1. Ken McKinlay
2. Jimmy McMillan
3. Bobby Beaton
4. Kenny McKinna
5. Bert Harkins
...or is it?
I can think of the Templeton Brothers, Brian Collins, Kevin Little, Charlie McKinna, Colin Caffrey...now I'm struggling!
Sure there are some 'Bravehearts' out there who know better?
1. Ivan Mauger
2. Barry Briggs
3. Ronnie Moore
4. Geoff Mardon
...now it gets more difficult.
5. Larry Ross or Mitch Shirra (athough born Aussie) or Bob Andrews (although born British)...not sure who I would pick as number five on the list!
Lionel Van Pragg
Bluey Wilkinson
Jack Young
Phil Crump
Jason Crump
...and Billy Sanders very, very close behind!
Obviously forgetting Vic Duggan who was almost unbeatable one year!
Very similar to the American thread...pre & post war inclusions. Very difficult to compare if not impossible!
Very different to the other thread as the era under discussion here covers riders who competed pre-war right up to the present date.
I would, therefore, find it difficult naming a top five based upon the years involved and especially difficult considering that the sport was very different pre-war but here goes...
1. Sprouts Elder
2. Jack Milne
3. Cordy Milne
4. Scott Autrey
5. Bruce Penhall
But then again...?
Very much so Sid...and many fans were disappointed that he was unable to return in 1973 (he did, however, put in some brief appearances for Poole in 1974)
I was attempting to narrow it down to the modern BL (International Record included) era discounting the pioneering years (covered in another thread) and those Americans who didn't ride in Britain like Mike Bast for example.
1. Bruce Penhall
2. Scott Autrey
3. Kelly Moran
4. Shawn Moran
5. Sam Ermolenko
Difficult one with the likes of Dennis Sigalos, Bobby Schwartz, John Cook and Ron Preston...and not forgetting Steve 'The Heave' Gresham!!!!
Unfortunately didn't get to see them in 1974 as the Test Match at Cowley succumbed to the weather but eventually caught up with them in 1976 at Swindon!
I would go with that...perhaps adding Valeri Gordeev who many in the West thought was brother Vladimir (who had been banned for a year) riding under cover!
Yes in 1977/78 wearing a pair of Dag Lovaas leathers!
Rode for Oxford (beating Ray Wilson during one epic encounter) before an injury off track caused him to miss the rest of season.
..never rated Gunnestad personally. Never did anything at Cowley and I can still hear the cries "Lars (last) again!"
Remember when a Norway/Denmark Team competed in 1972 & 73...How times were to change in later years!
Sverre Harrfeldt (never saw him ride unfortunately but apparently was on Oxford's wanted list during 1972!)
Dag Lovaas
Reidar Eide
Edgar Stangeland
Odd Fossengen
Never saw Rune Holta and because of his chosen path to ride under a different 'flag' I'll rule him out!
Remember John Davis admitting his guilt at the inaugral Indoor Meeting at Wenbley when there was a race incident between himself and, if I recall, Ivan Mauger.