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steve roberts

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Everything posted by steve roberts

  1. ...visited High Beech many years ago as I was passing by and got to see the plaque commemorating the very first meeting at the visitor centre next to the King's Oak. Wandered around trying to make out where the track would have been but was difficult to make out. Well worth the visit, however, in visiting the spiritual home of the sport...although there are some claims that it started elsewhere in the UK but High Beech seems to be the accepted birthplace.
  2. He appeared in the aforementioned film 'The Blue Lamp' which featured White City Stadium but not aware of a speedway related film.
  3. I would agree...both the museum and Wildlife Park are great attractions but to have some sort of commemoration at High Beech would have been good in my view.
  4. Thai is a hard one... 3. Kelly Moran (?) 4. John Davis (?) 6. Craig Boyce 8. Jason Crump 10. Andrew Silver I remember 1 & 7 but can't put a name to them.
  5. Ron was very instrumental in tutoring and nurturing 'Tiger' Louis and was paired with him in the early days when both rode for 'The Witches'. Apparently when John Berry was manager of England Ron was also involved but very much in the background. A great tactician when being Team Manager meant something.
  6. Very sad news indeed. He and John Berry made a formidable pairing during the glory days of 'The Witches'. May he RIP and no doubt he and John will be meeting up again to relive past glories.
  7. According to Reg Fearman in his book the lease was 're-negotiated' during the Bill Dore/Pat Bliss era if I remember off the top of my head...good read by the way!
  8. ...which was a shame because the original concept had great potential when first built back in 1974.
  9. Interesting development but should be viewed with a certain amount of caution as tyres have proved problematical in the past with legality of same and subsequent confusion resulting in protests and counter protests.
  10. ...we had to put up with him at Cowley back during the middle seventies when thankfully the stadium was saved from development after his departure.
  11. Yes, Sid, a great rider. I remember when he came to Cowley in 1974 riding for Newport and managed to smash the track record! Glad that I saw him ride at Newport (twice if I recall)...a difficult track which he graced with distinction!
  12. If I recall he broke his scaphoid when attempting to replace a wheel on his car when the jack gave way.
  13. Remember his sensational debut season riding for the "Cheetahs' in 1978. Shame he gave Britain a miss returning some years later at Cradley...could have achieved a lot more in the sport. I'm sure his son, Ben, had a spell over here at the same time as Adam but never really made it.
  14. Two tracks I wish I had the opportunity of visiting!
  15. Who could forget Garry 'Cassius' Middleton. A real character and one incident I recall is when he proceeded to argue with one 'Soldier Boy' (whatever happened to him?) after a second half incident at Cowley when he invited him onto the centre green so as to continue the 'debate'!
  16. Saw Chris ride many.many times...and I have on DVD that incredible race during, I think, the 1981 World Team Cup Final (remember those?) where he passed two riders (one was Egon Muller if I recall) after being so far back from the pacemakers. A great race typical of Mort. A true legend!
  17. The rule book has often been questionable and full of loopholes which the more astute Team Managers (the late Ian Thomas take a bow) been able to manipulate to their advantage.
  18. I know it's not what the initial post intended but one mustn't forget Oxford (1939 and then 1949 to 2007)
  19. ...personally I like it when posts go off on a tangent. Often makes them more interesting!
  20. Interesting that the alternative working title for the film 'Once a Jolly Swagman' was 'Maniacs on Wheels!'
  21. ...definately 1976 as I recognise Paul Gachet's leathers as he was injured (broken ankle) early in 1977 and missed the rest of the season which is often conveniently forgotten when people question 'The Rebels' winning the championship that year. Great memories!
  22. Remember Eddie wearing a red full face helmet during 1973 for 'The Rebels' before he was transferred to King's Lynn. I guess that Briggo was one of the first although Terry Betts wore one before it really became the vogue. Saw a photo of Ivan Mauger wearing one with mirrors attached to the visor but it didn't really catch on. When full face helmets became the rage I don't recall seeing either of the Grahame brothers wearing one resisting the temptation...or Ole Olsen come to that!
  23. I'm guessing the late seventies...shame because it was one way of identifying riders with distinctive masks but of course the full face helmets which became the vogue offered better protection. Always recall Anders Michanek's scarf which he used to pull up over his mouth and nose.
  24. ...my class mates couldn't begin to imagine what it was like travelling up to White City London from Oxford every Wednesday (sometimes Tuesdays) when many had never even been to London. By 1978 (last year of 'The Rebels') I was driving up there myself after passing my driving test.
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