zealand) and son Bruce. Les and Ronnie Moore.
  10. Bo (Tommy's brother) and Jimmy Jansson.
  11. Len and Ken Eyre...just read it in the latest 'Speedway Classic' magazine!
  12. Not sure what the present criteria is but tracks had to conform to FIM track measurements (width in particular) of which there were/are just a few in Britain.
  13. Recall the incident and Bernard got the then track presenter, Mike Bennett, to make a 'comment' over the PA regarding Thorp's actions who had 're-joined' the race and managed to re-pass at least one rider if I remember correctly. If I recall Bernard resigned as Team Manager.
  14. I guess that at a stretch Neil Street being father-in-law to Phil Crump and therefore Grandfather to Jason may qualify? I claim special dispensation for that one!
  15. Following on from the thread regarding fathers and sons who rode it did get me thinking of grandfathers who have competed. I can only come up with Charlie (Grandfather), Bob (Father) brothers John & Eric also rode and sons of Bob Martin & Paul Dugard. I remember reading sometime ago that Martin's son dabbled in the sport also...so that would actually make it four generations!
  16. Different slant on the subject but how about brothers riding together? The Boocock brothers would have taken some beating. They did appear at least on one occasion in a Best Pairs Final I seem to recall?
  17. Lionel and Barry Van Pragg. Ole and Jacob Olsen Peter and Robert Craven
  18. I championed this ideology some time ago on this forum but was shouted down!
  19. I'm sure that the last thing 'speedibee' would want is someone to 'fight his corner' for him but, although not always agreeing with him, he is one of very few of the contributors on BSF that makes me laugh out loud at some of his comments!
  20. I was stepping away from speedway at that point so can't make an in depth analysis from that era but my observations were based on when speedway was still enjoying national attention via newspapers and TV back in the early/middle eighties. The commentators then were suggesting that not having a World Champion racing in Britain would prove harmful and it's fair to say that speedway started to loose popularity around that time. Whether it was due to not having the World Champion ridding in Britain (1983 & 1984) is debatable. Personally if I still attended speedway I would enjoy the spectacle of watching the present World Champion competing but that's my personal view...leave others to debate.
  21. Yes I recall the comments made by Promoters/Fans/Journalists etc who thought that Bruce Penhall winning in 1982 (and retiring) and Egon Muller winning in 1983 suggesting how that would prove detrimental to domestic speedway in not having the World Champion riding in what was then regarded the Premier domestic league. These same sources also stated how important it was to have a British World Champion. One could argue that with Penhall's demise the sport has been on a downward spiral since (I don't personally agree with that assumption) but there is no getting away from the fact that domestic speedway in this country now appears to bare very little importance regarding the bigger picture. More's the shame!
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