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steve roberts

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Everything posted by steve roberts

  1. I remember that League Cup and KO Cup matches during the late seventies/early eighties ran over 16 heats whilst the league remained over 13 heats. The National League also ran to a different heat formula during that period if I recall?
  2. I used to enjoy watching the variety of meetings served up (4TT, Pairs, Individual,Test Matches...but not 3TT!) but ultimately team meetings was my preferred choice. Trouble was that the punters turned their backs on the various disciplines and many promoters ultimately pulled the plug. Perhaps it's time to "re-invent" these formants in one way or another hoping to reinvigorate the imagination? I recall the 16 Lapper held at Ipswich and Swindon which initially proved successful and I remember going to at least two at Swindon.
  3. Yes I remember most tracks would stage at least one big meeting a season and I personally used to enjoy travelling to various events however fans began to be less inclined to watch them and slowly they were dropped from the programme more's the pity. The BLRC was one of the biggest events of the season but even riders towards the end became choosy as regards putting in an appearance. Perhaps it's time to re-introduce a bit of variety again (4TT, Best Pairs and Test Matches?) in the way that you have suggested?
  4. Trying hard to see if I recognise anyone in that image?
  5. I did some updates on some speedway sites many years ago but for the life of me can't remember how I did it!
  6. Absolutely. It's an interesting analogy because when speedway was first introduced to these shores individual meetings were the norm and altough initial interest was huge people soon grew tired of that concept and team speedway was introduced. Not sure if going back to an individual format would be the answer but that's just my opinion as we now live in a very different world and expectations I guess are different?
  7. In the past the addition of granite has helped track preparation/drainage not sure if this is the case now?
  8. I seem to recall that they tried something similar at Brighton but I've never seen any footage?
  9. Wasn't crushed shells once used or am I imagining that? Of course there was the infamous case of Bristol (Eastville) running with a dual sand surface which caused no end of disputes despite attracting good crowds during its short reign.
  10. I took it as a bit of banter and not offended in the slightest thanks!
  11. Yes I'd truly like to make a visit however my personal circumstances does make it difficult but you never know?
  12. Yes I guess that it comes across a bit like that although I found it refreshing that so many people that I knew are still involved at Cowley in one capacity or another.
  13. I recall the sadly missed Simon Wigg talking about a Grasstrack in France (?) that wasn't the conventional type with a jump, chicane and a right hand bend? In my opinion (and I would imagine most others) what makes speedway different to other forms of motorcycle racing (except grasstracking although a different technique is required) is the ability to broadside which creates the spectacle. To adopt a hard surface the ability to broadside must be retained and allowing the rear wheel to "spin" therefore constructing the right surface, adapting bikes (reducing the cubic capacity?) and tyres would be be a critical element. Certainly the initial meetings held at Wembley Pool caused riders all sorts of problems with too much grip although this was addressed to a certain degree at later meetings. Racing Longtrack style is all about keeping the wheels in line as much as possible and top end speed is the element which is why it never really interested me personally.
  14. Good to hear from you Matt. Glad that you still have the jacket...it saw me thru' those glory years! I did wonder if that was your daughter?
  15. ...I'm particularly aghast at the poor standard of goalkeepership (if there is such a word).
  16. Again an old story but John Berry put his name forward but quickly withdrew it when he soon realised that he wouldn't get the backing that was required to make it work.
  17. Something that John Berry questioned in one of his books.
  18. I went to three Wembley Indoor Meetings and a Double Header at the NEC and as a novelty and a winter warmer they were okay but personally I grew tired of the format but perhaps in a bigger arena with bigger tracks who knows. Perhaps the O2 Arena in the Docklands? Didn't think much of Telford however.
  19. Personally I felt that the aggregate bonus point system was one of the better innovations and during the Nielsen years at Cowley we certainly benefitted when during that period we were consistantly one of the more attractive teams away from home taking into account points scored and against although our home record could sometimes be suspect none more so than in 1990 when we achieved the best away record but threw too many points away at home.
  20. When I had a try out at one of Olle Nygren's Training Schools I recall that we were given a pre-ride discussion as regards the bikes (2 valve Jawa) and tracks.
  21. Am I right to think that Exeter once gained the most with the aggregare bonus point when added together gave them the championship despite not achieving much on their travels in that particular year (which I can't remember)?
  22. I recognise the fact that younger audiences apparently no longer watch "live" TV however I do find it ironic that the main terrestrial channels (can't comment on cable/satellite) broadcast programmes aimed at that same audience ie "reality" type programmes with "celebrities" that those of a certain age would be able to relate to? As regards "modern agenda/gender and cultural needs" we now have a greater influx of main stream sports that now cover both male and female participants (football, rugby and cricket being the high profile ones) which is no bad thing but which ultimately squeezes out any hope of other "minority" sports getting much of a look in as there is only so much air time available. As regards "popular" sports that's very much open to question and speedway in the past when "popular" never got much in the way of a look in other than the sadly missed "World of Sport" and regional channels (ATV and Anglia were particularly good) but it never got the recognition it deserved from the BBC who obviously viewed it with suspicion and not worthy of much attention despite many thousands following the sport during that period. The BBC in particular has always been very selective in its sports coverage whereas commercial TV tended to be more adventurous in its policy making especially when Channel 4 came into being.
  23. Yes I was thinking more the five main terrestrial channels although the BBC was never reallly a great fan of the sport even during its last "Golden Era" when England ruled the world. Thank goodness for cable and/or satellite (although I subscribe to neither) for showing interest but the days of main stream coveage have long gone to be replaced by sports that fit the modern agenda/gender and cultural needs.
  24. Oil from the bikes used to help the shale "bind" thereby benefitting the surface of the track.
  25. Just goes to show how much speedway has slipped off the radar the fact that the BBC can justify televising the Woman's Netball World Cup!
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