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steve roberts

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Everything posted by steve roberts

  1. Apparently on his return to the States he became a stunt man.
  2. Remember Trevor Geer loosing control at Cowley and his bike careering full speed across the centre green (it wasn't 'green' in those days however!) taking out a bystander breaking his leg.
  3. Interesting observation. I grew up watching speedway during this era and it was the recognised style...not sure when riders adopted a 'trailing left leg' moving away from the more up right approach. May have been the American invasion of the late seventies/early eighties? I recall the 1987 World Final and Henny Kroeze was the only rider adopting the old style and he looked most out of place!
  4. Thinking it's Rick Miller but I don't think it is?
  5. Saw a lot of Bobby, not only at Eastbourne, due to the promotional tie up at Cowley. He was ear-marked to move up with "The Rebels" but if I recall Bob Radford advised him otherwise and he eventually moved to Swindon. Bob Radford was somewhat bitter towards Oxford after he resigned his position whilst the season was still in progress in 1974. Of course it's well documented that after McNeil's move to Hackney he was badly affected by the death of Vic Harding who he knew growing up within the grasstrack scene and he retired prematurely.
  6. It's funny how things turn out but I remember both Colin Richardson and Michael Lee as fifteen year olds riding in 'demonstation' races at Cowley (1974) and Colin coming out on top. As we know Michael's career reached the heights whereas Colin's after showing much promise tended to peter out.
  7. Yes I remember that...but more that Gordon Kennett missed a golden opportunity of winning the thing on his own track because, if I recall, he went into the meeting with most points?
  8. I also went to the three White City Finals...including seeing Freddie Starr at the 1978 event when he bought a bike for the competing Tony Davey!
  9. The first Grand Prix took place in 1976 with a Grand Final held at White City which was sponsored by the Daily Mirror. First was Peter Collins followed by Gordon Kennett and in third place was Ole Olsen. During, I think, 1978 the qualifying rounds also doubled as world championship rounds and by then Volkswagen had come on board as dual sponsors. If memory serves the Final from 1979 onwards was held at Wimbledon with Berger Paints as sponsors? Can't recall when it finished but by then it was somewhat watered down and only a select few took part.
  10. He was christened as "Mr Oxford" by some and to be fair did sterling service for Oxford without really reaching the same dizzy heights which I guess was understandable given the circumstances however I never really took to him.
  11. I obviously saw a lot of Todd when he returned to Britain (after a year in Germany) and signed for "The Cheetahs" in 1998. I know that I'll upset Rob but I was never a great fan of Todd at Cowley...seemed just the one pace type of rider. Okay when he gated but easily picked off on occasions. I know that he was hero worshipped at Wimbledon and later at Reading but perhaps the bad injury he picked up which forced his premature retirement changed his outlook on his comeback? Just my opinion on observations based as a "Cheetah".
  12. Yes that's the date mentioned on his headstone.
  13. ...wasn't without precedence. Halifax did the same when Kenny Carter was injured in 1984.
  14. I would agree as I enjoy reading contribtions from both Chunky and Sid.
  15. I lost a bit of respect for Jason during the year he rode for Oxford when he slapped team mate Todd Wiltshire after a racing incident which was purely accidental however I re-gained my faith in him in later years when he went on to become one of the world beaters and mellowed...like us all, I suppose, with age comes a more mature approach to life in general or I would hope!
  16. I thought that it was Martin but wasn't sure.
  17. Visited his grave at Farnley a couple of years back.
  18. I remember Phil when he was at Newport (1974) and he was almost unbeatable round there after a season out thru' injury and was superb...lowering the long existing Oxford track record in the process. Of course by 1975 he was riding the Street 4 Valve conversion which enable him to get a head start on many before the four valve revolution crept its way into speedway. He was a class act up until a very bad crash at Sheffield in 1977 and from then onwards remained a solid dependable number one for a number of seasons but lost out on the international stage in my opinion.
  19. Yes I remember that incident (I used to stand on the third bend)...vaguely recall the choice of music being played and the furore it created. There used to be a number of crashes on that area of the track because of the notorious adverse camber which used to catch a few riders out (although not in Richard's case as I seem to remember that there was a coming together between two riders?) It became very obvious to me during one close season when I was helping with getting the track ready for the new season and becoming very aware of the track flattening out two thirds the way up to the fence. One rider who used it to his advantage, however, was Dag Lovaas who rode the line perfectly sweeping past opponents by sticking his rear wheel on the point of no return so to speak!
  20. I just remember that in 2002 at Oxford he never looked the same rider having previously displayed great potential. Yes I seem to recall that he went on to ride with a certain amount of success in the GPs but after a somewhat disappointing year at Oxford he moved to pastures new.
  21. Oxford signed the Dryml brothers in 2000 on very high assessed averages I recall at the time. They somewhat struggled that year but came back all the stronger the following championship winning year. Lukas in particular was a revelation until a very zealous coming together with Peter Karlsson at King's Lynn when both went clattering into the fence. Lukas picked up a damaged knee and it played havoc with him for the rest of the year (picking up some unwanted publicity also it has to be said) and in my opinion was never the same rider again although he did go on to compete at the highest level for a number of years it has to be said.
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