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Everything posted by Aroundtheboards

  1. Anyway ! About this cancelled Presentation Night !!!
  2. She stated on the Club Website last week that there were only a few tickets left !!! I know that is a marketing ploy but I think she has been totally unprofessional and has shot herself in the foot over this one !!! Still totally unprofessional in my book. She has offended a hoard of people and should make a statement to calm things down or she could be on her own next season !!! I wonder what Garry May's view is !!!
  3. I hear Bomber's guesting for Rebels on Friday !!! My heart pumps purple wee wee !!!
  4. Wins a win but it could have been so much different if they had taken there chance to stuff Leicester last week !!!
  5. Have a look on Rebels Facebook page and look at the photo of the sky they claim is over the Oaktree !!!! I think Debbie must have taken it on her holls !!!
  6. I am over the moon that this has fallen foul because of weather !!! Gives us time to have a regroup and use our own team hopefully and get a Psychological win at home to take to Abbey, didn't fancy the guests !!!
  7. You are missing the point !!! I am talking from a spectator at the event point of view and meetings go far better without television coverage !!! I have been around longer than commercial television and I know exactly how it works from a financial angle, I don't need a lesson from you thank you !!!
  8. Because the weather had been poor and BT were televising it and like all televised matches it was going to be crap as they monopolise riders and heat times for commercial breaks. Had this been a normal meeting the referee would have pushed it along and heat fifteen would have been done and dusted long before the rain came. Sky/ BT = Crap run meeting !!! I never go when it's televised and I know a load of others of the same mind ! I can do without hype and start dollies, foam hand and the rest of the rubbish !!!
  9. Raining at the mo in BOS just down the road. Forecast to stop at 18:00 !
  10. OK at the moment but the forecasts keep changing, first it was rain come 16:00 ! Then no rain until 23:00 now it's back to 16:00 !!! Nothing as yet ! Will keep you posted !
  11. Never rated him as a rider let alone a team manager !!!
  12. Reading the last bit of your last sentence makes me wonder if you were actually at the Oaktree arena !!!
  13. Cook next to come under the axe ???? !!!
  14. I thought this was a Rebels V Wolves thread ? So why are we talking about - - uh Poole was it !!!
  15. Stopped Raining, looking brighter, still on !!! 14-03 hrs !
  16. Yeah I thought she scrubbed up well for the Telly !!! Give her a call Tommy !!! You've got nothing to lose !!!
  17. Debbie Hancock is always delaying the meeting for latecomers on the M5. I'll tell her you can't leave Wolves until 5pm Tommy and see what she says !!! You didn't wanna cum down the M25 you wanna come down the M11 !!! What I am trying to say to you is, you don't wanna cum down the M25 !!!
  18. Hi. M5 is a swear word around here after last week !!! Just looked at weather and still it gives clearing in the PM so we live in hope !!! Rebels website is still in "GO" mode so I'll update you at 2pm and then I'll keep you in touch through the afternoon ! Not raining here at the moment and there are patches of brightening sky to the south !!! So, as I say we live in hope !
  19. Hi Speedcrazy ! Weather here at this time is cloudy and showers (raining presently). The forecast is much better for PM. What time do you leave ? I will keep you updated with any announcements when and if !!!
  20. While a win is a win nobody wants to watch teams have to contest three rider races. It's farcical that the reserves aren't allowed to take Tungate's rides and gain valuable track time and be given a chance to possibly make a name for themselves ! None of us from Somerset wanted to see our team ride against a weakened Aces side !!! Although we were amused at Cookie spitting the dummy out on a couple of occasions !!! Thanks for the 3 points Aces, onward and upward !
  21. I think the riders might have something to say about riding in wet conditions, a bit like lying on the beach in pouring rain trying to get a sun tan !!!
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