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steve roberts

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Everything posted by steve roberts

  1. Only saw him ride at Briggo's 'Golden Greats Meeting' at Coventry in 1988. Would have enjoyed watching him in his heyday together with all the other greats of the fifties and sixties.
  2. Anybody have a copy of the match covered by Central TV between Cradley and White City in 1977?
  3. Interesting to see Oxford Speedway 2017 Calendars for sale at £10 each (proceeds to Speedway Riders' Benevolent Fund) in the latest edition of 'Backtrack'. Mine's on order!
  4. Derek 'Teddy Boy' Harrison. Super rider who won many of his points from the back at Cowley and Milton Keynes. Interesting that since he retired from riding he has had his eyesight corrected and no longer wears glasses!
  5. Yes I remember Dag's performance at Mike's meeting...simply awesome. Dag was probably the only rider who welcomed the rain prior to the 1974 World Final although I believe that the track had dried significantly before the start of the meeting (weren't some jet rocket propelled cars used to assist?) You're right in that Dag used to practice on frozen lakes as did Jan Andersen.
  6. Certainly did! Often known as 'Red' Ott!
  7. Yes Dave was a tough old rider and had a few runs in with Jack Millen, After a race incident at Berwick he once had his glasses broken by someone in the crowd throwing an object after the race.
  8. Dag was one of the last riders to use a JAP engine and it didn't suit Wood Lane. He had a bad smash with Trevor Hedge and it knocked his confidence but, personally, I feel that after getting his wish to ride at one of his favourite tracks (Oxford) he lost enthusiasm when the uncertainty over Cowley forced the promotion to move to London. Mike Sampson (although strictly an Eastbourne rider) was instrumental in 'The Rebels' winning the league in 1977 replacing the injured Paul Gachet. Great system back in the seventies when there were promotional links with both leagues which enabled riders to cover when injuries and/or absences occurred. Favourite/best Eastbourne side British League 2 Jessup, Ballard, Kennett, McNeil, Sampson, Gachet, Weatherley etc etc (they had so many!) British League era Kennett, Niemi, Moran, Preston, Woods, Dugard, Schwartz
  9. White City favourites... Kennett, Niemi, Weatherley, Geer, Cieslak, Lovaas, Sampson...and no jokes about Dag please!!
  10. Probably! His commentary drove/drives me to distraction...hence why I always turn the sound down!
  11. Bert Harkins when he rode for 'The Tigers' in 1972.
  12. Unfortunately any list of Oxford never really includes riders who rode at Cowley during their National League years...often over shadowed. My list would include Hunter, Yeates, Rumsey, Harrison, Shields, Askew, Perks, Ackroyd.
  13. Funny when you get talking to people but at my place of work I was having a chat with a lady from Bournemouth. I happen to mention that I used to go to the speedway at Wimborne Road and it transpired that she plays cards with one time Poole, Oxford and Coventry rider Reg Duval! He keeps fit by cycling apparently. Small world!
  14. Also Scott Autrey, Dave Jessup and Phil Crump.
  15. Interesting selection re Oxford! Unfortunately never saw Pander ride but mum remembers him as a regular visitor to the out patients local doctor's surgery (she was a receptionist there) My favourite 'Budgies' team would be Briggs, Ashby, Kilby, Crump, Hunter, Stangeland, McNeil.
  16. Am I allowed to include an Oxford 7? No order but Middleton, Holmqvist, Kennett, Lovaas, Nielsen, Wigg & Kilby.
  17. I'm sure that it was Joe Owen who admitted his non-attendance in an article in 'Backtrack'.
  18. I attended that meeting at Coventry and it was packed to the rafters! As you correctly say Hull had 'lost' the championship earlier in the season when certain riders failed to arrived at Wimbledon (at least one rider even admitted that he no intention of making it). The meeting at Swindon I recall going to and despite the efforts of a Dennis Sigalos maximum (15 points from the reserve berth?) another match point was lost. Ivan was excluded for a silencer infringement after the race at Poole when apparently his silencer was dis-lodged when returning to the pits and it was reported to the referee by an over zealous official!
  19. Reg 'Feathers' Luckhurst with his gold boots!
  20. Also the fact that riders now all wear full face helmets (obviously the right thing with safety in mind). Once upon a time one could differentiate between riders depending on the masks/scarves that they wore. Who could have confused Anders Michanek, and later Rickard Hellsen, with any other rider with their very easily identifiable face gear?
  21. This particular editorial is in the new book just published entitled 'Backtracking - Volume Two'. I recall that a feature appeared in the 'Backtrack' magazine but can't remember when. If I come across it I'll let you know but perhaps Tony can help? Malcolm Ballard would wear a rather scruffy cream (dirty/) jersey whilst a 'Rebel' and I remember that he appeared reluctant to wear the team leathers (mentioned earlier) but when he did he wore that same jersey over the top! When he joined Poole the following year (1974) he used to wear those same team leathers...always 'The Rebel' in more senses than one!
  22. They were fortunate in the very soggy meeting at Reading (I was present). It turned into very much of a lottery. However they fully deserved their win at White City (as well as the previous round although I didn't witness it) with a team of probably the only Kiwis riding in the British League (not including National League representation) at the time. If I recall Ivan's bike was being used virtually every race...certainly towards the end of the meeting!
  23. Agree totally Tony! Much preferred the days of individual leathers and simpler iconic race jackets (that'll surprise a few on here!!) The days when it was so much simpler identifying riders such as the 'Polka Dot Kid' and 'Little Boy Blue' amongst many, many others. When I first attended speedway this was one of he main reasons for me going but of course we now live in a much more clinical world and individuality is replaced by uniformity. I never had an issue identifying the different teams and who was riding for whom back then.
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