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steve roberts

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Everything posted by steve roberts

  1. Yes I'm sure we will be seeing massive moves in the way that you have suggested. I'm due my weekly shop tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it!
  2. I've just come back from a spot of birdwatching and trust me to share a hide with someone who was deaf and admitting that he had left his hearing aid at home and insisted on coning over to me to speak showing me images that he had taken on his camera...he meant well but I couldn'y believe my luck!
  3. I'd never met, or indeed heard of him, but judging by the comments on here he seemed a top man. RIP
  4. I know...I had the same problem at Morrisons! How can one stock crumpets? Apparently there are lots to be had in Berwick!!
  5. ...except I won't be able to enjoy watching steam trains on the NYMR (also closed) but that's a small price to pay.
  6. I'm a pretty miserable old git so solitude is not a problem for me personally. Fishing and bird watching trips and walking my friend's dog in the countryside and indoor pursuits like my model railway, editing my vast collection of photographs, watching films from my vast library of DVDs, catching up with my reading and family history...as well as wasting valuable time on the BSF!
  7. I personally think that Troy Butler could have gone further in the sport but he never looked totally comfortable around Cowley although he did register some good scores during 1989 and was often our trump card. Was at Brandon in 1985 when he scored a majestic 11 points from the reserve berth during a KO tie...sublime performance!
  8. ...and Oxford stuffed them twice handsomely at Owlerton during that glorious season of 1986!
  9. Have to say Sid he was a great exponent of the lost art of team riding a colleague home (certainly what I saw of him whilst riding for Oxford) unlike some others that I could mention...Rickardsson in particular!
  10. ...and I remember that they gave Ipswich a shock at Foxhall Heath by winning the First Leg of the KO Cup (sadly missed tournament in my view) and the second leg was a mere formality when they went on to win the cup!
  11. Jim had retired when I first went but at least I got to see him at Cowley when he turned out for Australia against Poland during the Daily Mirror Tournament in 1973. A class act!
  12. Trouble is that is how many people follow the news and the media play on it.
  13. Exactly and how will it be administered?
  14. Will people be expected to prove their age if 'caught out and about'?
  15. Quite. Can't expect those over 70 remaining isolated for goodness how long.
  16. ...and we've yet to enter the hay fever season. I used to sneeze on a regular basis during my time spent at Oxford working with locusts. Dust and allergens a plenty raising and studying the little critters!
  17. As a keen photographer myself some great images there.
  18. To be fair I think that Hans having served British Speedway with distinction for many years he did confirm on having joined Coventry that he only intended spending a couple of years based in Britain. Personally I don't think that it was a reflection on how British Speedway was being run but more that he was wishing to curtail his involvement and found that being based on the continent suited his family responsibilities.
  19. Quoting from the book 'Speedway in East Anglia' by Norman Jacobs. "A major incident occurred during the season (1986) when, on 11 June, Mildenhall refused to ride at Long Eaton, claiming the track was unfit. The Speedway Control Board fined the club £1.000 with £1,000 costs. In Addition Robert Henry, Dave Jessup and Melvyn Taylor were fined £250 each and Eric Monaghan, Rob Parish, Richard Green, Wayne Dunworth and team manager, Maurice Everett, had to pay £200 each. All parties were banned for six months, suspended for two years."
  20. Yes Mildenhall refused to race and the two Long Eaton riders took to the track over the thirteen heats to register a 65-0 'win'. I'm sure that elsewhere on this thread it had been noted that the same scenario took place at Peterborough in 1976 against Oxford.
  21. Blimey! You get to see a doctor? To make an appointment to see a doctor at my local surgery there are so many loops and hoops to negotiate I've given up trying.
  22. I tend to read autobiographies/biographies (afteral many are 'ghost' written) of sportsmen (generally footballers and speedway riders although Jackie Stewart's was a most rewarding read) but generally avoid those written when the subject matter is still competing at his chosen sport. Prefer a more rounded insight based on a career finalised rather than a candid view whilst still active. Can't say by the comments I've been reading about Woffinden's effort that I am desperate in purchasing a copy.
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